Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

Anyone have any idea if the story will make sense for someone who hasn't played any of the previous games?

LOLs. Unless your name is Hideo, you have 0% chance of following the story anyhow.

I've played every one of them. After MGS3, they completely gave up making the story even slightly decipherable.

not sure if been posted already but these guys are in the middle of a 500+ hour MGS marathon. Doing story runs of all the games and showing easter eggs n shizzle until the game is released.

Just started watching, get to see parts of the game(s) I've never seen

great aren't they :D there's 3 of them that stream on the channel and do shifts on the marathons. their speed/big boss runs are mad as well.... I could never move so fluidly through the game like they do :rolleyes:
great aren't they :D there's 3 of them that stream on the channel and do shifts on the marathons. their speed/big boss runs are mad as well.... I could never move so fluidly through the game like they do :rolleyes:

I only ever really played the first and second in the series. Just never got round to the rest :(. Actually just bought ground zeros on pc (had it on ps4 but never played it). I want to try and finish it before the new release!
Peace Walker was great. Played it on the psp when it was released. The boss fights were the only bad thing about it. It introduced a lot of good things and the story was good.
Oh come on :p

Having just seen the 1st ending, you could only possibly like the story if you thought that MGS4's story was /sane/ and /sensible/ :p

Peace Walker is like how I imagine being perpetually stoned must feel :p It's bonkers!

But the main thing I picked up from the twitch of PW is that the gameplay itself was not very good. It looked incredibly easy, and things like the Fulton completely ignoring ceilings was a bit silly :p

MGS1 or 2 would never even have had a Fulton. I think their design philosophies were much different to today's MGS games, which seem to be going for the (cliche alert) 'casual' crowd.
I don't remember MGS3's story being bat**** crazy.

For that you need MGS4 :p And evidently PW also.

Let's put it a different way... the story being mad didn't hurt in MGS2, or 1 or 3.

But 4 was so far gone story-wise, that you wished in the end for less story and just to play the game. I could have lived with the insane amount of cutscenes if I'd felt the story was of an acceptible quality.

That's actually another thing now that I think of it. A bat**** insane story can still be fun if it's well done. I'm afraid that 4's story wasn't even well done. It was like a child had written it. It was like a massive work of fan-fiction written by a 12 year old.

I'm really hoping MGS5 is better in this regard.
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