Men of War

Ive been playing today and quite enjoying it. Definately worth a punt if you like these types of games.

Something very enjoyable about firing a rocket through a building and then carries on going through the enemy lol

You can blow everything up which is nice.
I bought it yesterday but have not had a chance to play it yet. I wont get on it until about 8 tonight.

Im really looking forward to playing this later, It will take me ages to complete the missions so hopefully some lastability.

I see the new COH game is out very soon, i have a feeling that i wont be getting it now i have this.

Oh, check out here for some mods :
I found CoH has more atmosphere because of it's graphics, but that aside I'm struggling to see how it's better than Men of War and that's coming from someone who really enjoyed CoH! :)
Thanks for the heads up on those two mods, interesting stuff.

I am also thouroughly enjoying MoW just now in between trying to finish FEAR 2 and Mirrors Edge. :D

I will defo be buying the new CoH game as well though, I have to say the CoH series are possibly my most favorite games of all time and I don't think I could miss out on it when it finally arrives.

That said, I've no idea when I will get time to play all these great titles!!!. :p
I think COH is more polished than MoW overall but they play differently. I dont get stressed playing MoW as not having to spent 30mins building a base and shouting at the screen when you keep getting artilleried or the AI is messing up like in CoH (because in MoW you can manually control your tanks!) makes a difference.

I found I could play CoH for longer online as it felt more involving, but because of that it was more stressful. MoW I can just pick up and play for an hour or so casually and it doesnt feel pressured like CoH does!

Getting the CoH expansion though :D
I've not played MoW online as yet, just getting my teeth in to managing the SP game.

Yeah, likewise, I mentioned the same thing earlier on.

I'm finding it has a reasonably steep learning curve but maybe that is because I'm only snatching an hour or so of the game every couple of days because I'm busy with other things. :cool:
I cant wait to play this, only another 4.5 hours or so left. I cant wait to get into the single player missions.

At some point i would like to meet up with some noob coop games :-)
Failed the 2nd russion mission again. Got to 100% but there was not enough people left to finish off the train.

This game is awesome, its so intense. I didnt blink throughout out the whole hour it took me on that mission.

I cant beleive some of the COH fanboys dont like it (or have nothing to say about it).

I love COH but this is awesome too.
Failed the 2nd russion mission again. Got to 100% but there was not enough people left to finish off the train...
I got stuck on this too. Then I pressed [Backspace - 1] (slow game speed) and my strategically inept brain was able to keep up with the proceedings.

If you thought that was crazy, wait until you get to the town evacuation :eek:
I've nearly completed the Russian campaign, it's been great thus far.

Some epic battles! :D

German campaign seems pretty good too, done about 4 missions.

Definitely a long life to this game, must have played for 40 hours so far and I've yet to touch multiplayer.

This game seriously needs more of the spot light.
When you've finished this I recommend you go and seek out Soldiers: Heroes of WWII and Faces of War. Both are part of the same series of games, built on the same engine, from the same developer. The only thing I thing they're missing is the scale of some of these bigger battles.
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