Mortgage Rate Rises

i worked pretty damn hard, some weeks 60/70 hrs....... but i got there and got the house.

I know how hard it is, but with hard graft and a better attitude, so will the youngsters of today..... as long as the parents dont keep bailing them out

You proclaim to work in the industry but clearly don't have a clue.

Your solution is for everyone to move to Wales to buy a house where work is probably non-existant? You're living in cloud cuckoo land

The income to house price ratio is well documented but it's ok we'll take your anecdotal evidence.
That's the problem with kids these days, not willing to get down the pit at the age of 8 , disgraceful.

I started working when I was 2 years old, 90 hours a week, bought my house at 16.

Kids these days don't know how easy they have it.
not sure who said about working from the age of 8..... but well done if they did, shows a good attitude and a willingness to graft for things in life and not get them from handouts.

As for the Pits, they closed a long time ago,
i was a factory worker earning less than 200 a week back then///

That would make your first house around 5x your single income.

Today the average house price exceeds 9x the average income.

Twice as hard.

Think about it for a moment. Could you have afforded your house at the time if it was double the price?
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as for the limited notice for evictions, we aint living in the 70s mate, theres laws and regulations now.
Having seen 3 friends have to move hastily as their landlord wanted to move back into the house, then yes there might well be laws and regulations, but 2 months under section 21 or whatever it is called isn't worth much when rentals are hard to find.

someone needs to educate themselves better.
The irony is strong here, for someone who supposedly works in this market.

2/10 Troll harder.
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i worked pretty damn hard, some weeks 60/70 hrs....... but i got there and got the house.

I know how hard it is, but with hard graft and a better attitude, so will the youngsters of today..... as long as the parents dont keep bailing them out
People here work even harder than you and still can't afford to own a proper.

You are posting a lot of things many here disagree with
Having seen 3 friends have to move hastily as their landlord wanted to move back into the house, then yes there might well be laws and regulations, but 2 months under section 21 or whatever it is called isn't worth much when rentals are hard to find.

The irony is strong here, for someone who supposedly works in this market.

2/10 Troll harder.
i said the industry, not in the market.... two different things
so because people disagree, people cant post their opinions.... is this china??

Where did he say you can't?

He said people are disagreeing with you (which is because you are wrong on a very basic level*) not stopping you from saying anything.

* It's been explained very simply, but you seem to not be able to grasp it.

In real terms, houses are nearly twice as expensive in comparison to wages now than when you bought one, this makes them far more difficult to buy, especially for the younger first time buyers.
Where did he say you can't?

He said people are disagreeing with you (which is because you are wrong on a very basic level*) not stopping you from saying anything.

* It's been explained very simply, but you seem to not be able to grasp it.

In real terms, houses are nearly twice as expensive in comparison to wages now than when you bought one, this makes them far more difficult to buy, especially for the younger first time buyers.
having a different opinion, working hard..... doesnt make someone wrong.
As above, nobody said to stop posting. In fact you were encouraged to troll harder. Persecution complex or drama queen?
no trolling here..... maybe the complex are with the ones that want to keep working while keeping their kids on their apron strings. rather than the alternative of teaching them to pay their way and work hard in life.
no trolling here..... maybe the complex are with the ones that want to keep working while keeping their kids on their apron strings. rather than the alternative of teaching them to pay their way and work hard in life.

So we’ve established that your first house would have had to cost at least twice as much as it did, relative to your earnings, to be even remotely comparable to the situation that affects first time buyers today. In reality it’s significantly more difficult still for a variety of reasons, but let’s go with 2x just to keep things simple.

Please explain what you would have done if that was the case for you.

Work harder? Twice as hard? Twice as long?

Would you save twice as long? Only to find that you’re saving slower than the value of the average house is increasing?

How would you have afforded a mortgage payment that was twice as high each month?

This is absolutely ridiculous, you’re either mind blowingly out of touch with the economic reality of today, or this is bonafide trolling.
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