Moon landing coincidence?

19 May 2010
Hey guys, guys, GUYS, he's on to something! The moon causes cancer :eek:

Edit: and was the invention of the 69. nice.

Edit edit. 69s cause cancer
. and the moon. not nice.

If I suddenly teleport you to a random location on the moon, there is a 50% chance you will suffer a rather horrific level of skin cancer, so it’s not entirely wrong…
22 Nov 2005
The star signs are so vague that they could apply to anyone
isnt that the point of them.. the same hope people get from church I guess

A tall dark stranger will enter your life, albeit briefly.
You may not even notice them as you pass in the street
Take a chance to connect with another human, the stars are in alinement.

Wonder if they got modernised because of the digital life most people now lead
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21 Jan 2010
I don't see what the made up nonsense of star signs has to do with anything. Only a very stupid person believes in this crap. The star signs are so vague that they could apply to anyone. You may as well be like arthur conan doyle and believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

That the stars are in the perfect position to make the right signs for the zodiac is proof of God's design.

QED, and checkmate, amigo!
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21 Jan 2010
You're going by ancient Greek astrology. The names you use make that very clear. I've yet to meet any believer in astrology who understands even the most basic aspects of their own beliefs, such as which school of astrology they believe in.

Since you're using an ancient Greek school of astrology, the next key question is whether or not you account for precession and why. So far, no believer I've asked even knew what precession is or why it's so important to astrology.

But it's silly nonsense anyway. Some ancient Greeks created patterns that aren't there, using some stars, ignoring others and being completely unaware of all the stars they couldn't see with the naked eye. The whole idea of the patterns of stars used in ancient Greek astrology is complete nonsense. Then there's the idea that these arbitrary and fictional patterns of stars determine the future and people's lives. Even if the patterns existed (which they don't) how would that work?

Foretelling the future by looking at tea leaves "makes sense" a lot more. At least tea leaves exist.

Continuing from my previous post: if the universe was created by God 4,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks couldn't see the far away stars as the light hadn't reached earth by then.

Follow the signs, sheeple!
16 Aug 2009
You're going by ancient Greek astrology. The names you use make that very clear. I've yet to meet any believer in astrology who understands even the most basic aspects of their own beliefs, such as which school of astrology they believe in.

Since you're using an ancient Greek school of astrology, the next key question is whether or not you account for precession and why. So far, no believer I've asked even knew what precession is or why it's so important to astrology.

I've yet to find any anyone who takes any notice of the Procession of the Equinoxes they all use the same "1st point of Aries" as it was two millenia go. It isn't there anymore its moved on, unlike these people.
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