McCanns going too far?

If the blood found in the hire car is Madeleine's, I don't see how they could have hidden the body for 25 days in a forgeign country, with police sniffer dogs searching all over the place. And then sneak the body into a hire car, with all the press watching and bury/hide her somewhere else. Just doesn't make sense to me.
I agree, also after 25 days, it would be more than a few traces of blood. you would have a lot of smelly fluids seeping out of the body.
I wonder how likely it is for the police to set them up? I don't know if they have dodgy policing over there or whatever, but they seemed pretty narf about it when she first went missing, and the fact they need UK sniffer dogs / forensics doesn't put much confidence in them :confused: Maybe they would set the parents up, just to close the case?
oh by the way

when did they decide Madeline was dead ? just noticed all the statements etc now refer to them been accused of the murder and accidental death etc

also this is a bit sickening
'if you say you killed Madeleine by accident and then hid her and disposed of the body, then we can guarantee you a two-year jail sentence or even less'.

two years ....
Theres loads of ways blood or dna could have got into the hire car.

It could have been on an item of clothing from when the little girl cut herself during the holiday, yong children are always grazing a knee or cutting themself.

Could also explain the blood in the apartment, for me blood in the apartment prooves nothing, as i say she could o hurt herself earlier in the holiday.

Forensics could also be wrong and there could be a lot of cross contamination, early in the investigation it was said there was a lot of cross contamination in the apartment by the portugese police, so i have no faith that they would be able to keep further forensics clean and above board.

They werent even interested to start with, at border patrol half the cops just sat in cars eating and chatting etc and let loads of suspect vehicles pass.

IF they had killed her by accident then imo you would want a proper funeral for your little girl so you could grieve properly.

Either they didnt do it which is what i believe or they are the some of the most messed up and twisted people alive.
I think they went out, had a few stellas, and then smacked the girl too hard because she "looked at them a bit funny".

I can't see why there would be blood on the walls if it they'd accidentally given her an overdose. And blood in hire car = amateurs. If they had 25 days before they disposed of her body they had time to find some plastic sheeting or something to wrap her body in. Schoolboy error.
So while the whole world is interested i nthe case, hundreds of the worlds media are camped outside where they are staying and following there every move.

While all thats happening they managed to hide and then dispose of a body.

I dont buy it at all
So while the whole world is interested i nthe case, hundreds of the worlds media are camped outside where they are staying and following there every move.

While all thats happening they managed to hide and then dispose of a body.

I dont buy it at all

Or they could've disposed of the body before reporting her missing?

Edit: Forgot about when the car was hired.
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I think they found Maddy dead in the apartment and then panicked, hid the body and then moved it again 25 days later. Sick and twisted people If I am right....all the media attention, meeting the pope etc! They are doctors and know how to clean up any blood in the apartment from the 'incident' but slipped up when moving the body (probably in plastic sheeting)

Would make sense why the family didn't return to the UK as well.....body needs hiding!
Theres loads of ways blood or dna could have got into the hire car.

It could have been on an item of clothing from when the little girl cut herself during the holiday, yong children are always grazing a knee or cutting themself.

Could also explain the blood in the apartment, for me blood in the apartment prooves nothing, as i say she could o hurt herself earlier in the holiday.

Forensics could also be wrong and there could be a lot of cross contamination, early in the investigation it was said there was a lot of cross contamination in the apartment by the portugese police, so i have no faith that they would be able to keep further forensics clean and above board.

They werent even interested to start with, at border patrol half the cops just sat in cars eating and chatting etc and let loads of suspect vehicles pass.

IF they had killed her by accident then imo you would want a proper funeral for your little girl so you could grieve properly.

Either they didnt do it which is what i believe or they are the some of the most messed up and twisted people alive.

I'm sure I read on the BBC site somewhere that the blood in the apartment, came from a male adult who stayed there after the McCanns had left.
Who has caused cross contamination? I'm sure the family would have washed their clothes a few times in a 25 day period, and its a new hire car, so anything found in it from Maddy indicates foul play ???
Who has caused cross contamination? I'm sure the family would have washed their clothes a few times in a 25 day period, and its a new hire car, so anything found in it from Maddy indicates foul play ???
Not really, how about teddy bears, clothing, toys of maddalines.
25days is a long time, there would be an awful lot of mess from a body stored for that long.
The Police out there have always been useless and many times they have been accused of setups.

This could very easily be another setup by the Police especially since they have been humiliated for failing to find one clue or hint as to how or what has happened to Madeleine.

If they are being treated as suspects, should the friends that was with them on holiday, also should be quizzed cause if the McCann family were disposing a body, they would have noticed something fishy or where the hell as Madeleine gone to.

I don't think they did it but you just never know these days.
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I heard on the news that when they hired this car 25 days later they where going to see the pope or see some one the day after so they where being driven everywhere.

Maybe they are just getting the police confused by doing it.

This is what I think.

I think they or one of the freinds/relatives that are with them killed her.

If she was just taken from the room then who ever took her must have been watching the family to see when she was left alone, so he/she could take her, which I dont think is likely because this isnt a movie where the person watchs the family's every move and then decides to strike.

I also dont think that some one would just randomly walk up to their room get in and then take her. How would the person know that there was kids in there alone.

Blood in the room - if she was taken maybe a struggle and she got hit/cut by the person.

So who had the car on the day of the child’s disappearance? The whole thing is like a soap opera.

Blood in the car - I bet the police havnt even checked who rented that car before the McCanns, probabilly the kidnapper themselves only other explanation for the blood being there.

Also this rubbish about doing a deal - if one of the parents did it then I think they would want to spend more than 2 years in jail. They would get battered by everone if they went any where. I personally would batter the parent.

Maybe the parents are just Ian Huntley wannabes and they are trying to get away with it for the longest amount of time while being at the centre of it all, just like he was sort of.
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