mercedes / pirelli tribunal thread

I'm surprised and a little disappointed

They have Indeeed got a free test! So, yet again, if you are a important player you get let off?

F1 gets less and less sporting every year. There is no way I am ever going to pay for it.

Congratulations to RB, you little devil! Kind of hope merc win wcc just to rub it in
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LOL Merc get away with a slapped wrist, no fine and no points deduction.

FIA are a joke, much like FIFA in football:p
[RXP]Andy;24493269 said:
LOL..... They are not going to be happy, I am waiting with interesting on a Horner interview. :p:D

I bet vimto will keep on about it at Silverstone :D the WDC\WCC is back on everybody
As a Mercedes fan (well, Lewis fan) this seems like an incredibly small punishment. I can see where they are coming from though because they are trying to get everyone back to the same amount of testing, but i would have though at least a fine would be coming Merc's way
“three day young driver training test"?

That might as well be an encouragement of doing it again if that is the punishment !

Now, will the FIA sort out their regulations?

What makes you think they will now, when they haven't taken the opportunity every other time that a wooly rule/organisational stuff-up has brought about an expensive farce?
So rules are now confirmed as being dependant on your importance to the sport.
F1 is becoming more engineered all the time
red bull moaning is going to be crazy

I am looking forward to horner in an uncontrollable rage!
Hope suzi Crappy perry asks the wrong questions and he falls into an uncontrollable rage followed by bludgeoning her to death with vettels helmet all in live HD quality
Wall of text incoming from the judgement. :D

40. The Tribunal considered carefully all of the written submissions which had been made by the Parties, the evidence contained in the 7 written statements,and the oral testimony given by Ross Brawnand the oral arguments advanced during the hearing. It would serve no useful purpose to set all those matters out in this decision but the Tribunal has referred above to those which it regards as being the most significant. Having taken all such matters into account, the Tribunal makes the following findings:

(1) The track testing, which is the subject of these proceedings, was not carried out by Pirelli and/or Mercedes with the intention that Mercedes should obtain any unfair sporting advantage.

(2) Neither Pirelli nor Mercedes acted in bad faith at any material time.

(3) Both Pirelli and Mercedes disclosed to FIA at least the essence of what they intended to do in relation to the test and attempted to obtain permission for it; and Mercedes had no reason to believe that approval had not been given .

(4) The actions taken on behalf of FIA by Charlie Whiting (having taken advice from the legal department of FIA) were taken in good faith and with the intention of assisting the parties and consistent with sporting fairness.

Notwithstanding the above findings:

(i) by running its car(s) in the course of the testing, Mercedes acted in breach of Article 22.4 h) SR;

(ii) insofar as FIA expressed its qualified approval for the testing to be carried out, that approval could not, and did not, vary the express prohibition stipulated by Article 22 SR and neither Mercedes nor Pirelli took adequate steps to ensure that the qualification was satisfied. In this regard the Tribunal takes particular note of the fact that it was, very properly, not submitted on behalf of Pirelli, nor was there any evidence that, the assurance which it was not disputed Mr Paul Hembery, Pirelli Motorsport Director, had given to Charlie Whiting (as set out in paragraph 5 above) had in fact been acted on at any material time;

(iii) the testing would, however, not have been carried out by either Mercedes or Pirelli if that qualified approval had not been expressed by the representatives of the FIA in the way in which it is admitted by FIA it was;

(iv) The Tribunal is unable to express any opinion as to whether or not the testing carried out by Ferrari in 2012 and 2013 was properly authorised but, it would appear to be equally unsatisfactory that this consent was also given by Charlie Whiting, the Tribunal has no evidence before it which indicates that his opinion in that case had in fact been wrong.

(v) Mercedes did obtain some material advantage (even if only by way of confirmation of what had not gone wrong) as a result of the testing, which, at least potentially, gave it an unfair sporting advantage, to the knowledge and with the intention of Pirelli. In the light of the data which Pirelli did in fact pass to Mercedes by way of the confidential email referred to under paragraph 37.8 above, it is plain beyond sensible argument that Pirelli had intended confidentially to pass some data to Mercedes, which Pirelli expressly regarded as being of high importance even if, as we accept, it was in fact of limited value to Mercedes because it was unaware of the tyre(s) to which the report related.

(vi) No other team was aware of the fact that such advantage might be, or had been, obtained, notwithstanding the assurance which had been given by Paul Hembery to Charlie Whiting, as set out in paragraph 5 above; and the Tribunal notes that, when giving that assurance, Paul Hembery had not indicated to Charlie Whiting that the notification which Pirelli had already given to all teams in 2012 could satisfy the assurance which was being sought.

(vii) Both Mercedes and Pirelli, accordingly, did act in breach of articles 1 and 151 ISC.


41. Article 153 ISC provides for a scale of penalties, as set out under paragraph 12 above.

42. Based on all the circumstances of the case and:

(i) with the specific objective that, insofar as it is reasonably practicable to do so, the other teams should be placed in a similar position to that in which Mercedes is in as a result of the breach of article 22 SR and articles 1 and 151 ISC and Pirelli of articles 1 and 151 ISC ;

(ii) in recognition of the fact that the testing would not have taken place but for the bona fide, but misconceived “qualified approval” which was given on behalf of the FIA, the Tribunal decides that the most appropriate sanctions and orders are that :

• Mercedes be reprimanded in the terms of the findings set out above.

• Mercedes be suspended from participating in the forthcoming “three day young driver training test”.

• Mercedes shall pay one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, excluding FIA’s own legal costs.

• Pirelli be reprimanded in the terms of the findings set out above.

• Pirelli shall pay one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, excluding FIA’s own legal costs.

• FIA shall bear one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, and all of its own legal costs.


1. Mercedes be reprimanded.

2. Mercedes be suspended from participating in the forthcoming “three day young driver training test”.

3. Mercedes shall pay one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, excluding
FIA’s own legal costs.

4. Pirelli be reprimanded.

5. Pirelli shall pay one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, excluding FIA’s own legal costs.

6. FIA shall bear one third of the costs of the investigation and procedure, as provided for by Article 13.2 JDR, and all of its own legal costs.

7. Rejects all other and further conclusions.

If Pirelli and Mercedes were considered guilty...

Why have Pirelli, Mercedes and FIA been ordered to pay for 1/3 of the hearing each?
Plus Mercedes and Pirelli been ordered NOT to pay any of the FIA's own legal costs?

This is pretty much as close as the Tribunal comes to saying that the FIA brought it on themselves, while still finding Mercedes and Pirelli guilty and giving them... well.. pretty much nothing as a punishment. Evidently, the Tribunal people like their cushy jobs. ;)

Tribunal also decided that what Charlie Whiting says is now law. If he says yes or no, then it's a yes or a no. Unlike what the FIA were claiming that he's not important.
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So free tests all round then providing you don't mind a slapped wrist afterwards?

Love this bit:

(1) The track testing, which is the subject of these proceedings, was not carried out by Pirelli and/or Mercedes with the intention that Mercedes should obtain any unfair sporting advantage.

So anyone can test if they say up-front that they don't intend to learn anything from it?
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