I get the particularly frequently at the moment, and incredibly painfully but can't for the life of me work out what from.
Years and years ago when I was, I (and my parents) can't remember, mabey 7-8 years old would wake up in the middle of the night every few weeks with unbelievably bad pain. Then continued to get quite frequent mild headaches for years and one incredibly bad migraine type one 1-2 times a month. Then mid teens maybe I'd forgotten all about them, late teens/early twenties they again came back in a 1-2 a month scenario then went away for a few years.
IN the last 18 months I've gotten them for a few months at a time often 3-4 times a week, particularly bad if I'm moving around and lying down seems to make them worse, trying to sleep all I can focus on is incredibly painful throbbing in my head, sitting as still as possible seems to calm them down with pain medication. Nurofen years ago helped, in the last 18 months anything short of Codeine doesn't even touch it. 2-3 pills, sitting still for a while and they mostly calm down but rarely go. In the past 6 months I'll quite often get a headache throughout the day, take painpills, go to sleep and wake up in the morning still with the headache.
Not a fan of migraines at all. Thing is, I've tried to narrow it down to almost anything, my diet has changed completely, several times throughout my life and in the last 18 months, gaining weight, eating badly, losing weight eating stupendously healthily and cutting out everything bad, then headaches got worse and I along with several other things I ended up eating badly again and still had the headaches.
Stupidly frustrating trying to find a "trigger" for them, even more frustrating is trying to find out what causes migraines, for every person that says there are triggers, there are loads who say they don't, for every medical study that thinks it has something to do with blood vessels contracting, other studies says it has nothing to do with it.
For something that effects so many people, and lots of them very frequently, it seems to have very little research going on in to it.