Most horrific / violent / shocking / gory films ever ?

Tommy B, I was about to say the same thing about "Running Scared".

Still don't know why it was in the film!!! I thought it spoiled the flow of the film!
Gory? I've recently watched Bad Taste, and Braindead, the latter is especially gory. 5 Gallons of blood a second? That's a lot of Corn Syrup.

[edit] Fake Bloooood!

6 Pints of clear Karo Syrup (corn syrup)
3 Pints red food colouring
1 pint non dairy creamer
1 drop blue food colouring

Large ceramic bowl
medium sized bowl
cleaning products

-Put syrup into bowl
-in medium bowl stir non dair creamer until it turns into a nice paste
-gradually fold paste into syrup
-stir in food colouring
-test on white surface
-to remove, place actor into hot shower fully clothed, and let sit for 30 minutes, or until fully clean.

Coats two thespains.
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Films these days scare by gore content. The only film with gore that made me think was Saving Private Ryan, probably because thats how it was for real.

Edit - I just wish Spielberg would start making more like this instead of these ponsy films he has been in the last few years.
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House of 1000 Corpses. There was another film that was either the prequel or sequel but can't remember the name.

Edit: Was the Devil's Rejects
Edinho said:
Edit - I just wish Spielberg would start making more like this instead of these ponsy films he has been in the last few years.
Munich was hardly ponsy!

The end of Don't Look Now still rates as one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen, I just wasn't expecting it at all.
Resurrecting this thread to say that...

The Last House on the Left is undoubtably the most shocking, violent and disturbing movie ever made. Surprised it hasn't already been mentioned (well, I couldn't see it).
got Irreversible at the moment - i cant watch it for more than 30 minutes, and nothing really happens in those 30 minutes at all... it just gives me a headache from constant camera movement.
b.cummins said:

really good film, was going to suggest that :), can't believe the americans are doing a remake (it came out 2003!), one of my fav films i own

the end is out of this world!

andy8271 said:

seen this twice, its really horrible, has a disturbingly long rape scene and a horrificly disturbing incident with a fire extinguisher spelling, but it is a cleverly made film

neither of these films are mindless violence, and should be watched by any film boff :)

just ordered ichi as its supposed to be cool :)
Fubar said:


i've just seen cube, was ok i guess to watch, but it doesn't fit any of the titles of this thread

hostel is also rubbish, big dissapointment, althought a few good scenes of nude girls, but hardly a shocking film
Oldboy is a quality movie just really good to chuck on when nothing else is on though i wouldnt say that distrubing.

Itchi's good for a laugh its just so over the top but definatly worth a viewing.

and i thought Hostel was rubbish really bit dissappointed in that one.
Watched Ichi the Killer and Hostel last night... found them both tame compared to cannibal holocaust.... and not very good by themselves either!
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