Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

FFS, just got off the phone with Motorola, since I have a different billing address (house) and shipping address (work) they put my order on hold. The icing on the cake is that their internal system is down so the rep couldn't even help me, so he will call me tomorrow with an update.
I'm thinking of doing what you've done for #4 but I'm seriously considering the Moto X (2014) - help me!

Erm... well... it's a tricky one! I debated it for a few weeks...

The MX14 has a better build and a larger screen than the N5. Better battery life too and more futureproofed hardware. Active notifications are fantastic. But I am in the rather frustrating position of waiting on the return of my (apparently fixed) M8 (my fave device from 2014) and thus I wonder if the MX2014 is worth keeping given how much I love the M8.... but it is a good compromise between the N5 and the M8, and the M8 won't get Lollipop for ages.... argh....argh.....argh..... :confused::confused:

I prefer the size and screen on the N5 and also how cheap it is... less afraid of dinging it. It should also get Android updates faster and will have a better modding community. So I don't know! :( :D

FFS, just got off the phone with Motorola, since I have a different billing address (house) and shipping address (work) they put my order on hold. The icing on the cake is that their internal system is down so the rep couldn't even help me, so he will call me tomorrow with an update.

That's strange, my billing address and delivery address were different and I had no issue.
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Why would you engrave that - :confused:

Sorry I missed your comment. To answer - I dunno? If I put anything personal on it then it may spoil it should I sell it. I was going to remove it and do nothing but forgot to amend it. I'd put the order through so left it at that.
I can imagine that happening! lol ;)

Good move with "moto x" being inscribed on the back as you can easily sell it on. I think by the time that the Droid Turbo's announced and there's an international release for sure, you'll just be able to return the phone which will work out well for you.

Not sure what I'll do. Battery life I'm not too worried about though as long as it's similar to the old Moto x. Size may be an issue. I've not got small hands but worried the size may make it clumsy to use one handed. Bigger display will be nice. Only one way to find out :) The Droid Turbo is slightly bigger and heavier but specs look good.

Yeah and the padded room is really comfy and warm! The strait jacket's a tight fit though :D

Just so long as the nurse remembers to to give you your meds :eek:

I much prefer the Motorola view of Android: take what Google gives us, add some useful stuff to make the experience better but don't forget that Android as it is is good.

This, compared to the Samsung view: take Android, it's made by Google so change it so it doesn't even look like Android anymore. Add a feature that probably doesn't work - we haven't tested it - add a load more features, jack up the price.

Pretty much why I like the 2013 Moto X. Having had both Samsung and HTC phones in the past and messed about with rooting and ROM's, I've never felt the urge to do the same with the Moto X.
, I've never felt the urge to do the same with the Moto X.

I think i'd only root for Cerberus / Adblocker (If i could be bothered!)

Roll on delivery day. Only had the note for a couple of days and missing stock android already.

TW is still a mess (IMO). Just too 'fisher price' whcih is a shame as some of the stuff it pretty neat such as native Ant+ compatibilty so useful for my HRM when out on the bike or running.
My order stuck at first and would not go through (Had work as a delivery address) - thought it was the bank, but they said it wasn't.

Tried it again later but forgot to change the delivery address (It was set to the same as the billing address) and it went straight through - might just have been a co-incidence though??
^^Amazon by any chance?

So we both have new phones being delivered tomorrow. I just bought the LG G3.

Good to see us addicts buying phones as usual - the meds are definitely not working lol :D
Mines made it to HK Airport \o/ \o/ \o/

Got an email today to tell me my Moto X has left the building. It's now at local FedEx facility @ Shenzhen ... yay :cool: It's on its way.

Good to see us addicts buying phones as usual - the meds are definitely not working lol :D

Don't tell the nurse but I've been spitting my meds out once her back is turned :eek: They're all mad except me....
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