McCanns going too far?

it's turned into another lindy chamberlain farce, for those who don't remember - "dingo stole my baby"

cept there's no dingos in portugal so i don't think that excuse will fly.
The McCanns didn't do it. The blood in the hire car is nothing substantial as there are traces of blood on many of our clothes EVEN AFTER they've been washed. They have been named as suspects as it allows them more rights and legal protection than that afforded to a witness under Portuguese law.
Blood in the car - I bet the police havnt even checked who rented that car before the McCanns, probabilly the kidnapper themselves only other explanation for the blood being there.

As far as I know nobody had actually rented the car during the period between Madeleine's disappearance and the McCann's renting it, traces of Maddy's blood were found in the boot...

If I were the Portuguese police I would get all the friends in for questioning, but the Portuguese police don't seem too bright.
I think they found Maddy dead in the apartment and then panicked, hid the body and then moved it again 25 days later. Sick and twisted people If I am right....all the media attention, meeting the pope etc! They are doctors and know how to clean up any blood in the apartment from the 'incident' but slipped up when moving the body (probably in plastic sheeting)

And where exactly did they hide the body for 25 days considering that there was a huge search just after the dissappearance?

Also, if you knew that there was a body that needed moving then the last thing you would do would be to make a media circus out of things. The press may notice you stuffing the body of a small child into your boot after all.
It's very unlikely they moved the body, unless they got it done before the media circus arrived. I just don't buy it.

If they're innocent, I feel real sorry for them. They've only been made suspects because that's the way they do things over there, it just entitles them to more rights than as a witness.

It kind of sucks they seem to just have stopped looking for Madeline too and now focusing on the parents (Impression I got from the family though so taken with a pinch of salt).
Hmmm BBC have just reported the McCanns want to leave Portugal "as soon as possible". They've certainly changed their tune.

*shakes fist at the new comer for beating him*

Welcome punk :) I LOVE the sig. Classic :)
Hmmm BBC have just reported the McCanns want to leave Portugal "as soon as possible". They've certainly changed their tune.

*shakes fist at the new comer for beating him*

Welcome punk :) I LOVE the sig. Classic :)

lol was just siting here postig the other post when i heard the news lol and cheers for the welcome good to see its a nice friendly forum:D

the McCanns want to leave Portugal "as soon as possible". They've certainly changed their tune.

Yep it was only a few weeks/months back they wanted to stay but the (if i rember right) the locals wanted them gone
Had a mate in the pub earlier say "How can you think they'd ever harm a child? They're doctors!". He didn't like it when I pointed out that Harold Shipman was a well liked and respected doctor, right up until the time it was found he'd killed about 300 of his patients.
I find it quite funny how the McCanns want to flee the country now that the police are suspecting them of murder. There's something fishy going on.
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