Microsoft Windows 8.2 Scheduled For January 2014

Sorry but I'm finding it hard to take you seriously now. Your diction is just terrible. Can you not take 20 seconds to look over what you are writing?.

theres no need for being rude .

most people on here know the reason why I have poor spelling, grammar and use of wrong words.

if you really want to know. I use a on screen keyboard to type has i'm disabled, no use of my hands/legs etc. and yes I know I have very poor spelling, grammar etc but so what. I do best. OK.

you shouldn't point out how poor someones diction on a post because that is just rude also there could be a reason why.
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Sorry but I'm finding it hard to take you seriously now. Your diction is just terrible. Can you not take 20 seconds to look over what you are writing?
I'm not a fan of the pro-Win8 taliban here, and definitely not of sloppy/lazy/ignorant use of the English language, but I believe gareth has some accessibility issues which might make posting a little harder than for the rest of us. It might be an idea to cut him some slack. :)

edit: oh well, he got there before me...
Well no, but then Apple just forked development - so you do get the best of both worlds depending on what hardware you use.

I still think Microsoft will end up having to take this path in the future, it just depends how much flapping around trying to make K&M users accept a touch screen interface they want to do first. Getting that moron Ballmer out is a good start though.

I was coming at it from a different angle i.e. the ability to make major updates to software that will please everybody. A specific example would be iOS7. I've never in my life heard as many complaints about an OS update from the general public as I did when iOS7 was rolling out. And that's under arguably best case scenario conditions from a company who can seemingly do no wrong as a sweeping generalisation.

Windows 8 was rough at launch, slapped on yesteryear hardware, and had a barren app store. That's not to excuse it completely, but we all know what the echo chamber is like when it comes to Windows. The average person, in my experience, when it comes to Windows 8 is pretty indifferent. They have an air of slight bemusement and most commonly ask how to shut their machine down. That's it. Maybe that's a problem, I don't know. Should they be more enamoured by the new stuff?

I really don't expect them to spin WinRT off as a separate product. I think what's more likely is that once their app store reaches a critical mass and Windows 7 comes to the end of its support cycle we might see a couple of the old style features creep in as options. Maybe.
i don't get what people love about the old start menu so much that they're missing from metro? seruiously someone tell me what they need to do on a start menu? the start menu literally just opened programs in a list style format, which is exactly what you get now, except you can make it so your favourite programs have a better easier to get to spot, and you less popular programs are just one swipe away.

what are people going to do with a start menu? it's like the users on this site are from mumsnet, they are on a computer but don't get how to use one.

Lol! Is this what mumsnet is like?
All this talk of start menus that, metro tiles this.. Does no one else open programs just by hitting the windows key and typing the first few letters of whatever that program is called? It's the fastest way by miles and works near as dammit identically (slight ui change but you use exactly the same keys) in both 7 and 8.
think of it this way, if MS brings back the old start menu and removes metro ui, how is that far for all the people who prefers metro. has I said before this is the first OS that I didn't need to mod the UI. it's about time some of you guys feel how it is having to mod the UI to make it user friendly for you, think yourself lucky it's only 8/8.1, and not from win95 all the way up to win7, which I had too....

if MS does being back the old start menu but has a option to use either the old start menu or metro (new start menu) then fine I would be happy with that.
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I think people who want the old start menu just want an option to disable metro and only use Windows. They don't want metro taken out for everyone who likes it - unlike what happened to the start menu.
well I have a feeling MS won't do it has a option.

Of course they won't - MS are too busy trying to market the same-looking UI on tablets, phones and desktops, whilst they try and emulate the profits of Apple's walled garden app store. Sod what their customers want, but the likes of me are voting with our wallets.
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I don't understand why some people get so butthurt when others say the Start Screen and Metro crapps are, well, a load of crap.

It's crap.

I mean people actually attribute the fact you can have two crapps open side by side to Windows 8? Completely forgetting the ability to resize "Windows" is as old as the "Windows" trademark itself. But no, dumbing it down for the masses and enlarging everything, is all it takes to brainwash people into thinking this is some revolutionary feature.

"Oh my dais, the calculator is using half my 24" screen! This must mean I'm getting more calculations done!"

"Ho my, thr screnn is fill o tex, yet it's tking onlu 5 seconds it read it all, meanings Im getting better at readin!"

Not difficult to understand the underlying mentality in regards to liking this nonsense.

I still don't understand why there isn't a choice for what interface you want to use.... Oh wait I do understand. Just so MS can get a foothold in the crapp market by ramming crapps into the faces of their Windows userbase. In Soviet Russia, user doesn't use Windows, Windows uses user.
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I bet if they added a option so you can choose which ui you want to use, some people will still moan about sometimes else in it

the only main reason why I like win8/8.1 is the start screen, because of the title format, instead of the small list format with the old start menu.

I know the title format doesn't suit everybody, which I fully understand but it's not has if there's no way of getting the old start menu. oh I know you'll be thinking hmmm I shouldn't have to do this, well there's lots of things we shouldn't have to do in our lifes but we just do them, if we didn't we wouldn't get anything done in life. I shouldn't of had to mod previous OS's but I did so I can use them.
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i have no idea how to reply to this. it's almost like i'm not on a tech enthusiast forum.

i find it funny people complain the startmenu has gone when they can easily get it back.

why is it an issue to install a third party app? are people not smart enough/too lazy to do this? have they forgot how winxp was with third party stuff. i remember third party themes, screen savers/viruses, helpful purple monkeys/trojans, floating docks, browsers, music players, video players etc, but oh heaven forbid we need a third party start menu. :rolleyes:
i have no idea how to reply to this. it's almost like i'm not on a tech enthusiast forum.

i find it funny people complain the startmenu has gone when they can easily get it back.

why is it an issue to install a third party app? are people not smart enough/too lazy to do this? have they forgot how winxp was with third party stuff. i remember third party themes, screen savers/viruses, helpful purple monkeys/trojans, floating docks, browsers, music players, video players etc, but oh heaven forbid we need a third party start menu.


well said
The quicker they get rid of that stupid metro & tile crap and give us are start menu back the better...

how is that far for all the people who prefers metro, if they get rid of it. just because you don't like it doesn't mean they must get rid of it.

at least there are ways to bring the old start menu back

the only way they should do it is to add a option. not to get rid of metro.
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