Mental comment when spotting a 'fit' girl/bloke

zain said:
Do you say it in a different voice to how you normall say it? I do, but in my head and I only ever whisper it other wise lol

yup, in a more ghetto kinda of voice, kinda like turk from scrubs, nowt wrong with saying it out aloud!
Usually in that scenario...which happens a lot now as im in the dockland...i mutter aighhhtt under my breath...dunno why though. Must be my bro in canada who says the same thing when he sees a fit girl walk past lol:p
A really really fit girl was just in the business here picking up some stuff. Summer dress type, brunette, slim, and undeniably sexy.

My mental train of thought went "Holy ****"....and then kind of detailed for a minute or two.

Damn...she was fine though. ;)

Edit: I should have took a sly webcam pic. :rolleyes:
First thing I would think would be, "What would Fonzie do?"


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