McCanns going too far?

What, so are people suggesting they killed her before they went out for a meal, got rid of the body, and then claimed she was taken after they came back from the meal to give them an alibi?

Now that sounds interesting, but why kill her? If somebody can come up with a reason for that then other pieces of the jigsaw might fit. If she was terminally ill for instance then the above sugestion would be plausable.
Now that sounds interesting, but why kill her? If somebody can come up with a reason for that then other pieces of the jigsaw might fit. If she was terminally ill for instance then the above sugestion would be plausable.

Dunno, it seems strange that all this time has gone buy and no one has found her, although it's possible she is being held in some basement somewhere and we won't hear from her unless she escapes.
well wtahcing the news last night, it's possible the MCCanns actually made them self suspects. The law over there states a suspect has to awnser very question the police asks, isn't aloud a lawyer etc. It is not uncommon for people to demand to become a suspect, as they then have the right to silence. We already know miss McCann wasn't happy with the police questioning and felt they might try to pin it on her. SO the pair might of requested being suspects.

Also under there law, there not allowed to release evidence like over her. So we aren't going to find out the dna results.

Dunno, it seems strange that all this time has gone buy and no one has found her, although it's possible she is being held in some basement somewhere and we won't hear from her unless she escapes.

That bit is not odd at all. There are thousands of people that go missing every year and our never found. She could be buried some where. She could be in a foreign country where they pay very high prices for blond girls. One of my friends parents where offered 14 camels for her daughter.Or as you say she could just be locked up somewhere.
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I personally believe that the McCann's were accidentaly responsible for the death of their daughter via some means of negligence. Both unable to cope with the shock of what they've caused, their immediate reaction was to deny it was happening, mentally. They have tried to completely block it out of their minds and convince themselves it's not really happening. This wasn't us. She was abducted.

Whilst maintaining public composure, they are probably absolute messes in the depths of their subconcious.

Of course, I'm talking crap.
I personally believe that the McCann's were accidentaly responsible for the death of their daughter via some means of negligence. Both unable to cope with the shock of what they've caused, their immediate reaction was to deny it was happening, mentally. They have tried to completely block it out of their minds and convince themselves it's not really happening. This wasn't us. She was abducted.

Whilst maintaining public composure, they are probably absolute messes in the depths of their subconcious.

Of course, I'm talking crap.

In which case, what did they do with the body?
In which case, what did they do with the body?

Yeah, that's a good question. I guess ithe chances of them trying to store it somewhere succesfully in a foreign country (and then dispose of it using the hire car at some later date) aren't very high. I'm glad I'm not a detective.
Maddie's blood in the hire car which they got 25 days after she went missing? :eek: Now that would be a twist if she was found guilty... Would make for a very interesting documentary too. Is there some source for this or just rumours?
poor madeleine :(

if they found guilty they should at least point out where they buried her and give that little angel a proper funeral, otherwise the parents should be shot in the back of their heads , chinese style :mad:
poor madeleine :(

if they found guilty they should at least point out where they buried her and give that little angel a proper funeral, otherwise the parents should be shot in the back of their heads , chinese style :mad:

They haven't even be charged yet,

Until they are taken before a court and set a bail, which suspects can be over there. That is when then should be hyped up.
Im BEGINING to join the "she might have" bandwagon. If the blood in the car is proven thats pretty much got it proven. They're were both bleating a couple of days ago about being "terrified of being set-up by the police" which is a kind of random thing to profess fear of unless your worried their getting close?
Im with the idea this was an accident they've tried to cover up, possibly causing some mental issues. Any stories of Kates previous mental health?
If the blood found in the hire car is Madeleine's, I don't see how they could have hidden the body for 25 days in a forgeign country, with police sniffer dogs searching all over the place. And then sneak the body into a hire car, with all the press watching and bury/hide her somewhere else. Just doesn't make sense to me.
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