Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Likewise, any film that is hyped and hyped and hyped will seem overrated. Your expectations will never live up to your preconception and you'll go away feeling unfulfilled.

I'd say the last film I saw that I felt was overrated was "2001: A Space Odyssey". I can get the pacing and quirkyness (to a point) but toward the end.. No, specifically the end.. It goes bat-**** crazy.

I'd always read good things, but only saw it about 2 years ago. I guess it doesn't stand the test of time or people are too scared to slate it. At best it's a 5.5 from me.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
The deeper, complex interwoven meanings and philosophy in the original Matrix movie absolutely do exist even if on the face of it aside from its main theme the rest are basically classic hero stories at face value - its not something anyone can show you tho, you need to discover it for yourself - some of it took me years of real life experiences before I could appreciate some of the concepts hidden in the movie.

Its something thats always puzzled me as no other Wachowski brothers movie is even in the same league, the rest are at best school boy imitations of the depth of the original matrix.

I'm not saying it is a bad film or anything approaching that, just that it's not half as clever as it thinks it is or as so many people portray it to be. If you really want to you can imply deep meanings to almost any work of artistic merit, it doesn't mean that they're actually something the creator intended or that your interpretation is the correct one - although naturally that applies to me thinking that the meanings aren't as deep as people hold them to be also. If you got something deep from the Matrix then that's good, I didn't although I was somewhat impressed that for something that had so many debts to stories that went before it was lauded as being as original as it was.

As you mention there it's one of the most compelling arguments for the theory that the Wachowski's weren't the original authors of the Matrix that they've not even come close to anything as good again.



18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
I think with Space Odyssey 2001 people forget that this is 1968 movie. Year before we landed on the moon. 11 years before Star Trek Motion Picture and 12 before Flash Gordon with Queen music. Compare it that way.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I think with Space Odyssey 2001 people forget that this is 1968 movie. Year before we landed on the moon. 11 years before Star Trek Motion Picture and 12 before Flash Gordon with Queen music. Compare it that way.

That is all true, but the ending is still mental :p

I remember watching 2001 and being impressed with the scene in the circly spaceship, where he walks round the floor, and it was the whole set being moved on a big machine with one of the guys walking in place and the other guy strapped into his seat. They did something similar for the hotel corridor in Inception, 40odd years after Kubrick.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Godfather trilogy overrated? Thanks for enlightening me, chumps!:rolleyes: Why don't you all just stick to your braindead ****ing rom coms!:p

Don't be a dumbass. It is possible to think of a highly acclaimed film being overrated without being a knuckle dragging idiot.

For the record, I think the godfather is overrated. Want to insult me?
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Just about every Hitchcock movie. Everyone tells me how big of a deal it is, but meh - most are badly paced, almost all are cliche, really bad special effects, completely not for me.

Rope, Rear Window and Vertigo are all brilliant. Special effects? Please, think of when these films were made. And I'd be inclined to say that they appear cliched because they have been much imitated.
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Any single film is going to be a poor indicator of taste in films, because you could have terrible taste but like one great film, or vice versa.

I've seen 140 of the top 250, so I like to think I have at least a well developed and well informed taste, if not necessarily a good taste!

Exactly. I have seen a lot of rubbish floating around here since Drive came out that if you don't like it you have no place in film watching :p
11 Jan 2004
In The Wilds.
Don't be a dumbass. It is possible to think of a highly acclaimed film being overrated without being a knuckle dragging idiot.

For the record, I think the godfather is overrated. Want to insult me?

Chillout, didn't you see the sticky out tongue? It means I'm being tongue in cheek with my reply. The fact that you quite obviously wouldn't know a decent film if it rose up from the ground and bit you in the nuts is beside the point.:p
18 Oct 2002
This whole thread is giving me a headache. People opinions are their own, but I just want to scream at some of you!! :D but I'll add to it none the less.

I hate Kill Bill, people loved it but I just could not get past the feeling that Tarantino was smelling his own farts to much to look up and actually direct this pile of dung.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
That is all true, but the ending is still mental :p

I remember watching 2001 and being impressed with the scene in the circly spaceship, where he walks round the floor, and it was the whole set being moved on a big machine with one of the guys walking in place and the other guy strapped into his seat. They did something similar for the hotel corridor in Inception, 40odd years after Kubrick.

2001 is still one I don't get the hype for, the ending is just nuts, the middle is great but the philosophy is deeply flawed due to a mis-understanding of the meaning/useage of civilised (in the movie its used to imply a certain level of development it doesn't actually represent) and the rest is just purposely vague "sounds good" philosophy to keep people talking and imply a depth to it that doesn't actually exist.
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4 Jul 2004
Slumdog Millionaire. Such a crap, awful film. It also ruined the Academy Awards for me; I just can't take them seriously anymore since that rubbish won 8 awards.
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