Mens Long Hair

Nismo said:
All I see is a pic of a young girl? :confused:


Sorry dude, had to steal this :D
I used to have long hair but thats going back about 17 yrs now:(, god feel so old lol:p.

Nowadays i keep my hair short as i prefer to get up and go:p, rather than spend 10 mins trying to get my hair sorted fact summers coming so im looking forward to being bald :D.

I have some pics of me when i had long hair but ill have to dig them out.

As for work??, i dont mind my guys having long hair, one of my staff has long hair and it suits him rather than when he had short hair.
I have long hair and enjoy it! i dont spend ages managing mine. I just brush it now and then. the fringe can reach my chin but i keep it to one side to not look emo.. Its all going to come off in the summer though cos im going to europe next month and i dont think I'll survive the heat if i dont get it cut :( no fair.. oh if anyone has any hair do suggestions please feel free to tell me.

heres a pic of my hair.. (im the orange one)


Fine.. heres one of me with pigtails:


I've had mine longish for about a year now (had it trimmed about 3-4 times during that) and it's far easier to keep looking decent for me than when I've had my hair shorter. I've got bald genes on my mother's side so I'm enjoying having long hair while I can.

It's pretty easy to keep in shape once it gets to a length where it's own weight is enough to keep it in some sort of shape, and I keep mine around neck length at the back and shorter towards the front.

I would never use hair straighteners although most other people with long hair seem to these days (which leaves them looking like they've got straw for a head) but I do use a hairdryer to dry it more quickly and also leave me looking less like a hedge.
One of my most embarassing photos taken exactly 20 years ago with my mate Jules.
We got sick of metal and decided to record a country and western album.
I'm on the left with the totally made up chord.

one a more serious note, growuing your hair long takes perseverance. as it goes through 3 major ANNOYING stages

stage one: hairt in your eyes... htis is Very annoying !
stage two: hair in your mouth !! this is also annoying
stage three: hair at abotu shoulder length but not long enopught to tyie back

once its long enoigh to tie back though its plain sailing and i doubt you will be abel to face cutting it off.

if you get past the 3 annoying stages its great... i got to stage 2 tiwce and kept cutting it off but now i have hair down to my arse lol.

good luck !
dmpoole said:
One of my most embarassing photos taken exactly 20 years ago with my mate Jules.

Rolled up jacket sleeves for the 80's win!

I grew my hair long whilst I was at uni so I could get away with wearing a baseball cap everyday to keep it under control until it was long enough to tie back - rubber band (ouch to take out) to get most of it, front bits were long enough to tuck behind ears by then.
What's wrong with a nice short back n sides? Eh? today!

I've often wondered what these guys with that wierd bleached spikey mullet dealy ask for what they go to the barbers. "Can you make me look like a complete and utter **** please? And I don't want to see you with your eyes open while you're doing takes all the fun out."

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