Hey Rroff have you changed the link or has the server gone down I cant get on, Im cowell and the reason I said you cant dig a hole is because we've been making random holes on every server and its got us no where but peoples work leading to be full of water. In all the servers we have made a spawn point and you wanted people to fall into a hole?
Its the sound files update YAY!, I defo know what im going to make and its going to be the medievil cathedral I tried to make once before, we made a nice start on the Great Overclockers Wall its going to circle the whole map should be fun as a first group project for everyone
restarted - doesn't look like the server is too stable with a 512x512 map tho and auto restart fails coz when it crashes it holds the server port open due to a bug in teh server software forcing me to restart the VM manually.
Seem to be running into some hard coded memory limitations on the server thats causing problems with the (unsupported) map size... so don't be suprised if the server goes down now and again... I may try moving it to a machine with more free RAM - but as this one has over 25% free I doubt its that.
Minecraft is killing my browser now. Ran really smoothly last night, but I can't even load it in single player now. Heck, I can't even load it up. As soon as I visit the website, it locks up my browser.
I'm getting random performance issues with the current build...
Also server doesn't seem to like the huge map much - randomly exiting or locking up the process... if it goes down in the next couple of hours I might not be around to restart it if the automatic restart fails.
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