exacrly what i was thinking whilst reading that post.
there is never a need for input from the driver after the race, its something that should be banned.
you don't see incidents at the start of the race needing driver involvement at the end.
they have the data from the cars, if its even needed. TV is more than enough for 99% of the time.
they really need to get to grips with penalties, should never be a need to change podium after its happed (well maybe car/weight issues)
It's okay, SMR likes to **** post against every single thing I say because it's what he does.
The video evidence of what Vettel did was clear as day, anyone with half a brain could make that decision just as quickly as they did Verstappen's, in fact quicker.
With Verstappen's they need to consider where Vettel was when the mistake happened and decide if it's fair to punish him when they didn't punish others for cutting T1. With vettel it was far FAR more cut and dry. They all broke having chosen their lines, Vettel then came well over a car width to his side causing contact with another driver, he then also turned in on that driver again. Ricciardo had to clear as day take avoiding action to prevent a bigger crash and had to damage his car(tire) to do so.
Verstappen's was open to interpretation, Vettel was not close to alongside him at the point of the mistake and historically such a mistake has NOT been punished (Rosberg cutting the final chicane and flooring it at Canada, etc). Unless an overtake is actively happening when someone cuts, it's extremely rarely punished though customary to reduce any gap gained(which usually isn't done fairly as it usually happens due to a faster guy pressuring a slower guy ahead of them so gap comes back down anyway). Vettel, there is no interpretation, he changed direction and caused a collision and damage to someone who was actively passing him up the inside. It was a woeful defensive move from a driver not quite in control at that point.
As for someone saying Ricciardo always does this and always uses another car as a brake, complete horse manure. Which other time has he dived up the inside and used contact with another driver to slow himself down.
Ricciardo often dives up the inside..... because RBR has significantly superior braking to everyone except perhaps Mercedes and even then specifically Hamilton. Some guys jump on the brakes late and hard, you need a very very precise feeling to avoid locking up when doing that and to be able to hit the right speed rather than slow down too much. Cars with better brakes have more chance to dive up the inside. I'm sure there have been close calls and mistakes, but the majority of his moves up the inside have been brilliant driving, not at all dangerous but also due in large part that it's a car with brilliant brakes vs one with less good brakes.