Mental comment when spotting a 'fit' girl/bloke

I spose I think a kind of 'oi oi, potential hotty' but mostly I get a good look before I start thinking.

Speaking of women I saw the biggests (and strangest) breasts in town today - they were like melons mixed with savaloy but yet retained incredible pertness.
gib786 said:
dayyyuummmm, thats what i say, except its not really a mental comment

Do you say it in a different voice to how you normall say it? I do, but in my head and I only ever whisper it other wise lol
Creature said:
Me? The Thirteenth Duke of Wybourne? Here, between the legs of a beautiful woman, with my reputation?

Well, it does seem to be winking at me, chocks away chaps.

Me? The Thirteenth Duke of Wybourne? Here, at a French maids' finishing school, with my reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences?
Bes said:
<joey> How you doin'? </joey>

Not out loud tho!! :o

Same as me, i do actually think, how you doin'???... sometimes outloud, often ends in conversation if you get it perfectly timed which im even happier to oblige
Hahaha, Monday my mate was in Geography still drunk from his staff party the night before and some woman walks past the door. "I'd do 'er" is what he says out loud, in a geography class of about 20. Now that's how to deal with the nice laydees. :D
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