Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

Still can't get into this, rescued the first hostage, maybe I need to give it more time, just seems lacking, sprint cam on horse and foot is annoying, start off by creeping into the base take a few guys out get spotted and shoot every-one as it's so much easier, just seems dull.

Well its a stealth game, sure you could go in guns blazing but its missing the point of the entire game, and the enjoyment factor will dramatically decrease. The entire game is built around not killing them , you get rewarded not only in ranks, but also they become assets for research in weapons, items, and motherbase.

There are so many ways to approach a mission that doesn't involve killing anyone, so it really is down to the player to make up their own infiltration.
I love shooting them in the leg, CQC then Fulton extraction - it feels so real and hilarious at the same time.
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In the first few missions the options you have are fairly limited, you simply don't have the equipment and the mission objectives are simple. It opens up a lot later.

But boy... this is definitely the BEST MGS ever made. The options and scope are incredible. The base building and upgrades just seem like Peace Walker on steroids, but thats okay. When it actually comes to missions, this game like no other feels like you are truly undertaking an infiltration mission. Previous MGS titles had very clear segmented areas, this is all just one huge progression. Honey Bee is I think the first mission I did where I had to stop for a second and take in how much better it felt, it took ages to finish just because of the size/variety of the mission area.

10/10 game.

Oh and sure you can go in all guns blazing in the early parts. Try to do that against an outpost with 10+ people, plus vehicles.. no chance.
In the first few missions the options you have are fairly limited, you simply don't have the equipment and the mission objectives are simple. It opens up a lot later.

But boy... this is definitely the BEST MGS ever made. The options and scope are incredible. The base building and upgrades just seem like Peace Walker on steroids, but thats okay. When it actually comes to missions, this game like no other feels like you are truly undertaking an infiltration mission. Previous MGS titles had very clear segmented areas, this is all just one huge progression. Honey Bee is I think the first mission I did where I had to stop for a second and take in how much better it felt, it took ages to finish just because of the size/variety of the mission area.

10/10 game.

Oh and sure you can go in all guns blazing in the early parts. Try to do that against an outpost with 10+ people, plus vehicles.. no chance.

i spent hours on that honeybee mission! (the bridge bit was very tense) :D sneaked my way through the whole thing. bar the last part, where i went in all guns blazing as it was late. :p
I've hit a bit of a wall tbh. The gameplay is amazing, but the game itself is aimless. I've got 5 missions on my idroid and they all sound a bit meh really.
Im blown away by release performance. Sure its not the most beautiful game, but its pretty good looking and runs on my CF290s @4k with 60fps. (except sand storms) all maxed with post process low and motion blur/DOF off as i dislike them.

If all games had this kind of release capability i'd be a happy chappy.
i spent hours on that honeybee mission! (the bridge bit was very tense) :D sneaked my way through the whole thing. bar the last part, where i went in all guns blazing as it was late. :p

Took me a loooong while on that mission, got an S rank on my first go, I had to completely run back and forth as I extracted all the guards that were worth getting, then it changed from night to morning so more guards came out for the shift change so I had to tranq them, call supply drop, tranq more guards coming out, Supply drop, it was difficult but somehow after many close calls never got spotted.

Mission 12 i gave up and went guns blazing so i'll have to come back at some point and redo that mission, i'll be happy when I get the tranq sniper rifle.
i spent hours on that honeybee mission! (the bridge bit was very tense) :D sneaked my way through the whole thing. bar the last part, where i went in all guns blazing as it was late. :p

Watch out for spoilers for the people!

But yes, there were multiple different parts of this mission that made it excellent. Previously each part would have been its own thing, but now it was combined into one.
Watch out for spoilers for the people!

But yes, there were multiple different parts of this mission that made it excellent. Previously each part would have been its own thing, but now it was combined into one.

I died at the end but I missed the cutscenend if there was one. I just spawned outside a cave somewhere for extraction. slightly disappointed.
Finding it hard to play 'stealthy'. I try to but eventually the silencer always runs out and every mission I've done so far I've just shot everyone, making it boring. I need to look at different ways to play
The thing that frustrates me is that you will be all stealthy creeping around someone, and even though you thought you tagged all the enemies, out of nowhere another guard appears from a building and spots you from behind :mad:

Also, what is the point of wanting you to play stealthy, and then saying you have to collect enemies to use at motherbase for upgrades? :confused:
Finding it hard to play 'stealthy'. I try to but eventually the silencer always runs out and every mission I've done so far I've just shot everyone, making it boring. I need to look at different ways to play

Go for CQC or hold ups. Magazine use for distraction is your friend, as is the knocking. As previously mentioned, you start to get extra equipment that makes things very varied. Lay some C4, detonate to get everyone looking away for example.

If you do end up killing everyone, you aren't going to have a huge amount of people back at MB. I think I'm almost up to 180 now, not started mission 9 yet.

Here's a great run down of an experience I had, and IMHO one of the ways to really enjoy this game.

  • I have to kill 3 targets who are meeting at a location, turns out to be a small building.
  • Decide that instead of killing them I will extract them alive (that is my style)
  • Proceed to stealthily take out guards as I get closer to building, but not ALL guards just the ones that were in the direction I have entered the area from. Hence I dont' have a huge amount of freedom (its daytime so their eyesight is pretty good).
  • Tranq a guard very close to the left side of the building. Another guard notices and comes to look. I take him down as well. Move to the right side of the building, a guard is coming around the corner. I wait for him to pass then CQC him to knock him out.
  • As we all know, leaving guys traquilised for too long means they wake up, and that can be trouble when you aren't expecting it. So I'm fultoning them out of them. But these bunch that are really close.. well the high value targets hear the extractions since it's right outside their building. One comes to investigate. I hide and let him come close before CQC throwing him down (I was a bit exposed so didn't want to waste time).
  • The second high value target is also coming to investigate. I move away slightly and equip the cardboard box. I let him go past me, then pop out and tranq him in the back of the head.
  • For the last target (who is staying inside), I walk up to the door and use the bionic arm knock. He starts to make his way over to me, but then I notice that just as is doing so, a previously tranq guard maybe 8 meters away from me is starting to get up! He is directing in front of the door as well. I pull up my tranq gun to shoot and get the head shot to put him to sleep, just as the door is opened! But I am thankfully on the 'right' side of the door, so its opened and formed a wall between me and the target, who is now figuring out why this guy has fallen asleep in front of him
  • I let him walk a few steps and put him in a CQC hold. Just as I select interrogate, I realise another guard has begun to walk around a nearby corner to see whats going on with the other subdued targets!
  • No time to dispose of the target in my CQC hold! I quickly adopt the human shield stance and pop the last guy with a tranq just as he is about to turn and face me.
  • Fulton everyone, and leave the mission area. Mission accomplished, Big Boss style.

Seriously. So, so good when you get it right. Take your time to learn all your movement and combat options.
I'm loving this game so far. I've only progressed to mission 9, because I ensure that I have an S rank and all objectives completed prior to moving on. One very minor critisism is that the base / staff management system seems a bit complicated. But that could be just down to my old brain;)
Go for CQC or hold ups. Magazine use for distraction is your friend, as is the knocking. As previously mentioned, you start to get extra equipment that makes things very varied. Lay some C4, detonate to get everyone looking away for example.

If you do end up killing everyone, you aren't going to have a huge amount of people back at MB. I think I'm almost up to 180 now, not started mission 9 yet.

Here's a great run down of an experience I had, and IMHO one of the ways to really enjoy this game.

  • I have to kill 3 targets who are meeting at a location, turns out to be a small building.
  • Decide that instead of killing them I will extract them alive (that is my style)
  • Proceed to stealthily take out guards as I get closer to building, but not ALL guards just the ones that were in the direction I have entered the area from. Hence I dont' have a huge amount of freedom (its daytime so their eyesight is pretty good).
  • Tranq a guard very close to the left side of the building. Another guard notices and comes to look. I take him down as well. Move to the right side of the building, a guard is coming around the corner. I wait for him to pass then CQC him to knock him out.
  • As we all know, leaving guys traquilised for too long means they wake up, and that can be trouble when you aren't expecting it. So I'm fultoning them out of them. But these bunch that are really close.. well the high value targets hear the extractions since it's right outside their building. One comes to investigate. I hide and let him come close before CQC throwing him down (I was a bit exposed so didn't want to waste time).
  • The second high value target is also coming to investigate. I move away slightly and equip the cardboard box. I let him go past me, then pop out and tranq him in the back of the head.
  • For the last target (who is staying inside), I walk up to the door and use the bionic arm knock. He starts to make his way over to me, but then I notice that just as is doing so, a previously tranq guard maybe 8 meters away from me is starting to get up! He is directing in front of the door as well. I pull up my tranq gun to shoot and get the head shot to put him to sleep, just as the door is opened! But I am thankfully on the 'right' side of the door, so its opened and formed a wall between me and the target, who is now figuring out why this guy has fallen asleep in front of him
  • I let him walk a few steps and put him in a CQC hold. Just as I select interrogate, I realise another guard has begun to walk around a nearby corner to see whats going on with the other subdued targets!
  • No time to dispose of the target in my CQC hold! I quickly adopt the human shield stance and pop the last guy with a tranq just as he is about to turn and face me.
  • Fulton everyone, and leave the mission area. Mission accomplished, Big Boss style.

Seriously. So, so good when you get it right. Take your time to learn all your movement and combat options.

My favourite mission so far. I tranq'd the targets and then extracted them. Only problem was the gaurds noticed them flying off, so I tranq'd them as well:D
The thing that frustrates me is that you will be all stealthy creeping around someone, and even though you thought you tagged all the enemies, out of nowhere another guard appears from a building and spots you from behind :mad:

Also, what is the point of wanting you to play stealthy, and then saying you have to collect enemies to use at motherbase for upgrades? :confused:

You will only get spotted 'out of nowhere' if you are making yourself too visible for no good reason.

If you are 20 meters from potential blind spots, crouch walk. ALWAYS. This way even if something unexpected occurs, you will only trigger the 'investigating' white bar. In fact, I pretty much never stand up straight when in a hotzone. If anything is really unknown, just crawl.And remember, don't just rely on tagging. Use audio cues as well.

Well, in theory you don't have to play stealthy, you can still knock people unconscious and fulton them later even if you alert a whole area. But it's just going to be really tricky to do so. Stealth play allows you to extract people in a controlled manner. If you have to go rambo, either they will be dead or you might take too many shots trying to line up headshots with a tranq gun the middle of a firefight. (A valid alternative of course is to go lethal and thin the ranks down before disappearing from their line of sight and non lethally subduing them while they hunt for you.)
I done that mission two days ago, My end result ended up with 20 guards all asleep led on each other.

I made my way pretty much in the middle of the site where its a little open, got onto a roof, tranq'd first guard and a chain effect happened, his buddy see's him go down, has a look, I tranq him and his buddy has a gander...etc etc targets eventually come have a gander

It was quite amusing at the end, had a nice pick of high spec'd people to send back to MB and a few of the newbies in a dumpster or the bog.
I done that mission two days ago, My end result ended up with 20 guards all asleep led on each other.

I made my way pretty much in the middle of the site where its a little open, got onto a roof, tranq'd first guard and a chain effect happened, his buddy see's him go down, has a look, I tranq him and his buddy has a gander...etc etc targets eventually come have a gander

It was quite amusing at the end, had a nice pick of high spec'd people to send back to MB and a few of the newbies in a dumpster or the bog.

The domino effect can be pretty useful, but your tranq gun's suppressor doesn't last too long.. it keeps things interesting.
The domino effect can be pretty useful, but your tranq gun's suppressor doesn't last too long.. it keeps things interesting.

I kept on calling in supply drops, By the time my suppressor ran out my supply drop lands behind me on the roof i was on.

I can't wait to get the tranq sniper rifle, that should make my life so much easier.
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