Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Hmm well looks like my plans got scuppered a bit - I can't load the huge map up on the old machine any more without it almost instantly crashing - but its mysteriously been stable on the new VPS since I made the decision to change them over :(

Time for a rethink.
We could just put the new map on the old server? We don't need it huge, the size of the old maps would be fine.
It would deffinatly help to get something in the way of a plan going before server goes live - the last time we tried it with the huge map things quickly degenerated with no one quite sure what theme to follow.

Also would people use a teamspeak server if I put that up alongside the server?
Well first of all I think what we need to do is layout the street plan then people can take over the plots inside each "block". No more great neon claim walls around.

And maybe a flatter map this time? Not sure how you go about making a map. We could even set it as flatgrass then put in the features ourselves like a river winding through the city etc.

EDIT: And yea I'd probably log into TS for the planning. Can't guarantee I'd be on there all the time tho :p
I don't envy you at all Rroff. I ran my own server on my home server for a few weeks publicly. The amount of griefing even with half a dozen admins is insane, and the general population of players are Nazis putting swastikas and all foreign text everywhere. I could cope with that but the damn server instability just killed it. Having to restart my box every other day just isn't on.
Looking at multi user white boards for planning - tho good ones are few and far between :S

dun: I have regular backups 10 minutely + on unknown player join - so its fairly easy to recover the level + a few admins. Thoe griefing is a problem.

The instability is a killer tho - I moved it to a VPS as I was having to reboot the main server 2-3 times a day with it mostly due to ports getting malformed keep alive times and never closing.
OK for those who have access to my trust:

Theres a TS server up with a password in the Yahoo field of my trust

In the location field is 2 URLs the first one is the huge map server and the 2nd one is the new city map server.

If you don't have access to my trust you can email me or add me on msn: [email protected].

TS is untested but I think its all working :D
OK for those who have access to my trust:

Theres a TS server up with a password in the Yahoo field of my trust

In the location field is 2 URLs the first one is the huge map server and the 2nd one is the new city map server.

If you don't have access to my trust you can email me or add me on msn: [email protected].

TS is untested but I think its all working :D

TS is now tested and it works :)

Smoky sauna :D It's in one of the D-Day boats lol , changed the view distance reeeal low (press F) and it looks funny :P
New map is going well just a little update though :

Instead of "Land grabbing" we have developed certain plots , ranging from small individual plots (15*26) to large group plots (no size decided yet , maybe 100*100) , with lots of sizes in between. So if you could please stick to one individual plot each , until your construction is finished instead of starting a few ideas at once.

Not much else to say really , apart from , get building ! :D
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