Mens Long Hair

big_white_dog84 said:
If you have an employer or any desire to be taken seriously by society do not have long hair.

Yeah i know :(, thats why im looking to shave my head first.

I am thinking of auctioning my hair off for charity soon, as in the highest bidder gets to do what ever they want to do to my hair :eek:

Kami said:
Anyone who judges someone on hair deserves a serious slap in my opinion (and no I don't have long hair and never have). :p
Everyone judges everyone else the first time they see them on their appearance. Its an automatic reaction and can't be helped.
Gilly said:
Shave it off and avoid looking stupid :cool:

Hey i have my hair halfway down my back and people love it.

And those that dont are just seething with envy :p

Its alright but can be a git to maintain. And also have to suffer having it platted by girls at college.
Robbie Ragdoll said:
Hey i have my hair halfway down my back and people love it.

And those that dont are just seething with envy :p

Its alright but can be a git to maintain. And also have to suffer having it platted by girls at college.

snap, except mines a bit longer than that, and I'm not at college :)
i had hair to my nose... but it was taking forever to dry from a shower so i shaved it off...before easter.. now i feel fresher every morning and i can just get up and go out.. :p.. brush my teeth and get ready obviously... but not faff about with me hair
cloud from ff7 has funky hair

cloud must spend hours keeping his do in tip top shape.

Yeah I reckon it would look cool in rl, not emo tho would have to be dyed black then perhaps it would :p Might try it out in a couple of months when my hair will be long enough (the style that is not the dying black part ^^)

Edit: actually looking back at that particular picture, somebody in my firday night out group of mates has hair kinda like that.
johnson said:
i know but his hair do must be possible, well from that picture anyways.

I saw a chinese man in barclays in newcastle the other day and he had "similar" hair, it wasnt as spikey but every strand was seperate, it looked quite cool but wierd.

Dude, dont, seriously. At least, not if you live with people.

One of my current housemates has excessively long hair and I swear, that after he's had a bath, it looks like Chewbacca has been getting frisky in there.

The man moults more hair than my dog ffs. It mings. I'm considering collecting it, fashioning it into some sort of rope, and using that rope to strangle him in his sleep*.

*Possibly not true.
johnson said:
cloud from ff7 has funky hair

cloud must spend hours keeping his do in tip top shape.

i managed to get my hair like that but took a long time and used hair straighteners, think it took me like 20 minutes in total. my hair is black and it didnt look emo.
Note, A LOT of people will see long hair as the typical hiding an ugly face trick. If this is what you're doing then fair enough, but make sure you don't do a me and just make yourself look like a retard :o Never again.
I've always fancied giving long hair a try. Can never be arsed though. Gets to the messy stage then I just get it chopped.
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