Mordhau [first-person Medieval multiplayer fighting game]

been playing this all night, excellent multiplayer game
was surprised it also has a battle royale mode was not expecting that, have not tried it out yet have been playing frontlines 64 player which is a tug of war with 5 points on the map
riding the horses is really fun too and the sounds when you whack someone in the head is great :D
It's basically a spiritual successor to chivalry with more polish
I'm intrigued. Is it still as chaotic? I just loved the mayhem in Chivalry. Only game where team killing made me laugh more than get annoyed. I've been killed by my teammates more times than I'd care to admit but I've also ran in screaming and killed my friend (we were on Blue team, he was covered in blood so i thought he was the enemy)

Only game I've been in where 1 vs 3 isn't as straight forward as you'd expect
Right, so I watched about 10 minutes of gameplay and bought it. I love mount and blade, and whilst this obviously doesn't have the single player, I'm hoping I don't regret the purchase due to my sometimes iffy internet (should be sorting that out soonish).

So do we have a OC group?
So, played for a few hours in horde mode. I've learnt that it's a tricky game. Need to work on my movement, my parrying, my attack, gear location, which gear I prefer, tactics and in general, git gudness.

Found a nice spot, that if you can get enough cash, you're fairly well off, given the AI can't climb, and there's a longbow+ammo. A few people can easily get through the waves.

Definitely enjoyable, now just need to keep practicing. I think Horde mode, whilst fun, may be a bit too hectic for me.
Clocking up the hours. It's a lot of fun, and even as a not so good player, you can feel progression and a lot of satisfaction when you get a half decent run. Still trying to work out what weapon I like the most. Whenever I go a long range, but slow weapon, I seem to get killed by the short range quick ones, and whenever I go short range and quick, I get taken out by longer weapons... the less said about my bow and arrow aim, the better.
There's a youtuber called Resonant, who I saw playing it. He's got a discord and a group playing it, it's fun playing with others, trying to work together a bit more.
Played an hour great game, hard to master but satisfying when you do, this came out of no where. Price seems a little high for what it is but enjoying it none the less.
Actually had a game of frontline where I had more kills than deaths!

It's also impressive how even a small amount of organisation can make a big difference. A team of about 5 of us were organised and managed to win on maps that blue team usually loses. I reckon if you could get 8 people together, you could dominant unorganised servers (as long as they weren't all as bad as me).

It's not great that the frontline maps have clear advantages for some of the teams on some of the maps, but it does make it more satisfying to then win as the weaker side.
Looks really fun! Is it just choose a server and join? Do they have any match making/ queuing? Would be great to play with big groups of mates. I'll probably wait for the ally highlighting. Need to know who is who from my friends.
There is matchmaking I believe. I normally just search a server, but there's a youtuber called resonant, who I've joined the discord and now we're playing together, 5-6 so far, but I guess it'll grow. You can see allies names as you look at them, and you can customise a lot, so sometimes you can just recognise them, but it would be nice to get some highlighting.
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