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Melted CableMod 4090 90 degree adapter

They can easily tell when a area has been worked on and the parts replaced will not be exact same part as before too. This is all part of this problem too, they void the warranty.

Has there been any instances yet of a card having the connector replaced, something else going bad then the vendor refusing warranty because of the included dodgy connector being fixed?
Nice one - did they replace the connector with the original one or revised?
I have no idea at the minute but will get some pics up when it returns :)

Don't want to strike the fear of god into you or anyone else for that matter but what happens now if say next month a ram module fails? I guess Nvidia or the AIB turn around and say no warranty as the card has been tampered with (repaired).
Should be fine considering i have already rma a 4090 back to Nvidia that had some nail varnish applied to the smd and some liquid metal on the die and was in an EK waterblock ... as long as it is returned to stock condition then will be no issue ... acetone got rid of the varnish on the smd and cleaned the die of LM and reapplied paste fitted stock cooler and sent it back no issue at all :D If i did get stuck with it then would just send it back to KrisFix to sort as he can pretty much do anything needed including replacing ram modules or even the die if needed , the guy is a genius .
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It is all a bit suspicious that in the days of click-bait sensationalistic YouTube stars and similar, nobody seems willing to touch this story.

Are they all that afraid of Nvidia PR blacklisting them?

EDIT: wonder what this will do to used prices. x90 cards too rich for me, but I have looked at used or fire-sale 3090 or 6900/6950 - when the time comes I for once would probably just dismiss a used 4090.
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Has there been any instances yet of a card having the connector replaced, something else going bad then the vendor refusing warranty because of the included dodgy connector being fixed?

The companies refused the original repair of the connector and even emailed people that the warranty is void because of it, so that means no warranty in the future too, the card has had a fault that they stated is not their fault and the fault of cablemod or other reasons regarding the melting.
Update from my end, finally got my 4090 back from B-Hawk Gaming today, fitted with new connector and all working fine. They did a great job of the soldering, very quick turnaround and sent pictures all the way through the process, total cost was £114.50 including return shipping. So for now the 4090 is up and running again. Have sent invoices over to CableMod and they are gonna put the refund in my PayPal account in the next 2-4 days.
Can't complain at all really with the service from B-Hawk Gaming and Cablemod, both did a great job.
Only thing is now I just don't trust it not to happen again, really considering selling it on and switching to a 7900XTX but running a 32:9 ultrawide I need all the performance I can get tbh. Plus I guess the resale value of an opened 4090 with no warranty remaining isn't gonna be all that great is it. Decisions decisions lol
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The companies refused the original repair of the connector and even emailed people that the warranty is void because of it, so that means no warranty in the future too, the card has had a fault that they stated is not their fault and the fault of cablemod or other reasons regarding the melting.

But what if its the original connector melting? Is that covered by Asus, gigabyte etc?
There is a story that MSI have refused RMA due to the use of Cablemod adaptor, while im not to hot on the law side of things the 1st comment is pretty interesting saying they could land themselves in trouble for blaming Cablemod .. sounds to me like MSI want an easy out the scum bags :rolleyes:

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Update from my end, finally got my 4090 back from B-Hawk Gaming today, fitted with new connector and all working fine. They did a great job of the soldering, very quick turnaround and sent pictures all the way through the process, total cost was £114.50 including return shipping. So for now the 4090 is up and running again. Have sent invoices over to CableMod and they are gonna put the refund in my PayPal account in the next 2-4 days.
Can't complain at all really with the service from B-Hawk Gaming and Cablemod, both did a great job.
Only thing is now I just don't trust it not to happen again, really considering selling it on and switching to a 7900XTX but running a 32:9 ultrawide I need all the performance I can get tbh. Plus I guess the resale value of an opened 4090 with no warranty remaining isn't gonna be all that great is it. Decisions decisions lol
Ah that's good news you have it back and all working well :D

Will say i am very happy with the service from Cablemod sorting this issue out , yes it shouldn't happen but they certainly have been on hand to help straight away and haven't buried their head in the sand and are happy to pay the cost ... it happened last Wednesday night and is now fixed and on the way back, quick turn around which is how it should be when things go wrong :)

I am keeping mine , business as usual once its back although i have now ordered another Cablemod cable but this time the all in one with 90 deg connector at the end .... it may melt again it may not , who knows :cry:
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There is a story that MSI have refused RMA due to the use of Cablemod adaptor, while im not to hot on the law side of things the 1st comment is pretty interesting saying they could land themselves in trouble for blaming Cablemod .. sounds to me like MSI want an easy out the scum bags :rolleyes:

Even though cablemod have taken responsibility? Sounds like a scumbag move.
Even though cablemod have taken responsibility? Sounds like a scumbag move.
Yeah Cablemod will honor the repair as it is one of their adapters used which is good for the customer but MSI should also be honoring the warranty as you can bet your bottom dollar they have had them back melted using the supplied cable, but because this one has a Cablemod adapter fitted then that is the cause is what they seem to be getting at hence the go see Cablemod as we ( MSI ) will not honor the repair even though we know there is clearly an issue with the socket. I am pretty sure Nvidia accept the FE cards for RMA with the Cablemod adapter melted yet MSI use a cheap get out card hence the Scum bag move imo of course :)
Update from my end, finally got my 4090 back from B-Hawk Gaming today, fitted with new connector and all working fine. They did a great job of the soldering, very quick turnaround and sent pictures all the way through the process, total cost was £114.50 including return shipping. So for now the 4090 is up and running again. Have sent invoices over to CableMod and they are gonna put the refund in my PayPal account in the next 2-4 days.
Can't complain at all really with the service from B-Hawk Gaming and Cablemod, both did a great job.
Only thing is now I just don't trust it not to happen again, really considering selling it on and switching to a 7900XTX but running a 32:9 ultrawide I need all the performance I can get tbh. Plus I guess the resale value of an opened 4090 with no warranty remaining isn't gonna be all that great is it. Decisions decisions lol
When you say the 4090 was fitted with a new connector did you mean the revised connector?
When you say the 4090 was fitted with a new connector did you mean the revised connector?
Visually im not sure you would be able to tell the difference unless you had the old and new right next to each other ... to most they will probably look the same . They have put a new identifying mark on it where the old version is H+ as can been seen on the plug in the pic below although you probably wont see this unless the card is stripped , the new version is marked H++ .

Here is an article on the new connector : https://www.tomshardware.com/news/1...eeded-revision-meet-the-new-12v-2x6-connector

Visually im not sure you would be able to tell the difference unless you had the old and new right next to each other ... to most they will probably look the same . They have put a new identifying mark on it where the old version is H+ as can been seen on the plug in the pic below although you probably wont see this unless the card is stripped , the new version is marked H++ .

Here is an article on the new connector : https://www.tomshardware.com/news/1...eeded-revision-meet-the-new-12v-2x6-connector


Hopefully it's max capacity of 600 watts for the connector and 75 for the slot will never be needed on desktop!
Hopefully it's max capacity of 600 watts for the connector and 75 for the slot will never be needed on desktop!
Crazy that some people are happy to run a bios with unlocked power limits through a single 12VHPWR connector :cry: The new connector having a higher power rating is only a good thing and should have been that way from the start :(
Can't say I could tell the difference, if it was the newer connector or not.
Although I did notice the new one had way less play when plugging the cable in, the original socket would wiggle back and forth even when clipped in all the way, on the repaired socket it sits super tight with no movement at all. Guessing that's a good thing.
But again I'm not convinced that it won't happen again at some point. I'm not using any more angled adapters for sure, will maybe wait for revised versions before trying again
You've got to look at the positives in these situations. With this one, it's thinking at least you've been saved from the shambles of starfields release. Sure, it's not ideal having a top end card partially melting in 2023, but once you see the dead world, empty promises and the need for 4786 hotfixes over the space of 6 months to even enjoy things, this will all be a distant memory.
They trying to beat Fallout 76 worst launched Bethesda game in the last few years. :p
Can't say I could tell the difference, if it was the newer connector or not.
Although I did notice the new one had way less play when plugging the cable in, the original socket would wiggle back and forth even when clipped in all the way, on the repaired socket it sits super tight with no movement at all. Guessing that's a good thing.
But again I'm not convinced that it won't happen again at some point. I'm not using any more angled adapters for sure, will maybe wait for revised versions before trying again
Is there no way of contacting the company that fixed your GPU to verify if the connector is the revised version?
Is there no way of contacting the company that fixed your GPU to verify if the connector is the revised version?
Yeah the connectors were ordered direct from Nvidia, which is why it took a bit longer than they first expected, would have been a quick next day job if they had the connectors in stock.
Only thing I thought looked different was the sense pins, they seemed to be set a little further back than the old connector. And it felt like a tighter connection overall, guess time will tell, but I'm not sure the new connector will alleviate the problems anyway, since most people with melting issues all report that the cable was fully seated.

Fingers crossed its all OK now, but have to say I'll be a little on edge from now on lol
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