Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 announced.

How is everyone finding the latest update? I was happy to see that they have fixed the night lighting. Prior to the update, deep black appeared almost greyish (like how black would look on an old LCD monitor), now they are pitch black again and look amazing on OLED. The fuzziness that was present (with frame gen on) around some of the cockpit lighting elements at night has also gone too, this was most noticeable around the default A320 throttle quadrant at night.

I am glad that things are starting to come together. I think that once they have improved the interoperability with third party add-ons (there are still many open issues) and enabled the local downloading of the default aircraft (essential for the modding community) it will be so much better! This was a big update and it's clear that Asobo/MS are working hard to address things.
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Wow, weird thing happened just now, doing my usual VIP courier, Heathrow to Zutendaal, Cirrus G2.

Heathrow is long on the taxi, I usually don't skip anything on career but thought sod it.

But it dumped me in some weird part of the airport, anyway didn't think too much of it, found the runway, took off.

About 10 minutes in, all my electrics and engine went dead, I still have control with the stick but it started drifting off course and loosing altitude, I'm thinking, hmm gotta try and spot a runway here.

Fortunately I had already climbed to nearly 15k ft, and being pretty familiar with the Cirrus G2 now, I noticed both battery, and generator buttons were not on, so pressed all them, electrics fire up and managed to get the engine started.

Very weird, never happened before.

Anyway it completely erased my flight plan, so definitely something I need to learn is keying that in without using the EFB. I put the destination code in the "direct to" function and managed to complete the mission.

Was actually quite good fun, but I think it was a bug rather than intentional.

I have had a failure though, my landing gear broke in one of my Cessna's mid flight, and it popped up with a warning, although I managed to land that ok, I couldn't taxi at all, so had to abort the mission one that one.
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Which desk mounts are you using?

These -

Very adjustable and absolutely solid. That said, they were mis-sold as a pair and were missing some nuts, so I can’t recommend these specifically. Amazon sorted all at least. Plenty of other options on there and I’d highly recommend for comfort and immersion.
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I've been practicing my landings a LOT, I won't say "I've got it" just yet but at least the pilot doesn't need constant treatment for spinal compression anymore 8)
A lot I found was that I was leaving everything far to late and just getting in a mess, now I'm getting myself setup much farther out so I have a lot less to do closer in and can focus more.
Also had no real idea how much I'd be constantly trimming so I'm tweaking the aircraft on the controls now rather than flying it in on them.
Really getting into this now, enjoying career mode. It really gives a sense of purpose. Have unlocked the plane delivery missions and slowly working toward cargo. X56 has been great so far, immersive and gives solid control of the aircraft.
Im heading towards buying my own passanger airline company. Later on the game gives you gold star missions as a proper airline pilot where you can do them as an employee, and you would have made about 3m per run if it wasnt for the employer commission but you still make 300-400k as an employee.

Still trying to get my head around the Boeing 737-Max though, I even looked up some youtube videos etc but strange stuff starts happening and I dont know what I am doing wrong at times.

For example, I setup all the ILS information into the FMS computer and also the center radio console, but when I get near the destination and try to activate VOR localiser and approach mode, the buttons dont do anything, further to that I cannot disable the LNAV.

Wierd though I have done it before and it worked, and I didnt do anything differently, I dont think..................

Im sure its some tiny thing somewhere if you dont do it in the right order or something, I dunno.

You also gotta watch some things, like the ATC will sometimes leave it very late, or not at all to tell you to start your decent, so you just have to judge it yourself and ignore the fact the ATC is screaming at you to fly at like 35k ft 3 miles before the runway etc.

I also reckon the increase simulation speed is reasonably safe if you set it twice over normal (whatever that is in terms of multiplier) but if you set it 3 notches up you have to watch it.

Also one of the missions was taking off from some airport just south of Tehran in Iran, and it was snowing lol.
Argh this game still needs plenty of fixing.

I bought a Heart Aerospace ES-30, I did manage to do one sucessfull run with it, its erm, kinda fun.....I wont spoil it lol.

But then I tried this morning, plane loaded up, I am in the cockpit and then the screen goes back into the mission page with some error message. Try again, mission steps dont generate, then again it dumps me out of the mission, although this time wrecking my landing gear for me (I didn't even move) at the cost of about 250k..........

So that is now resigned to the hanger until they fix it, I will try putting crew on to see if it makes me any money.

Its frustrating because the 737 is mostly working, but it costs 99m, so trying to grind that in my Cessna or Vision jet isnt going to happen, it would literally take months.

I think the next step is to save about 2-3m for the Cessna grand caravan for the medium cargo runs, apparently the money is ok on those about 400k per run and the plane is mostly working.
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Another update:

Not a big one though…

It does need a good few fixes. I’ve encountered a good few bugs during the career mode. Airports with obstacles on/near the runway, progress rewinding, massive green airports with no clear taxiways, floating planes etc.

That said, enjoying it still. Did some longer light cargo missions today that forced me to suss out the autopilot features and use those effectively.

Loving the Hotas setup and realising I can use it for a good few other games too.

Had a particularly annoying one yesterday after a 2 hour flight landing on a runway that no plane was ever going to stop in time on, at least it was only a small penalty for overshooting!
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Had a particularly annoying one yesterday after a 2 hour flight landing on a runway that no plane was ever going to stop in time on, at least it was only a small penalty for overshooting!

I did one yesterday, VIP charter in my vision jet.

It was some runway in the Alps like courchevel, I wish I could remember it and find it, I'd it comes up again I'll shout, it was even worse then courchevel though, something like 6000ft up as well.

The weather was awful, literal no visibility, torrential rain, I'm flying over these mountains at 8000ft watching the terrain on the PDF making sure I don't fly straight into a mountain.

I line up for whatever runway it was, to realise I'd have to come over the top of a mountain and drop like 2k ft, which was not going to happen, so I fly over to circle round, again, literally just using the PFD and the map on the MFD screens.

I line the runway up from the other direction, and no lie, I was literally on top of the runway before I could visually see it, the run way felt like it was about 4 plane lengths long but I forced it down, fortunately the wheel brakes on the vision jet are really good, I still went off the end of the runway, but not fast enough to cause damage.

Hardest landing I've pulled off to date, not gonna lie it was quite good fun knowing the penalty for messing it up as well.
I've had a look through and Im' reasonably sure is was LFHU.

Try doing that one in a vision jet with zero visability.

EDIT: This is what the area looks like when you can actually see out of the window, beautiful. You gotta admin, this game does look nice at times.

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Anyone using Virpil flight pedals per chance? I'm considering adding them but I don't really understand the difference between the 4 sets on the website and the prices are very similar so I don't think its a case of more expensive is better,
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