Microsoft Flight Simulator X

I was hoping to get the VFR Generation X: England & Wales bundle but that seems to be sold out at the minute.
It's worth waiting for; it's superb.

I keep landing just right of the runway. It's hard to get the correct speeds for the A380. More of a guessing game for me right now. I'll need to check out a few of the forums.
Check out my ILS Approach thread as it will get you 99% of the way. Then for plane specifics it's back to the pilots handbook I'm afraid.

ILS Approach
[ui]ICEMAN;10396812 said:
Been playing with it for a few weeks now, it came out over here a lot earlier than in the UK it seems. DX10 is actually slower when in clouds than DX9 for me even with a top end system.

I like the new missions but I primarily use FS to keep my IR skills honed and work on difficult approaches so I rarely even look out of the window anyway. However I was dissapointed to see that they still haven't fixed the flight dynamics for departures from the flight envelope, it still isn't possible to maintain knife edge flight without losing altitude, nor is it possible to do half of the advanced aerobatic maneuvers that involve spins or single wing stalls. I know its a minor gripe for most people but for me since I'm an aerobatic pilot as well as airline, it would be nice to practice some of this stuff.
What controller are you using? There's several people out there I've come across doing similar with varying degrees of success, usually controller dependant.
I have a Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS setup and a CH yoke/pedals/throttle quadrant for normal flying. Maintaining knife edge simply requires forward pressure on the stick to prevent the bank causing a turn with opposite rudder to the turn to keep the nose above the horizon and offset the reduction in the coefficient of lift.

I know this is correct since I do it in real life but no matter how little or much rudder you put in with the Extra or any other aircraft the nose will stay above the horizon but with a very rapid loss in altitude, this quite simply isn't correct.

In terms of spins and g stalls, the aircraft self right themselves in FS and never truly develop into a stable maneuver, even flick rolls never actually run away with you.
So whats the story then on quad core with FSX? I've been trying to search around looking for benchmarks of dual core and quad core comparisons.

What really gets me is that as soon as any decent/fun amount of traffic is added frame rates drop like a brick!
Downloading the SP2 Update now. Wonder what the DX10 preview is like?

Just getting into FSX now. Downloaded a few extra airplanes and trying to get used to actully landing properly (thanks to a tutorial on here). Harder than I thought!
Just updated to SP2, don't see much difference- and don't know what the DX10 thing is all about. No difference there either.

love my new 8800GTS

yes :) very smooth - my GTS is just about ok with 1900x1200 @ 30fps locked with 8Q FSAA :) and 16xAF

just tried though the in-built scaler of the GTS - and its pretty good

currently playing with upscaled 1680 with 16xAA :)

For me the DX10 preview has caused a number of issues. the main one being planes at airport that are totally white without any liveries, and also invisible planes landing, that you can only see the tyre smoke of when they touch down.

It could be DX 10 preview of instability with some of my add ons, but I've had to switch it off to get it FSX to work correctly again

BTW, anyone with FSX Acceleration doesn't need to install SP2 as Acceleration already had it built in.

Also in anyone is interested in addons for FSX I can recommend a couple produced by Aerosoft, Mega Scenery Heathrow X, Mega Scenery Brussels X and Jay Hawk Helicopter. Bought them over the last month of so and have been very impressed. Especially with the heathrow one as I fly out of there a lot.

I have Vista 64bit and an 8800GT and the fps I am getting are rubbish. Have you all settings turned up Buckster? Espically the scenery density? I can have everything up full except that at 1680x1050 and get about 25fps, when I turn everything up I get about 10-15.
yes :) very smooth - my GTS is just about ok with 1900x1200 @ 30fps locked with 8Q FSAA :) and 16xAF

just tried though the in-built scaler of the GTS - and its pretty good

currently playing with upscaled 1680 with 16xAA :)


Put every single graphics option up to the top - including 100% AI traffic if you have it.

Then give us an idea of frame rates.
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