MOTO GP 2011

Stacey Moaner is a well known and widely used nickname though, hardly calling him something terribly rude or abusive is it?

You are using it in an offensive, derogatory way. For the reasons I have previously explained there are genuine reasons for him to be frustrated for being taken out of a race or complaining about a rider slowing down in his path.

It's no different to how there is a ban on certain "nicknames" that are unable to be used to refer to football teams. Furthermore, it's just flat out disrespectful not to mention rude. Look at how often and how commonly you have used it to troll in the thread.

This man speaks the truth

Nah mate, I speak the truth as outlined by facts in my previous posts. Shame you can't see it really.

Can a Don please confirm if we are allowed to use "Stacey" instead of "Casey Stoner"?


You can call Rossi "tax dodger" if you like.....or "The Greatest", "Legend". I'm not fussed.

I don't need to call Rossi or Doohan a legend or the greatest. But you are using the term "stacey" in a derogatory term as mentioned above. Hope the admins can act and some of the disrespectful people here can learn some manners :D

Threatened with a ban.


I never banned you. Abide by rules?
I was always told it's cheating. We have to keep in mind that it's racing, not football, and that's why there are rules in places considering how dangerous it is.

Oh for sure, I' always give the place back and I'm sure most riders would agree it's the done thing. I was more commenting on getting into that position in the first place rather than what was done afterwards as when rejoining the track in that instance Rossi had no option as he had no-where else to go without crashing.

I guess I didn't really explain my idea, the above things will cause any normal person to get angry and react but that isn't to say they should never happen in the first place. If we didn't make the moves which sometimes result in these incidents then it wouldn't be racing. We should learn from them, have a few words and move on. Yes the above moves will normally be punished with a telling off from race control and if it persists then time penalties or points deduction.

I'm going to step out of this thread now until the subject changes as it's getting a bit heated and I think I've added all I can to the discussion. If anybody wants to carry on I'm more than happy to do so by email in trust.

i-bert I don't care if you've been here for 100 years, you should know the rules by now. I'm not threatening you, I'm warning people and using you as an example, apologies if you felt victimised. I don't care what other Dons do in other threads - if you have a problem with them, report it. I'm dealing with this thread.

Garido, you're passionate, that's clear, but you have to reel yourself in - because people don't agree with you does not make you right any more than the other person.

I'm not saying either party is more/less guilty than one another - you clearly have hugely differing opinions, but I'm getting tired of the one-upmanship you're both displaying in this thread, and frankly, you're starting to ruin the thread.

It's great to see such passion and interest, but PLEASE can we keep it civil. No name calling, trolling, mickey taking or other forms of antagonism. Sure, we allow much worse elsewhere, but clearly this is leading to a much more agitated response.

Can you all take a step back, breathe, and then post if you still feel like it - but in a civil way. I've read through all the posts and you both offer good arguments (I shan't give you mine :p) so try and use a bit of objectivity if you can.

Can you all play nice?

i-bert I don't care if you've been here for 100 years, you should know the rules by now. I'm not threatening you, I'm warning people and using you as an example, apologies if you felt victimised. I don't care what other Dons do in other threads - if you have a problem with them, report it. I'm dealing with this thread.

Garido, you're passionate, that's clear, but you have to reel yourself in - because people don't agree with you does not make you right any more than the other person.

I'm not saying either party is more/less guilty than one another - you clearly have hugely differing opinions, but I'm getting tired of the one-upmanship you're both displaying in this thread, and frankly, you're starting to ruin the thread.

It's great to see such passion and interest, but PLEASE can we keep it civil. No name calling, trolling, mickey taking or other forms of antagonism. Sure, we allow much worse elsewhere, but clearly this is leading to a much more agitated response.

Can you all take a step back, breathe, and then post if you still feel like it - but in a civil way. I've read through all the posts and you both offer good arguments (I shan't give you mine :p) so try and use a bit of objectivity if you can.

Can you all play nice?

I meant I have been here a while and I know not to use personal attacks,which I haven't.

I just want to confirm if we can use Stacey. Surely it's not that bad is it?

It's only like Pedrobot or Careless chucker.

It will be a sad day if banter like that can't be used because it upsets a certain member who doesn't even know the bloke.







Personally, i think Stacey fell off, trying to catch Rossi up so he could slap him with his glove and challenge him to a duel...
Personally. (and this is only my personal opinion, not designed to prompt an answer).

Casey stoner seems to be a lap time racer. When on his own he does great. Better than almost every racer on the grid by miles.

His problem arises when someone likes to come in and give him an challenging race. (it doesn't matter who races him as long as its a hard race). He just falls apart and makes mistakes that lose him places or make him fall off. Then he complains about a hard challenge being presented to him.

He is in no way a bad rider. One of the best for sure.

But he whines an awful lot.
I meant I have been here a while and I know not to use personal attacks,which I haven't.

I just want to confirm if we can use Stacey. Surely it's not that bad is it?

It's only like Pedrobot or Careless chucker.

It will be a sad day if banter like that can't be used because it upsets a certain member who doesn't even know the bloke.

No that's fine. Unless they join the forum :p
Its a nickname though?. Would you be so upset if i started mentioning Careless Chucker???

It's a derogatory name in the same way that certain names for footballing teams are banned. Did you not read this?

Are you telling us your some biking god now garido lmao, you couldnt lace my boots on a bike :)

What would you know about what i can and can't afford anyway, you jumped up little skippy ****, says the man on his 400 quid pc ........

When did I ever say I was a god. Again, you're putting words in my mouth just attacking me and you end up looking stupid.

I could spend $100,000 AUD on a PC. I have more money, but don't appreciate the insults. Quite simply, your petty insults have been noted and you probably should crawl under the bridge from which you came from.
You all need to stop winding each other up. If it continues, either the thread will go or you will lose your access to the Motors forum. Freefaller has already left you kind advice and if it's not taken then further action will be taken.
*careless pictures*

Personally, i think Stacey fell off, trying to catch Rossi up so he could slap him with his glove and challenge him to a duel...

Again you continue to troll despite the warning about names *yawn*. I doubt you could ever learn your lesson as it appears your skull seems quite thick.

Must you really antagonise the situation? Again answer me this

1// Rossi cut the track? Yes or no?
2// Did Rossi re-enter the track without looking?


it's a shame he has to ruin other peoples races.

Are you serious?

Threatened with a ban by Freefaller:confused:

Maybe you should abide by the rules and not name call or antagonise/troll.

I hate to play your own argument against you but you've been here so long, you should know this by now :)

Are you telling us your some biking god now garido lmao, you couldnt lace my boots on a bike :)

What would you know about what i can and can't afford anyway, you jumped up little skippy ****, says the man on his 400 quid pc ........

I love the petty insults. Keep them coming, I'm sure you'll be seeing an extended holiday soon and returning well Crutchlow gets his first win in the premier class :)

Looking at the comment, what does my PC have to do with the discussion. You have added nothing to the thread bar your trolling, insults and antagonism.

Lets try and raise spirits a little...

...hell, the pace car made him fall off on the warm up lap here...

We posting videos now of accidents of Casey to make the situation worse now *yawn*.

I thought you would have tried to defuse the situation rather than continue the antagonism. Seeing a rider go down is bad but it's worse when Rossi takes out rivals *sigh*

Read through his previous posts, he's a jumped up full of **** little **** who pretends to know or own everything that he posts in, when he's sitting at home with is pre built pc world bargain basement edition, his arse has never graced a bike he's just another know it all online monkey.

Another pathetic and petty post in which you clearly insult me. Just cause the curses are covered up doesn't change the post itself. I love the prebuilt PC jab and the "monkey" taunt.

See ya buddy.

You're a perfect example of why common sense isn't to common. I'd shudder to think of what would happen if they let you on a bike.

Oh for sure, I' always give the place back and I'm sure most riders would agree it's the done thing. I was more commenting on getting into that position in the first place rather than what was done afterwards as when rejoining the track in that instance Rossi had no option as he had no-where else to go without crashing.

I guess I didn't really explain my idea, the above things will cause any normal person to get angry and react but that isn't to say they should never happen in the first place. If we didn't make the moves which sometimes result in these incidents then it wouldn't be racing. We should learn from them, have a few words and move on. Yes the above moves will normally be punished with a telling off from race control and if it persists then time penalties or points deduction.

I'm going to step out of this thread now until the subject changes as it's getting a bit heated and I think I've added all I can to the discussion. If anybody wants to carry on I'm more than happy to do so by email in trust.

I appreciate your attempt to defuse the situation and respect your point of view even if it's different. It's a shame the others can't hold a civil discussion. But thanks for trying to understand a few of my key points.

It's great to see such passion and interest, but PLEASE can we keep it civil. No name calling, trolling, mickey taking or other forms of antagonism. Sure, we allow much worse elsewhere, but clearly this is leading to a much more agitated response.

Thanks for clearing that up and stepping in

Can you all take a step back, breathe, and then post if you still feel like it - but in a civil way. I've read through all the posts and you both offer good arguments (I shan't give you mine :p) so try and use a bit of objectivity if you can.

Can you all play nice?

Dare I say it, some people look like they'll be forced on a holiday (hutch especially). Either way I have tried to defuse the situation and keep it civil, it's just such a shame that I'm continually harrassed or attack.

i'm willing to let sleeping dogs lie (is that the term) and move on, but on the provision that those who broke the rules are punished and we can all respect each others view point.
I meant I have been here a while and I know not to use personal attacks,which I haven't.

I just want to confirm if we can use Stacey. Surely it's not that bad is it?

It's only like Pedrobot or Careless chucker.

It will be a sad day if banter like that can't be used because it upsets a certain member who doesn't even know the bloke.

I think with regards to the name calling, it's only there to degrade a rider or inflame the situation hence why it's no longer allowed :)

You all need to stop winding each other up. If it continues, either the thread will go or you will lose your access to the Motors forum. Freefaller has already left you kind advice and if it's not taken then further action will be taken.

Thanks maccy, hopefully we can all move on now.
You really need to chill out Garido.

You have given your fair share of attacks and insults in this thread already, and Freefaller has already defined the rules regarding the use of Stacey.
You really need to chill out Garido.

I'm fine but I suggest you take my advice and chill out and not try and poor fuel to the fire. If you are offering advice, perhaps you can tell your mates to chill out as they've been throwing a fair share of insults my way. One of them is already on forced leave (much to my delight).

You have given your fair share of attacks and insults in this thread already, and Freefaller has already defined the rules regarding the use of Stacey.

I've been attacked more so and only highlighted posts which are doing it. I highly discourage you using the term Stacey just to troll as it just fuels more negative discussion. Furthermore it's disrespectful and has only really been done to antagonise me and get a rise out of me. I'll think you find these posts relevant in regards to your "Stacey" banter:

It's great to see such passion and interest, but PLEASE can we keep it civil. No name calling, trolling, mickey taking or other forms of antagonism. Sure, we allow much worse elsewhere, but clearly this is leading to a much more agitated response.

You all need to stop winding each other up. If it continues, either the thread will go or you will lose your access to the Motors forum. Freefaller has already left you kind advice and if it's not taken then further action will be taken.

i-bert - no more name calling or personal attacks if you value being able to post.

I interpret the name calling as either trying to wind me up or just a needless attack on the rider, much like how specific derogatory terms are banned for certain footballing teams.

Rather than continue the trolling, why not agree to disagree but at least have the respect to refer to riders by their genuine given names? Sounds fair to me. Like I said earlier, I too would be upset if someone took me out of a race. I feel it's genuine cause for frustration/complaints.
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I'm fine but I suggest you take my advice and chill out and not try and poor fuel to the fire. If you are offering advice, perhaps you can tell your mates to chill out as they've been throwing a fair share of insults my way. One of them is already on forced leave (much to my delight).

I've been attacked more so and only highlighted posts which are doing it. I highly discourage you using the term Stacey just to troll as it just fuels more negative discussion. Furthermore it's disrespectful and has only really been done to antagonise me and get a rise out of me. I'll think you find these posts relevant in regards to your "Stacey" banter:

I interpret the name calling as either trying to wind me up or just a needless attack on the rider, much like how specific derogatory terms are banned for certain footballing teams.

Rather than continue the trolling, why not agree to disagree but at least have the respect to refer to riders by their genuine given names? Sounds fair to me. Like I said earlier, I too would be upset if someone took me out of a race. I feel it's genuine cause for frustration/complaints.

It has nothing to do with you. It is about a rider who you don't even know and as Freefaller has defined in the top of this page, the use of the nickname is fine.

If it offends you then you should go somewhere else, as you are a little too sensitive to be having banter on a biking forum.
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