Military coup in Turkey?

Would they though? All their fancy warplanes are American. Would hope in that scenario parts/services for those aircraft would be instantly stopped.

Some of Russia latest military platforms are dependant on Japanese electronics which they are atleast a decade from perfecting domestically - essentially giving the US say over it - but I guess the Americans wouldn't be too unhappy as that gives them some insight into the internal operation of that hardware.
More of an anti westerner.

Ha, I'm western my children are western I'm not anti western, stop trying to disguise neocon fool plans as western, there is no such thing as western foreign policy as we are democratic and OUR policies are subject to change.

Nor am I a resident islamist or muslim I take solace in the fact that neocon paid mercenaries who describe themselves as islamic get blown up every day by Syrian or Russian forces.
of course they did, they have a history of creating/funding or supporting coups against "democratically elected Governments"

RaohNS has a point Thestig.

It's one thing to execute a bit of regime change in some tinpot dictatorship (managed democracy) or if there is a strategic objective involved like oil or politics, but the US attempting a coup on a 'supposed' ally and fellow NATO member would be a massive leap.

I would seriously doubt any US involvement. The only strategic reason for America backing a coup in Turkey would be fears of Erdogan becoming too islamist. You don't 'fix' that by supporting a different islamist in Gulen.
Tyranny is ok if we (the US) has strategic value in the nation rather than economic value.

So its funny to me to see the US support the YPG and Turkey at the same time, even though as soon as the US stops supporting the YPG, Turkey will kill them all.

Actually its not funny, its sad.
This has been covered in snippets in the news but is lost in all the trump v clinton talk, i still say Turkey is going down the Islamist route, ISIS will get a foothold as they all flee Iraq and Syria, the country is also split down the middle.

That has been the intention of Erdogan all along anyway. He is a conservative and deeply religious. It screws the EU and plays into Putins hands perfectly.
Ahh blaming Putin again, boring.

Turkey hates Russia politically, perhaps there's a secret friendship but its doubtful and conspiractional.

Funny you read it that way, despite I never said anything of the sort.

Agenda much?

Anyhow, my original statement stands, it plays into Putins hands perfectly. Next
LOL well maybe the EU shouldn't have promised him accelerated EU membership talks and visa free travel for his citizens... then not deliver on them. Though according to the remain campaign Turkey won't become an EU member anyway ergo the EU were complete bull****ters when making that agreement.

Still Merkel loves encouraging refugees to flood into Germany so presumably will be happy... until her party loses badly in the next election. If Turkey does follow through with this threat then we've also got the French elections to consider too. First Brexit, then Trump the EU technocrats are on thin ice here.... a lot could change in the coming years if this is handled badly by them.
LOL well maybe the EU shouldn't have promised him accelerated EU membership talks and visa free travel for his citizens... then not deliver on them. Though according to the remain campaign Turkey won't become an EU member anyway ergo the EU were complete bull****ters when making that agreement.

Still Merkel loves encouraging refugees to flood into Germany so presumably will be happy... until her party loses badly in the next election. If Turkey does follow through with this threat then we've also got the French elections to consider too. First Brexit, then Trump the EU technocrats are on thin ice here.... a lot could change in the coming years if this is handled badly by them.

Brexit has not even started yet, no one knows when it will start, let alone get applied, and Trump is a typical Republican politician as he did a U turn on most of the promises of his campaign. Nothing changed really, you and the rest of the people who want to see the world burn got shafted.
Nobody should really care about Turkey, they are a sort of non-country.

Dont really do anything special, dont really have much decent military, not sure what they really exist for to be honest. Carpets? They make carpets, and worse quality clothes than the Chinese/Vietnamese. They are more aligned with the Arabs than Europeans, so the idea of them being in the EU is crazy.

Fortunately it is never going to happen. Let them feel important in the middle east, thats how their silly leader will get this does of self importance.

I'd lol though if they got in the way of Russia, or shot down Russian hardware again, place would be bombed flat in seconds.
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