Oh my lordy lord.
Some of you guys are the WHOLE reason why us women have such complexes over our bodies.
Ok, the girls not a stick nor your standard size 0 model but CHRIST. Some of the things being said is exactly the kind of thing I would expect to hear from a bunch of pubescent, thick skulled, idiotic school children.
What is wrong with you people?!!?!
Yes, fine, we all have our own definition of attractive but does that grant us the right to go slagging off this girl, who I a) think is damn brave to do what she's doing when she has to contend with such dweebs as yourselves and b) you know NOTHING about. How on EARTH did someone come to the conclusion she's not a role model? Just because she's not a stick she's a bad influence?! I'm not being funny but if we are going to look at it like that - what about Dawn French? What a bloody fantastic woman we have there. You saying she's a poor role model too because she's obese? Rubbish.
And before you start ranting at me that this is a beauty competition and thus not a good role model as it will make girls run out and stuff their faces with "Pasties" and things... you're mad. Never ever in this world will we see this happen - please do prove me wrong and by all means point me in the direction of any case studies of women eating themselves silly so they can get larger and therefore "more attractive". I imagine you will find yourselves a realm of anorexia studies on your quest.
Oh yes, and coming back to comments like "pasty" muncher and thus... they are just not needed. For all you know she could be a bloody good healthy eater but nooooo. Just throw in the presumptions and insults and rip her apart like a pack of animals. Go on. No harm done in stuff like that is there?
Seriously... People like you make me sick. Literally too. I have been to hell and back with problems about how I look and feel about myself and it's because of the likes of some of you. Your comments and degrading thoughts WRECK peoples lives. WRECK them.
Please note, this isn't by any means directed at everyone on this thread. I'm sure it's quite evident which people I am referring to.
I cannot believe any of this. I am shocked and disgusted at so many of you it's unbelievable.
Can I just say I am so happy people haven't all jumped on the slagging-the-girl off bandwagon and have managed to state your opinions in a non offensive manner. Hopefully some idiots on here will learn from the likes of you guys.
Fair comments