Michael Schumacher 'Hurt In Skiing Accident'

I've got go-pro mounts on all of my ski helmets, I've had plenty of crashes not once has my helmet failed on or around the go-pro mount, nor has the camera caused any additional harm, they snap off nearly instantly, I have a leash setup on all of mine

load of rubbish if you ask me
I could certainly see the possibility of the camera going through a vent hole if you landed right on it. It would be a freak accident, but then I guess this one was.
I could certainly see the possibility of the camera going through a vent hole if you landed right on it. It would be a freak accident, but then I guess this one was.

Given rocks, trees, ice, punters, skis, poles, headphones, watch, phone, fags, keys etc.. etc.. I honestly can't see a go-pro being any higher on the list of lethal items to hurt you in a crash.

Given rocks, trees, ice, punters, skis, poles, headphones, watch, phone, fags, keys etc.. etc.. I honestly can't see a go-pro being any higher on the list of lethal items to hurt you in a crash.


apart from the fact that the go-pro is attached to the helmet, and everything else you stated isn't?

I can personally see why a go-pro would add a significantly higher risk of injury during a crash,

I wonder if they have been responsible for any issues with cyclists or motorbike riders.......

off to google he goes.....
I've got go-pro mounts on all of my ski helmets, I've had plenty of crashes not once has my helmet failed on or around the go-pro mount, nor has the camera caused any additional harm, they snap off nearly instantly, I have a leash setup on all of mine

load of rubbish if you ask me

Ever hit a nail with a hammer?
It snaps off almost every time, unless the impact is straight down the line of the nail, in which case, it penetrates the helmet causing massive brain damage, and Michael Schumacher Syndrome.

Not a load of rubbish, just damn bad collision angles.
it would seem the horse riding world has explored this already, and after testing have banned any bumps or bobbles from riding helmets,

this is due to rotational injuries to the neck, which is by far the worst injury you can take in a simple fall, causing paralysis or death with very little impact.
Well if anything good that is to come out of this. The world will be more aware that wearing a go-pro on your helmet may cause further injury that may have not been present had the go-pro not been on the helmet. As proved in some of the comments above, most people probably didn't take the time to think about the added danger. Go-Pro will need to specifically announce this in way of a disclaimer.. They will probably be sued if not by the Schumachers, but other individuals who have suffered the same fate.
His son has already come out and said that there is nothing going on with go pro.

What's the point of suing, when you already have all the money in the world ?

They may as-well just ask Go-Pro to start making the warnings a little clearer, to get the message across. Which sounds to me that they may possibly want. hence bringing it up.

Admittedly its not something i would have taken into consideration before attaching one.
Ever hit a nail with a hammer?
It snaps off almost every time, unless the impact is straight down the line of the nail, in which case, it penetrates the helmet causing massive brain damage, and Michael Schumacher Syndrome.

Not a load of rubbish, just damn bad collision angles.

I still can't decide if you are serious, have you watched the literally endless videos of extreme sports crashes pretty much all filmed with these cameras. This simply doesn't happen.

When you have a decent tomahawk stack skiing we call it a yard sale, part and parcel with that is the long walk back up the slope to pick up the endless number of items which fly off, up until I added a leash to my camera(s) my go pro was always the first to snap off.

Michael Schumacher Syndrome....:o

apart from the fact that the go-pro is attached to the helmet, and everything else you stated isn't?

I can personally see why a go-pro would add a significantly higher risk of injury during a crash,

I wonder if they have been responsible for any issues with cyclists or motorbike riders.......

off to google he goes.....

My headphones are, so are my goggles, heck I'd expect more damage to be done by my neck warmer....

Would be interested in your findings, but again, I think it's a complete load of rubbish.
My headphones are, so are my goggles, heck I'd expect more damage to be done by my neck warmer....

Would be interested in your findings, but again, I think it's a complete load of rubbish.

you wear headphones outside your helmet? and to be fair goggles are fitted around the eyes and offer protection in themselves, isn't it only the band that sits over the helmet?

as for my findings, I did come across an article that referred to horse riding, different sport, same kind of injury's

it would seem the horse riding world has explored this already, and after testing have banned any bumps or bobbles from riding helmets,

this is due to rotational injuries to the neck, which is by far the worst injury you can take in a simple fall, causing paralysis or death with very little impact.

I know you ski a lot Will Gill, and you are far more knowledgeable than me on the subject, but how can you say this object stuck to a helmet, would not cause more damage than say your goggle during a high speed impact?

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Because it's barely held on there. It's not bolted on. It uses some mildly sticky pads that can be knocked off with any reasonable amount of force and some straps to stop it disappearing into the distance.

If the injury was caused from landing on the camera in some manner then it could be blamed, but I hardly see how it's different to any other kind of debris in an accident of that nature. Bits of ski, those big spikey poles as you're flailing about, a backpack, rocks, trees etc.
i'm a complete ignoramus on the subject but after reading the last page or so, i'm more inclined to take Will Gill's version of what happens considering he has first hand experience.

I've got go-pro mounts on all of my ski helmets, I've had plenty of crashes not once has my helmet failed on or around the go-pro mount, nor has the camera caused any additional harm, they snap off nearly instantly

also, if there was any inkling of blame that could be attributed to go-pro then of course the family would go after them, regardless of how much money they have. they would do it to raise awareness and of course you'd expect any payouts to go to charity.
I haven't died yet from falling off a horse with a gopro.

People try to argue that helmets cause beck injuries, I don't pay too much attention to these theoretical accident scenarios.
Sorry, but even I can tell that a GoPro or camera mounted like that would localise an impact on the helmet. Wouldn't stop me wearing one though.

Exactly this, and a lot of motorcycle race series ban the mounting of Go Pros on helmets. I get the 'it just snaps off' but you could still be hitting an object and putting localised pressure on a helmet if you fall on it at the wrong angle, it's basic physics. Having a solid object attached so close to your head is an obvious risk, no matter how it is mounted.
there is a simple way of solving this and could also be an idea, if it isn't already done,

what about a helmet that has an integrated area for a go pro? bit like a miners helmet, with a safe area within the helmet at the front,

I am sure this would also appeal to the aero dynamics crowd.

quick photoshop, but something like this?

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It's a dangerous sport, he was off piste, supposedly going at high speed, yet the Go Pro is clearly at fault for the injury?

You take the rough with the smooth, i've been boarding 10+ years and you simply have to accept that it's dangerous. If you choose to slap a Go pro on your head, accept that it potentially could increase any injury in a crash.

Like Will said, having your phone in your jacket, or your keys could increase an injury .... what are you going to do if it's an iPhones fault you cracked your ribs in a crash, sue Apple?

Sounds like an excuse for a law suit to me.
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Yeah, the Schumachers really need the money from a lawsuit.

I understand it's natural to defend an expensive purchase, but attaching a hard object in the near vicinity of a helmet is quite clearly a risk. When I used to race cars we weren't even allowed by the MSA to put stickers on our helmet shells in case the adhesive compromised the integrity of the design.
Yeah, the Schumachers really need the money from a lawsuit.

I understand it's natural to defend an expensive purchase, but attaching a hard object in the near vicinity of a helmet is quite clearly a risk. When I used to race cars we weren't even allowed by the MSA to put stickers on our helmet shells in case the adhesive compromised the integrity of the design.

Like having money has ever stopped someone from taking out a lawsuit.

Defend an expensive purchase? I don't even own one.
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