Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Right well it's pretty full. I've not been around recently but Cowell kindly secured me a bit of land. As I don't actually have any grand designs in the works I would like to invite anyone who can't find a patch to play in my relatively puny bit of land.
Yup I split mine. And the two plots either side of me are massive! These should definatly be cut down then you can probably fit another 20+ players in smaller plots.
It's my opinion that if you don't post your intentions for your plot and start working on it (atleast levelling the land/foundations) within a day or two of claiming then your claim is void.

If I see a vast chunk of land "claimed" and no work on it for days I'll have no problem using it.

Pretty much sums it up, but I can see why people have claimed land, if they spend a few hours preparing the land then you don't want someone else coming and building on it/too near it when you are offline.
I've removed my 'claimed' plot now. The border is still there (red) just to stop other people instantly re-claiming it, but it says "FREE" on it rather than my name.

Anyone that doesn't have a 'plot' or whatever feel free to build (and move the wall if needed).

It's directly west of the spawn point (handy compass by the way, whoever built it).
Rgh don't just feel like its you mate others are the same, the land is for everyone just make sure people are grateful that others are willing to give up land as well. Some people need to just build whatever they are building and stick to it. Thanks again RGH for freeing up some space but don't leave yourself with none
I'm fine with it - as I said before I just did it because others were and I thought if I didn't I wouldn't get to build anything (which is kind of true!).

I'm happy building the odd occasional small thing in between (or above) other peoples things :). At least I've got my Aztec tomb!
I claimed my area just because it seemed like I had to if I wanted to have a chance to build anything.

Same reason I claimed mine. I'll remove the red boundaries once I'm finished, and people can build round me, but for now, I'd like to keep the space.

Although I do agree, claiming a large empty plot of land then doing nothing with it is a bit wrong. I claimed a section of hill, and built on one part of it immediately. There was a flat bit of land, but there's stuff underneath all of it, and I didn't want people randomly digging through and flooding it or something.
Driving me nuts, I've been prancing around for ages looking for a sea area to build a ship, and the only place I can see is out of the way in a corner of the map, fantastic.

I'm going to take the sea off the North East coast, unless I can find somewhere else and unless anyone has any objection.

I also keep on losing the connection and now can't get back on to the map -_-
Driving me nuts, I've been prancing around for ages looking for a sea area to build a ship, and the only place I can see is out of the way in a corner of the map, fantastic.

I'm going to take the sea off the North East coast, unless I can find somewhere else and unless anyone has any objection.

I also keep on losing the connection and now can't get back on to the map -_-

If I were you, I'd make a large hole on the outer hill and make an estuary so your ship can actually be seen!
that would o straight through someone else's property though, bum. I'll make it, i've got the basic skeleton which took an AGE.
Addictive :p
The unsupported map size is causing a few problems.

I'm gonna move it to another machine later tonight that has more memory in the hope of reducing how often it crashes and so I can reboot with less inconvenience coz when it crashes it often jacks the network port too.

As for the reservations - myself and a couple of people are gonna keep an eye on it due to the arguments its causing...


Any reservation thats too large will be reduced.

Any reservation thats not seen proper building on after a day or so will at first be reduced in size then removed entirely if its not been worked on for another day after that.
I was under the impression the new map was going to give us a joint building project not another map full of non flowing buildings and huge smurfs?
I think people have gone far to stupid with land whoever Droony is he has taken more then half of one of the corners from front to back. I apologise for naming people on here but come on others are giving up on this amazing game and its people that have been with it since the start of it. When lyon started this game and Rroff took over it was fun on the first server and we even had visitors from other servers saying how nice it was, now I wouldn't even want people coming in to see it. We need to lay some rules down that can be used on the server even if it means starting fresh again.

I'm droony.

I don't mind having the area I marked deleted so much, but not all of it :-(

Or a "do you mind giving up some of the land you marked?" wouldn't have gone a miss.

I'm not sure why writing your name on land should mean anything anyway. I wrote my name on the stadium at one point - didn't stop anyone from continuing work on it. I vote that all claims are disregarded.

I also agree with Firestar that this map was supposed to be a joint project.
Yeah I thought it was going to be a joint project. I was thinking something a bit flatter :p and with streets as a joint project and people had plots of land between the streets.
Moved the server to a VPS all of its own which hopefully should provide better performance and stability... maybe...

To make this semi private to get the new URL you will need to access my trust and copy the URL from the location field... only share this with people you can personally vouch for.

People with admin control panel access - add vps2. to the front of the domain in the url and login with the username mine1 - password is the same as before.
Ooops just noticed with the current settings in an effort to make all the memory available to it possible I've ended up with only 23Mb spare RAM lol!

Next time it restarts it should leave a bit more free... and hopefully still have enough allocated not to crash...
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