Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

The probability of the game causing your BSOD's are pretty low. You have an underlying hardware or driver issue I think.

Nonsense. Other games run perfectly fine. Multi-threaded applications run fine, GPU-based algorithms run fine.

This one is a bit crashy on W8.1 64-bit, at the moment. Borderless does seem to help though.
I run Windows 8.1 64-bit and have not had any issues at all.

I had popping audio in a cutscene but I realised my amp was set to stereo and not multi channel and it went away.
MrBios said:
Down to only 4 main missions, 4 outcast missions, 1 dagger mission and 2 hunting missions left. Get a feeling the hunting missions will take the longest.....i've no idea where to find a ghul matron, they've not been random so far, only parts of other missions.

One of the GOllum quests i did lead me to a ghoul cave which had a ghoul matron in it, im assuming she can be found at that cave anytime you go back, they have a huge weakeness to elfshot
Nonsense. Other games run perfectly fine. Multi-threaded applications run fine, GPU-based algorithms run fine.

This one is a bit crashy on W8.1 64-bit, at the moment. Borderless does seem to help though.

First time ive heard or read that regarding this game, running 8.1 don't even have the game installed on Os drive an it runs like a dream.

No CTD here.
Nonsense. Other games run perfectly fine. Multi-threaded applications run fine, GPU-based algorithms run fine.

This one is a bit crashy on W8.1 64-bit, at the moment. Borderless does seem to help though.

8.1 64-bit, i7 2600K at 4.6Ghz, 16GB DDR3, EVGA 780 3GB runs like a dream for me & certainly comes across as a well optimized game.
Down to only two missions left and all the side stuff completed now. Quite liking this mission though, going to be quite a long one (it's practically 5 mini missions in one)

(still got 4 abilities left to unlock too, so it's not 100% in my eyes until i've got those too :p)
I'd love an rpg with this combat! I suppose the witcher 2 is the closest(but still not very close). As it is though I am finding it very hard to care about anything in the game other than killing orcs tbh. I think I blew up a statue for some reason or something, and something about poisoning some grog.

Question- it keeps saying to do things to 'weaken Sauron's army'. What does this mean? How does it play out?
It's true and maybe I'd entertain playing an RPG if that were the case but, to be fair, the non-RPG gamers haven't been treated with anything from the LoTR world since Playstation 2 so I'm thankful they put effort into accomodating us.

Nothing like watching a new LoTR trailer that looks incredible only to realise it was some rendered movie when actual gameplay shows a toy soldiers game using the Nokia 8210 graphics engine but this time with HD grass.
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Question- it keeps saying to do things to 'weaken Sauron's army'. What does this mean? How does it play out?

Umm... I wonder what it means... do things to 'weaken Saurons army'... that is comprised primarily of Orcs... can't quite put my finger on that one... ;)
Question- it keeps saying to do things to 'weaken Sauron's army'. What does this mean? How does it play out?
Basically you can prevent captains from levelling up by interrupting these events (and killing them). More specifically, kill the tough ones at low level and let the weaker ones gain rank before you kill them for runes.
Question for those that have got a long way through the game. How important is it which skills you unlock, i.e. is it easy enough by late game to get enough XP, Power and M to unlock everything or do you have to pick a path and stick with it?
Question for those that have got a long way through the game. How important is it which skills you unlock, i.e. is it easy enough by late game to get enough XP, Power and M to unlock everything or do you have to pick a path and stick with it?

There's certain skills which are required in order to do certain missions, such as the later dagger missions etc. but you get quite hefty amounts of M and XP for completing other side quests and main missions that you have unlocked. I found i was getting to points where i hadn't unlocked certain skills to do certain missions, but there was always something else for me to do, and the xp to unlock the required skills appeared surprisingly quickly.
Haven't had any major issues, barring the a couple of CTDs (which are probably due to an unrelated memory leak). Best fighting game I've played in aaaaaaaages; welcome return to form by Monolith :)

Even inspired me to grab a GTX 970
AngryJoe Vs Olgoth - Shadow of Mordor! gave me a good few chuckles this morning :D

I'd link the video but there's some good swears in there ;)
Think i may start to let captains kill me to level them up, you can only send one death threat to each one, wish you could keep annoying them all the time making them rage haha
Just played this and suddenly my 2nd 290 is working, but it has introduced a tonne of glitches even with vsync off (which normally fixes them). Had to disable 2nd gpu :/

E: I'm an idiot, I had ticked the "apply xfire even without profile" button in CCC facepalm
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Use stealth and kill as many of the uruks and orcs in the area as you can before attempting to have a go at them. Also make sure you find the weaknesses of the warchief and ideally kill any captains they have as bodyguards before you even enter the fight with the chief, as it makes it vastly easier. The warchiefs often have many immunities, but often have a fear so you can easily grab them and end it. Pay close attention to these details and you'll be absolutely fine.

You need a lot of patience dealing with all of the guards though, especially early on. Further into the game you get some abilities that make things far faster and more direct though!

managed to get somewhere, the flurry hits then executions helping! 3/4 done now :D

loving this game
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