MOTO GP 2011

He's a great rider, better than you. Consider the fact that there are GENUINE reasons for his complaints.

He's pretty well liked here, fantastic rider and not because he's Australian but because he's pretty honest, down to earth and very talented.

Casey Stoner started his career racing at Bemsee (the club I raced with) here in the UK. People who knew him at the time have mentioned he was a bit of whiner even then. Yes he is a natural talent but he isn't a god with greater insight and wisdom than the rest of us.

As a racer I would say that in almost all the cases stated above they were racing incidents. Things that just happen when you're all pushing right to the limit. No-one means to do them or goes into a corner thinking there's no chance their going to make it.

Sometimes you know you have some in hand braking, so to get past you push that limit. It's the first time you've needed to try and brake that late into the corner so there's a chance you've judged it wrong. **** happens, it's racing not tiddlywinks or football.
Let me repeat it to you as it doesn't seem to be getting through.


These aren't "opinions" rather it's common sense and to argue against it (like you're doing now) is incredibly stupid.

To be fair I've had all the above done to me in a race and done them back at some point. I'd say you'd struggle to find a race where at least 1 of those incidents hasn't happened at least once.

Point 1: crashes happen, you might get angry but hey it's racing. It's not like the other rider planned on taking you out and probably came off just as badly as you.

Point 2: A rider cuts the track to avoid crashing, no other reason. You spend so much time practising and learning the corners that even to change your line for an overtake often requires plenty of forethought and planning. Going off the track would just be asking to crash, the grass and gravel is far harder to stay upright on than you'd think.

Point 3: Surely this is just an overtake? I'm not sure how that can be seen as wrong unless I'm missing your point.
Casey Stoner started his career racing at Bemsee (the club I raced with) here in the UK. People who knew him at the time have mentioned he was a bit of whiner even then. Yes he is a natural talent but he isn't a god with greater insight and wisdom than the rest of us.

As a racer I would say that in almost all the cases stated above they were racing incidents. Things that just happen when you're all pushing right to the limit. No-one means to do them or goes into a corner thinking there's no chance their going to make it.

Sometimes you know you have some in hand braking, so to get past you push that limit. It's the first time you've needed to try and brake that late into the corner so there's a chance you've judged it wrong. **** happens, it's racing not tiddlywinks or football.

Thanks Dureth. A bit of wisdom from someone with racing experience.

My only experience is with is with Supermoto, where contact is pretty much the norm.

When he says Rossi cut the track to pass him, he is talking crap. Rossi was already past Stacey coming into the corkscrew, but overcooked it and went off track on the right hander.

146_0810_01_z+laguna_seca_USGP+rossi_and_stoner by ibert1, on Flickr

He seems to think that Rossi shouldn't have rejoined the track at this point as it was dangerous. lol

Point 3: Surely this is just an overtake? I'm not sure how that can be seen as wrong unless I'm missing your point.

He means from qualifying, where a rider looked back and saw him coming on a fast lap and moved the wrong way. A bit like two people trying to walk past each other, and end up dancing. Stacey gave RDP a punch for not being psychic.
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*waffle waffle*

Calm down dear.

Hahaha, you always want the final word but I'm not going to give you the satisfaction. You need to chill and learn some manners.

Casey Stoner started his career racing at Bemsee (the club I raced with) here in the UK. People who knew him at the time have mentioned he was a bit of whiner even then. Yes he is a natural talent but he isn't a god with greater insight and wisdom than the rest of us.

Funny that, when he raced in Australia he was known to be talented, down to earth and pretty down right awesome. Though I have some friends who are in contact with Rossi and he complains night and day. Even over the smallest thing. He's like a prima-donna. They aren't riders but they are VERY close to him.

As a racer I would say that in almost all the cases stated above they were racing incidents. Things that just happen when you're all pushing right to the limit. No-one means to do them or goes into a corner thinking there's no chance their going to make it.

I'm a racer too and I have to say the incidents are appauling. You NEVER re-enter the track without knowing what's there. That is INCREDIBLY dangerous. If you can't make the corner, don't complete the pass :)

Sometimes you know you have some in hand braking, so to get past you push that limit. It's the first time you've needed to try and brake that late into the corner so there's a chance you've judged it wrong. **** happens, it's racing not tiddlywinks or football.

If you have to cut the circuit to make the pass, you have to let the rider through and do it again where I'm from. I was always told it's cheating. We have to keep in mind that it's racing, not football, and that's why there are rules in places considering how dangerous it is.
Awww sweet, multiple replies, I'll reply again then :)

To be fair I've had all the above done to me in a race and done them back at some point. I'd say you'd struggle to find a race where at least 1 of those incidents hasn't happened at least once.

Whenever they are done here they are punished as they are either breaking the rules/spirit or racing, or extremely dangerous.

Point 1: crashes happen, you might get angry but hey it's racing. It's not like the other rider planned on taking you out and probably came off just as badly as you.

Crashes do happen, but it doesn't mean you can't call someone out for it, show frustration or complain about it.

Point 2: A rider cuts the track to avoid crashing, no other reason. You spend so much time practising and learning the corners that even to change your line for an overtake often requires plenty of forethought and planning. Going off the track would just be asking to crash, the grass and gravel is far harder to stay upright on than you'd think.

There are some riders who may cut the track to keep position or make a pass. As such even if it's to avoid crashing the place must be given back to the rider who was originally leading as you cut the circuit to complete the pass (where I'm from anyways).

Point 3: Surely this is just an overtake? I'm not sure how that can be seen as wrong unless I'm missing your point.

This is akin to being brake checked in a car. Regardless of whether it's accidental or just reckless, it's incredibly dangerous. I can understand his reaction.

Thanks Dureth. A bit of wisdom from someone with racing experience.

You are hilariously ignorant. You can thank me for my wisdom soon enough. Somehow I don't think you're even fit to ride a motorcycle given by the posts you have made here.

My only experience is with is with Supermoto, where contact is pretty much the norm.

I'm surprised they even let you on a bike. See the difference is MotoGP is NOT Supermoto (not sure if you grasp that yet). Different things you see. Different rules.

When he says Rossi cut the track to pass him, he is talking crap. Rossi was already past Stacey coming into the corkscrew, but overcooked it and went off track on the right hander.

No I'm talking facts here and rules. YOU are talking crap. If we had it your way everyone would be cutting the circuit and re-entering in blindly then saying "Ahhh, trying to make a pass, couldn't stop blah blah blah".

Reminds me of an 8 year old trying to play Gran Turismo barging everyone out of the way, cutting corners etc. To make the pass you have to make it past safely, (this means not cutting the circuit). Yeah he overcooked it and had to skip the track, that's fine, but in doing so you passed your opponent and forced him wide which means you SHOULD let him retake the original position.

Rossi should never have put himself in such a dangerous position like that anyways as he rejoined the track blindly to keep that position.

146_0810_01_z+laguna_seca_USGP+rossi_and_stoner by ibert1, on Flickr

He seems to think that Rossi shouldn't have rejoined the track at this point as it was dangerous. lol

ROFL. I see you have NO experience of racing and absolutely NO common sense. Re-entering a track blindly is a completely dangerous thing to do. He had no where to go, but shouldn't have put himself up in that position anyway.

He means from qualifying, where a rider looked back and saw him coming on a fast lap and moved the wrong way. A bit like two people trying to walk past each other, and end up dancing. Stacey gave RDP a punch for not being psychic.

What a stupid thing to say. Again, something which reflects on the garbage you continually post. You are on a hot lap, someone moves into your path and slows down. Do you not see the danger? Can't you understand his frustration? I'd be ****ed too.

What a stupid thing to do. Funny that you take RDP's side. I'm not surprised. Like I said, real reflection on your character there.

Judging by your posts I am completely gobsmacked that you are able to own a motorcycle.
Upon the advice of the higher-ups I think we should agree to disagree on views here but at least respect the riders enough to refer to them by their genuine names.
Listen carefully.

Rossi passed him on the left hander into the corkscrew. Didn't cut any corners for the pass, ok?

He outbraked himself for the right hander(still in first), and had to go a couple of feet off track. When he rejoined he was still in first position. That means there is nobody else in front of you. This will have scrubbed some speed off so Casey tried to pass him on the outside, but couldn't.

Can someone please back me up on this as my head is getting sore from banging it against the wall.

EDIT- Just read that rant of yours

Stacey, is that you?
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Listen carefully.

Rossi passed him on the left hander into the corkscrew. Didn't cut any corners for the pass, ok?

He outbraked himself for the right hander(still in first), and had to go a couple of feet off track. When he rejoined he was still in first position. That means there is nobody else in front of you. This will have scrubbed some speed off so Casey tried to pass him on the outside, but couldn't.

Can someone please back me up on this as my head is getting sore from banging it against the wall.

That is correct.

And ps casey is still a first class knob jockey !

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Rossi did out brake himself but went the only place he could go and carried on racing.

I thought it was an outstanding race.
He knew that Stoner had a faster bike and if he'd got in-front he would just take off, so they set it up to be better on the brakes and done everything to keep him behind.

Myself, i rate it as one of the best races of his career. (and recent Moto GP)
First race in SA on a Yamaha was more significant, the pass on the last corner at Catalunya was something nobody does, and the race in Aus where he had a 10s penalty, then won by more. (showed his true speed then on the RCV)
He's taken the sport to a new level, something very few people can do.
Listen carefully.

Rossi passed him on the left hander into the corkscrew. Didn't cut any corners for the pass, ok?

No YOU need to listen. Rossi had NOT completed the pass. He outbraked himself in trying to complete the pass and as such RAN WIDE OFF THE CIRCUIT THEN REJOINED BLINDLY. Ok?

Pass was not completed. Like I said, the 8 year old playing Gran Turismo is a good analogy here.

He outbraked himself for the right hander(still in first), and had to go a couple of feet off track. When he rejoined he was still in first position. That means there is nobody else in front of you. This will have scrubbed some speed off so Casey tried to pass him on the outside, but couldn't.

He went off the track. He wasn't able to complete the WHOLE PASS on the track. Thus he skipped part of the circuit.

Can someone please back me up on this as my head is getting sore from banging it against the wall.

EDIT- Just read that rant of yours

Stacey, is that you?

Again another pathetic troll from you with the name calling. Keep banging your head against the wall as it only breeds your ignorance. I'm never going to give you the final word eggbert ;)

That is correct.

And ps casey is still a first class knob jockey !


I'm not surprised to see one completely ignorant and uneducated person backing up another in regards to the same point. Again well reflected of the persons insult. Personally, if you think it's fine to cut infront of someone they are on a hot lap I hope it happens to you when you ride. See how you like it ;)

Rossi did out brake himself but went the only place he could go and carried on racing.

But in doing so he also cut part of the circuit. He wasn't able to complete the pass cleanly. If he was, he would have stayed on the circuit. He came in too hard, had to cut the circuit.

He's taken the sport to a new level, something very few people can do.

He has been there for quite a while though and came in at the right time but yeah he has stiff competition now :)
i-bert, garido. I suggest you both calm down - clearly it's an emotive subject, and it's great to see the passion. However I think it's clear you are both going to agree to disagree.

i-bert - no more name calling or personal attacks if you value being able to post.
gardio - you also need to calm down - keep it civil please.

No matter what you feel is right or wrong, it is clear you're not going to agree on it. Lambasting one another over points is clearly not going to make either of you accept it. The decision will be made by the officials, and that's that. WE don't have to agree with it, but we can discuss it in a civil manner. In a pub together you'd certainly not be talking like that to one another. And if I was there, I'd have bashed your heads together by now if you had.

Please calm down and if you don't feel you can respond, walk away take a breather, if you cannot reply without becoming animated then I suggest you don't reply at all.
i-bert - no more name calling or personal attacks if you value being able to post.

I've been here a long time Freefaller, and I like the forum, so it's not nice being threatened like that when I havn't done those things. I've made no personal attacks or name calling directed at anyone in this thread.

Unless you're refering to the Casey Stoner= Stacey thing?:confused:

It not as bad as what the Dons are posting in the Football Banter thread.
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Your a fanboy garido, the only side of the story you will ever see is of caseys.

Can you even ride a bike yourself or are you just in here defending an 'aussie'
I've been here a long time Freefaller, and I like the forum, so it's not nice being threatened like that when I havn't done those things. I've made no personal attacks or name calling directed at anyone in this thread.

Unless you're refering to the Casey Stoner= Stacey thing?:confused:

It not as bad as what the Dons are posting in the Football Banter thread.

You've never been threatened. If anything you are the protagonist with all the name calling and trolling which is very disrespectful (in the football thread certain teams cannot be called certain "common" terms).

Furthermore, just because you've been here a long time doesn't give you the right to walk over "newer" users, especially given your poor display and behaviour.

Your a fanboy garido, the only side of the story you will ever see is of caseys.

Can you even ride a bike yourself or are you just in here defending an 'aussie'

You're the fanboy (as admitted by your support for cal). I'm defending Casey because he has genuine reasons for being disgruntled. Furthermore, the attacks here are baseless as explained in my previous post. Believe it or not I support Spies over Stoner (not a popular choice either).

The can you ride a bike nonsense is pretty weird. I'd consider giving you lessons but not sure you would be able to afford them :)

i-bert, garido. I suggest you both calm down - clearly it's an emotive subject, and it's great to see the passion. However I think it's clear you are both going to agree to disagree.

i-bert - no more name calling or personal attacks if you value being able to post.
gardio - you also need to calm down - keep it civil please.

I've tried to explain my arguments through points and keep it pretty calm but I'll heed your advice. I hope others do the same. The name calling is extremely pathetic and unwarranted here.

Hopefully we can all move on.
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all the name calling and trolling which is very disrespectful (in the football thread certain teams cannot be called certain "common" terms).

Stacey Moaner is a well known and widely used nickname though, hardly calling him something terribly rude or abusive is it?
Listen carefully.

Rossi passed him on the left hander into the corkscrew. Didn't cut any corners for the pass, ok?

He outbraked himself for the right hander(still in first), and had to go a couple of feet off track. When he rejoined he was still in first position. That means there is nobody else in front of you. This will have scrubbed some speed off so Casey tried to pass him on the outside, but couldn't.

Can someone please back me up on this as my head is getting sore from banging it against the wall.

This man speaks the truth
Stacey Moaner is a well known and widely used nickname though, hardly calling him something terribly rude or abusive is it?

Can a Don please confirm if we are allowed to use "Stacey" instead of "Casey Stoner"?


You can call Rossi "tax dodger" if you like.....or "The Greatest", "Legend". I'm not fussed.
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