Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Yeah that got a bit silly...

There is some stretches of water at the edges that might be useable...

I'll keep an eye on the land reservations tho and if they are getting too silly or aren't worked on I'll remove the section.
When i joined everyone was claiming the edge hills but there was nothing on the centre island so i just started building there. I did put a claim line round 'my area' today but only as a joke because everyone was doing it, I have removed some of it.

There should be enough room inbetween peoples plots but if someone has claimed an area and hasn't actually started building on it just move their line back and build what you want.
The map isn't really that friendly, you can't build much on the hills without spending ages flattening it, and it's really far above sea level also.

If you need somewhere that isn't claimed, you gotta spend time making land over the large sea area which is wasted really.

For the next map, I think just flat land with an L shaped hill and a small piece of sea around the other edges would be neat.
I claimed my area just because it seemed like I had to if I wanted to have a chance to build anything.

Doubt I'll use hardly any of it so will probably remove the wall in a couple of days once main building foundations are down.
The map isn't really that friendly, you can't build much on the hills without spending ages flattening it, and it's really far above sea level also.

If you need somewhere that isn't claimed, you gotta spend time making land over the large sea area which is wasted really.

For the next map, I think just flat land with an L shaped hill and a small piece of sea around the other edges would be neat.

Yeah the map editor isn't very user friendly atm - just getting the map to be half useable was a PITA... I guess we could have gone with a flat grass server.
Me (Pingu Pi) and Tyrcian are building the Syndey Opera House properly on our plot, thats why it hasn't got any work on it. were figuring out scale etc using photoshop n then going to get to work on building it relatively to scale. hence the massive plot. it'll be a nice piece for the place. none of this disco telly tubby on LSD crap from the last server.

plus id also spent fair bit of time today digging out the Argonath valley with Derg.

so we haven't claimed our spot just to annoy people, we intend to use it to build something great for the server. then whatever land is free at the end can be used by people probably.

Pingu Pi
I'm sorry, but this claiming business is ridiculous. Build something or don't, but going on a virtual empire building trip is just silly.

Take Pingu's plot for example. I understand that you have a big building you want to make, but couldn't you have just started on it - I'm sure there would have been enough space without having to take over a massive part of the map 'just in case'.

I'm not sure why people who are so keen to have their own land don't just get their own server. For me, this is all about building things together. To put a virtual 'no entry' sign around half the map is completely missing the point.
I claimed land as it seemed to be getting taken up fast. The terrain isn't the most friendliest for building on though. I've flattened a massive section of the mountian just for a decent building site and even then it's quite high up.
I'm sorry, but this claiming business is ridiculous. Build something or don't, but going on a virtual empire building trip is just silly.

Take Pingu's plot for example. I understand that you have a big building you want to make, but couldn't you have just started on it - I'm sure there would have been enough space without having to take over a massive part of the map 'just in case'.

I'm not sure why people who are so keen to have their own land don't just get their own server. For me, this is all about building things together. To put a virtual 'no entry' sign around half the map is completely missing the point.

because to build something realisticly good takes planning. nevermind i have to get to work on levelling the entire lot when derg asked me to give him a hand on his.

im not gunna just start it because i have to work out base structure size in realistic proportions to the arking fins to the levelled base. Take a look at pictures of the sydney Opera house. and think realistcly of what im making since its going to be big enough to have the concert halls in. thats my design and my idea.

im sorry u like to just go wack n build improv and start getting out the rainbow coloured squares etc. but im planning on building something thats realistic and something me, cowell lyon etc will enjoy having around on the server. not some generic multicoloured tower or underground tunnel system with water splashed around.

preparation, thats how we Built Jacobs statue and Rex and i was quite proud of them.

people were taking up plots and guess what i got there too late on the last server to do anything decent plus it looked crap. this time i have a big enough piece of land. im going to build my building. and then im going to sit back and enjoy it.
You can prepare and then build the structure, I don't see how masking of huge chunks of the map are necessary for that to happen.

FYI with the 'rainbow coloured squares' comment, on the last map my main contribution was adding a load of the staircase system as well as much of the first floor (including lighting effects) to the stadium. I also helped on the dock gates when they were first being built (though not for long).

The last server did not fill up in a day or two, and this one will take a lot longer to fill. This idea that if everyone wasn't claiming everything they could see then nobody would be able to build anything is totally bogus.

Practically the only thing not claimed on the map is the lodge that I was building just to the right of spawn, and you know I have absolutely no interest in 'claiming' it - if people want to improve it, sit in it or whatever they're more than welcome to because that's how the game should be played. It's the map's lodge not my lodge.

In relation to your opera house, hadn't it been agreed that we wouldn't have a repeat of the stadium - i.e. a massive massive building (however impressive)? It seems the opera house has the possibility of being even larger...
Been away for a few days, can't install java on this lappy. I should be home a little later on, I've been looking forward to the big map, is there any room left?

I hope that if you're reserving plots it's because you have a plan, and not just 'cause someone else was doing it.
It's my opinion that if you don't post your intentions for your plot and start working on it (atleast levelling the land/foundations) within a day or two of claiming then your claim is void.

If I see a vast chunk of land "claimed" and no work on it for days I'll have no problem using it.
Makes sense. I think I've seen a few bits that've been claimed that are big and it doesn't look like much has happened on it.
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I think the server claiming went out of hand the reason I took such a big plot is because I knew people would get stupid and I secured land for both me and lyon. If anyone has a problem with masses of land and needs some come to one of the admins Ive been on for days and some plots havent been touched if its like this for another day Il give someone else the plot
I think the server claiming went out of hand the reason I took such a big plot is because I knew people would get stupid and I secured land for both me and lyon. If anyone has a problem with masses of land and needs some come to one of the admins Ive been on for days and some plots havent been touched if its like this for another day Il give someone else the plot

You should check whoever owns the bit with RGH on it. It's like 3 times the size of mine. It's massive and pretty much undeveloped!
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I think people have gone far to stupid with land whoever Droony is he has taken more then half of one of the corners from front to back. I apologise for naming people on here but come on others are giving up on this amazing game and its people that have been with it since the start of it. When lyon started this game and Rroff took over it was fun on the first server and we even had visitors from other servers saying how nice it was, now I wouldn't even want people coming in to see it. We need to lay some rules down that can be used on the server even if it means starting fresh again.
I thought i was part of the gold rush when i saw all the boundary lines!
Personally i think it is a bit silly.
The stadium was a joy to build due to all the help and various people adding to it, boundary's are just turning what is a mp game into a sp game, if people want to claim land they should create there own server and invite there helpers privately.

Either way there is way to much bickering going on, its only a game :)
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