Most Overrated Movies of All Time

28 Jan 2008
The problem with Drive is that it sets up an expectation for one kind of film and then very deliberately delivers something entirely different.

It's a drama and it's a graphic piece of violence. Who said you can't do both?

I love the apparently 'slow' sections, it's intense, fantastically well acted through facial expressions and pauses. So it's not an Aaron Sorkin script, there is more than 1 way to create tension & emotion in a scene.

Too many people have an idea of how romantic scenes should play out, you'd think a bunch of forum geeks (myself included) would understand how an introvert struggles to create conversation face to face.
24 Jan 2010
I didn't see the Alien series until a few months ago and I was pretty disappointed :\

The first one in particular was a bit silly in places, I guess it's one of those films that should have been watched many moons ago. I just found it a bit silly how unprepared elite special forces were at times. I guess it was made before film makers/writers took on professional advice when shooting films?

I assume you mean the second one?

Them being incompetent was kinda the point. Their mission wasn't to wipe out the aliens. It was to go to the planet, get infected, and return alien samples for the company. Thats why they were all knob-heads with the exception of Hicks. If it wasn't for ripley being such a bad-ass, the mission would have probably worked.
15 Jan 2007
Just about every Hitchcock movie. Everyone tells me how big of a deal it is, but meh - most are badly paced, almost all are cliche, really bad special effects, completely not for me.

What? I disagree with you there :p .... Hitchcook is the basis of just about every thriller movie for the past 70-80 years .... he pioneered quite a lot of techniques which are now just part of modern film making and what modern movies take for granted as plot devices. Its cliched because movies have been copying Hitchcock for decades :D
19 Jan 2005
It's a drama and it's a graphic piece of violence. Who said you can't do both?

Nobody did.

Drive spoilers below:

The set-up is a Hollywood stuntman moonlighting as a wheelman in the LA underground. That sounds like an *amazing* movie. And the opening scene is exactly that, and it's superb. I'm sure a lot of Drive's detractors really wanted to see the rest of that movie and not the deliberately paced, violence spattered, doomed romance story that makes up the remaining 95% of the story.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Silence of the lambs and One Flew over the Cuckoos nest for me.

Just found them very boring. Probably because i didn't watch them until more recently and the hype just didn't match the movies.

I thought silence of the lambs was pretty good and lived upto the hype tho mostly because of Anthony Hopkins acting. One flew over the cuckoos nest is one that I've written off as over-rated without even watching :S but the mention of it reminds me of A Clockwork Orange which was another that I felt failed to deliver on the hype after watching it.

I didn't see the Alien series until a few months ago and I was pretty disappointed :\

The first one in particular was a bit silly in places, I guess it's one of those films that should have been watched many moons ago. I just found it a bit silly how unprepared elite special forces were at times. I guess it was made before film makers/writers took on professional advice when shooting films?

That was one of the things that made 3 and 4 pretty much unwatchable for me tho 3 was just boring as boring and the 4th one so bad it was kind of good but not for the right reasons. 2nd is one of my favorite movies by a long way but I think you probably have to had watched it about the time I did to fully appreciate it.
14 Oct 2009
Silicon Valley, USA
The Avengers for me. I was told it was going to be fantastic by everyone who saw it.

I thought it was a good action movie. None of the characters were particularly compelling, the story wasn't anything overly exciting, and the dialogue was fairly bland / cookie cutter.
9 Jan 2007
Returning video tapes
Oh excellent! Give's me a chance to take a cheap pot shot at the fan boy favourite, Blade Runner. :p So far up it's own backside, it beggars belief.

I'd stick Inception on the list and from what I've seen of that techicolour, naff cgi fest, Avatar. That too.

Oh and the second and third parts of the LOTR trilogy. Espcially the third.

I didn't see the Alien series until a few months ago and I was pretty disappointed :\

The first one in particular was a bit silly in places, I guess it's one of those films that should have been watched many moons ago. I just found it a bit silly how unprepared elite special forces were at times. I guess it was made before film makers/writers took on professional advice when shooting films?

*starts throwing stuff at monitor in rage!* :mad:

Oh hang on, that's the whole point of this thread, ain't it! ;) :D
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I love the apparently 'slow' sections, it's intense, fantastically well acted through facial expressions and pauses. So it's not an Aaron Sorkin script, there is more than 1 way to create tension & emotion in a scene.

Too many people have an idea of how romantic scenes should play out, you'd think a bunch of forum geeks (myself included) would understand how an introvert struggles to create conversation face to face.

When have you ever had a conversation with someone where you paused a good 10 seconds between short punctual sentences? I struggle to belief that anyone is that much of a social tard :p
31 May 2009
I would say all the star wars movies are overrated, even the terrible ones, they are still rated too highly.
Episode 5, the best of the bunch, still isn't a particularly good movie, yes it is darker, yes there is some story telling, but there is also terrible acting, and poor scenes.
I enjoy watching them all, maybe with the exception of episode 1, but I don't rate them as good movies.
11 Mar 2012
The only decent parts of that film are the ones that aren't about bloody Russian roulette i.e. the wedding, the hunting trips, etc. The wedding is brilliant.

I've only seen it once years ago. I might have to give it another try (if I can bring myself to it) but all I can remember was being very bored throughout it.

27 Mar 2009
Avatar, although that may well jsut be over hyped not over rated, don't actually know of many people who seem to really like it as a film.

Kill Bill, Donnie Darko and Drive, I have watched these films more than once to try and enjoy them as others seem to... I just didn't, didn't like them and wanted them to end.
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