McCanns going too far?

I find it quite funny how the McCanns want to flee the country now that the police are suspecting them of murder. There's something fishy going on.

As I've said before. They informed the police they wanted to leave a couple of days ago, before the interviews.
they did it
they did it
they did it
they did it

seriously, if i had lost my beautiful daughter and the police were saying I did it i would have the biggest public mental breakdown, be sectioned and never recover

there just too cool for my liking

btw they did it
I think what the Portuguese are doing at the moment is a load of bs, they don't want to have to end up blaming anyone Portuguese as it's bad press for their country and tourism etc. :rolleyes:
You'd think some of the posters in this thread were qualified criminologists or forensic scientists, what with their knowledge of everything that happens to a dead body.

They are obviously wasted in their current jobs.
[TW]Fox;10057354 said:
You'd think some of the posters in this thread were qualified criminologists or forensic scientists, what with their knowledge of everything that happens to a dead body.
no, but it is common knowledge that a dead body left for a period off time, will have various liquids oozing out of them. Unless it's frozen or extremely well wrapped up.
no, but it is common knowledge that a dead body left for a period off time, will have various liquids oozing out of them. Unless it's frozen or extremely well wrapped up.

Your right, various liquids and substances will be apparent on a 25day old corpse, but it depends if wildlife or flies etc have gotten to the body since it was dead, and also how it was packaged for 'storage' You would think a doctor would have some understanding on what would happen to a dead body and how to clean up afterwards to minimise the mess. They are guilty imho
Not to mention the Maddy case has made the Portuguese establishment look like utter monkeys, and that its actually bad for business as it puts tourists off. I think the Police will be under quite a bit of pressure to close off the case right now.

But look at the police theory it's not weak by any means, just lacking good solid evidence because they have spent the past 4mths on a wild goose chase.

A kid has vanished suspected of being accidently overdosed with seditives, these kids were left alone in bed without any babysitter despite reports from neighbours of hearing children crying in the nights prior to the incident.

If this were true and they accidently killed Maddy it would totally ruin both the McCann's careers and probably result in a jail sentence in a foreign land (where prisons are not so cushy) and also losing their other 2 other children, result = life ruined and desperate times call for desperate measures as they say.

Despite being total idiots the Portugal police have forensic evidence from us Brits backing up their suspicions and hence them both being prime suspects.
Your right, various liquids and substances will be apparent on a 25day old corpse, but it depends if wildlife or flies etc have gotten to the body since it was dead, and also how it was packaged for 'storage' You would think a doctor would have some understanding on what would happen to a dead body and how to clean up afterwards to minimise the mess. They are guilty imho
When did they have time to hid e the body and prepare it?
Where did they store the body when a man hunt was going on.
WHy haven't there other kids said anything? I know there young, but kids don't keep secrets and let things out.
Also as far as I know the blood in the car has not been confirmed by the police. But was suggested to the McCanns and the papers, by another potential witness who was questioned by the police.

They might well be guilty, I'm going to hold back for know though.
When did they have time to hid e the body and prepare it?
Where did they store the body when a man hunt was going on.
WHy haven't there other kids said anything? I know there young, but kids don't keep secrets and let things out.
Also as far as I know the blood in the car has not been confirmed by the police. But was suggested to the McCanns and the papers, by another potential witness who was questioned by the police.

They might well be guilty, I'm going to hold back for know though.

Who saw Maddy before she went missing? she could have went missing 24hrs earlier for all we know, and the night she went missing was just a smokescreen?

All the kids were given sleeping pills so the parents could go out in peace?
Maddy didnt wake up, the other kids didnt know what went on..Just what mummy told them the next morning?

Everyone knows you need an alibi if the police get involved with a suspicious death, so the McCanns had one, a public restaurant.

If it was a pure accident, and Maddy tripped and banged her head, then the parents could call the police and claim it was an accident, and we would be sad for them, but non prescribed sedatives? would ruin the lives and careers of both parents, and would mean the other children taken into care?

If someone did indeed break into the McCann apartment, why no sign of a break-in, and why was Maddy the only one taken? I bet the psychologists have some good ideas what went on, but its not public knowledge yet ;)

Too many unanswered questions, and a very cool couple, they look guilty as hell in my eyes
Who saw Maddy before she went missing? she could have went missing 24hrs earlier for all we know, and the night she went missing was just a smokescreen?
Seeing as they where dining with friends, then I assume they would off seen her in the day. If she was killed earlier, then that negates the sleeping pills for the other children.
Hotels don't have great security, there could be any number of ways to break in with no noticeable signs, stolen to order?, why would you steal all three kids ? any number of reasons why only one was stolen, the other two might of been to young, or just the hassle and noise of stealing three.

Trouble is the police can't release evidence over there. Which makes everything look dodgy, for us brits who usually have access to at least some evidence. There seems to be a lot pf backlash on the parents, just because the legal system over there is diffrent.
It is highly unlikely that they gave her a overdose, tehre both doctors.
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The press arent helping at all, various wild speculation in various papers, even with The wife washing the Madies favourite teddy/toy, isnt helping matters. We have to go on the presumption that she is still alive and in need of all our help in getting her back. I have a 2 year old daughter and if this happened to me, it would be gut renching to say the least. Having lost my boy 6 hours after he was born, its turmoil for a parent to hope but also know there is also a possible outcome that you will never see your child growing up.

Point to that Austrian Girl kidnapped and then reappeared what was it 8 or 10 years later after her abuction?
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