Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

I'm enjoying it so far. Although I just can never forget the old MGS games. Especially playing them on Euro Extreme. I think I'ma get the PS1 out sometime this weekend.
MGSV's greatest strength may be just how much fun it can be when your supposedly "clever" plan goes completely wrong, and crucially, that you can 'fix' it.

I'm personally not someone who likes ambiguity, so super specific defined mission structures in open world games makes MGSV feel quite refreshing, not the same ol' open-world formula you're bored of.

There's basically parts of the world that feel like well thought out and constructed "levels", which have been woven into a greater open-world. I hate it in most typical open world games where you can also feel the designer dropping in and copy n' pasting the same old building in some editor, but I don't feel that with MGSV.

Also there are so many ways to tackle a mission, it's great. I find the people I've talked to are only "bored" of it 'cause they played a long session (you're gonna get burned out in any game after long periods), repeating the same process of just tranquillising guards with a pistol. I've replayed a couple of missions just to see any alternative methods.
The one of the village built into the side of a mountain - first time round I brought C4 and a rocket launched and littered the road with the stuff. Proceeded to sneak up through the village using the darkness of night and get the intel, then the tanks started to roll in. I found the nearest mortar emplacement I could and started to rain down on them. Called in for a bombing run and helicopter support (with upgraded air-to-ground rockets. Then I detonated the C4 and blew some rockets their way to finish anything off.

The second time round I managed to interrogate a near by local who told me that they were storing a tank in a near by village. Of course I ran of to get it. But before I hopped in, I laid an inflatable decoy in the middle of the road to make sure that the tanks would stop so I would have a clean n' easy shot on 'em. I proceeded to roll the tank into the hills and waited on a near by perch. All they rolled in they stopped as expected - I blew them up with easy, but the truck with the person I was supposed to kill/extract was getting away. I whistle for my horse and galloped in front of my target. I jumped from my horse and rolled into a bush, where I once again waited for the truck. As it passed, I climbed into the back and shot the driver. The target opened the door and ran in fear, but I luckily managed to CQC him before he got far, and of course, fulton'd him away.

Once I got to Africa though, everything just blew up. Tons of new buddies, Motherbase expanded a lot, and I could develop tons of new things.

I do have some little nags with the game though:

The cassette tape system is awful. I don't mind listing to them as a lot of the story is told through them, but they're practically useless when trying to listen to them while on mission. Kaz Miller will always want to inform me of something nearby and I can't listen to tape over his voice, and I can't pause it easily without opening a few menu's.

The credits at the beginning of missions can literally spoil them. They'll say who's gonna be in them, so it gives away any surprise appearances. I just try to ignore them.

The amount of waiting around. I like the ACC/heli as like a central hub to control everything, but it just acts as a slow gateway sometimes when I'm just trying to quickly do something. Plus I feel the beginning/end of missions in the chopper are a bit too long, especially when they feel the need to fly around for a bit to give you a sense of location.
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A few problems with this title:

1) Not being able to climb some rocks that should be easily to do, my late granny could have done it.
2) Some of the textures are like PS2, hard to find but they're there. Under a bridge on a stream with enemy camp the underneath of the bridge had awful textures even @ 4K.
3) The controls feel all wrong, I'm constantly pressing the wrong button, obviously if I only play this game I'd get used to it, but I've got 3 games on the go at the minute, Wolfenstein for example has a perfect control scheme as did Tombraider.

Not that impressed with the graphics, the mountains in the distance look cool, as are the weather effects.

All in all, let's just say I'm glad I got it free. Will give it another go for sure, because I love the humour!
Wait, are you really complaining the underside of has a low texture? :confused:.

Controls are excellent. Play the game more.

Some rocks are a little frustrating, does not bother me too much.
Thanks for you input guys. I played all the other Metal Gear games with a controller anyway, so why change now I suppose? :D

Going to go start Ground Zeroes for a quick refresher before I get started :cool:
Is any one else thinking this plays a lot like the last Splinter cell?

Here's your mission location with a couple of side missions just for good measure followed by rinse an repeat.

Not hating before any one gets a tad upset lol.

Haven't played a MGS game in years but i can certainly remember they didn't play like this.
Is any one else thinking this plays a lot like the last Splinter cell?

Here's your mission location with a couple of side missions just for good measure followed by rinse an repeat.
It does have a lot in common with Ubigame tbh. I was driving a four-wheel along a road and saw 2 guys on patrol, I snuck up behind them and took them out, then I picked up some plants so I could craft better gear, then I captured an outpost ...Could have sworn I was playing far cry 3!
Just cleared
the hospital

Obviously only had around 40 mins game play but visually it is stunning :eek:

I rarely have massive sessions any more as I have so many unplayed games, especially AAA titles so hopefully I won't have any issues with repetitiveness like some have mentioned on here.

XBox 360 controller is TWIMTBP
To those thinking its a bit simple... You are probably still very early on in the game.

It begins to very quickly increase the capabilities of enemies, negating your ability to use a single 'tranq everyone' to clear things.

They start you with baby steps, because this is one of the most complex games I've ever played, in terms of game mechanics that are occurring at the same time and all have an effect on each other. Play testing must have been a nightmare!

Well done Kojima, for sure a masterpiece.
Today while playing I learnt that if you lay down an enemy face down in a puddle, they'll slowly start to drown.

You can also shoot out power lines and they'll break. If it's raining, you can shock your enemies with it.

If you start to tranquillise head shot enemies a bit too much, they'll start to wear helmets. Like doing missions in the dark? - enemies will start wearing night vision goggles. Use smoke grenades? - they'll start to wear gas masks. You can negate these actions by sending your troops out to destroy facilities which house these items. Just a few examples :D

You can also find a cassette tape that's the sound of someone relieving themselves. If you happen to be hiding in a toilet (and you have the iDroid speaker upgrade), you can play the noise out loud and the guards will avoid that stall.

Also enemies can smell you if you've been hiding away in dumpsters/toilets for too long :p
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