Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

I'd like to have handled one in a store really before getting credit card out but not available in any shop locally. I could have handled an iPhone 6 but it'd be a bit like a vampire and sunlight. I refuse to touch one for fear of burning my hand :D I choose to take no notice of the mrs's ramblings about how good iPhones are. To even handle one is not an option :eek:
Looking at the size it seems it only a whisker larger than the iPhone 6, and quite a bit smaller than the Note 4.

The iP6 is an OK size for me and the note feels a little too big after using it for a few days, so hopefully this will hit the sweet spot for me.

iPhone 6 size is a bit :/, iOS has a lot of things in the top left and the device is extremely slippery to the point that I have no confidence in trying to re-jigg how I'm holding it. I have no issue with this on my Nexus 5 which is bigger but a much more grippy device.
** Warning - this reply contains multiple Double Entendres!!**

Couldn't resist any longer and had to 'get it out'!! :D

Feels very nice in the hand too!.

Doesn't feel too big to handle and not as slippy as some.

Will report back more once i've had a proper play with it at lunchtime!
GF got hers too. I really should have just reordered, Motorola is just taking the **** now and still hasn't put my order through, got off the phone 5mins ago and there waiting on another team and have added a note to make my issue a "priority", if its not sorted by Wednesday I think I'll cancel it.
@AlecR I heard about the leather back getting dinged even before it's arrived. Still as long as it smells nice that's what counts eh? lol
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Stick another order in, and cancel the first?

Finally got back too me.

Unfortunately your order cannot be released by our transaction team due to some inconsistencies of the details of the order.
Trying to place a new order will probably lead to the same issue due to multiple order attempts that have sensitised our system to your details, Because the customised Moto X 2nd gen is not available in stores I would advise you to ask one of your friends to place the order. Alternatively you can buy the standard Moto X 2nd gen in other stores.
We apologise for the inconvenience,

Not sure wtf is going on, I only ever placed 1 order :s oh well think I wlll just skip on this. I've requested what inconsistencies they're referring too so I'll wait to hear back, just seems like their system blows.

The misses has reserved her device today so I will report back on battery life, she is a heavy users, lots of Snapchat, social media, messaging apps, news apps, if it can last her 1 day then most others should be fine
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Will know more about battery life after a few days so will report back,

But as for the handset, its a really , really, nicely finished handset, and feels smaller that its screen size would suggest (in a similar way to the original Moto X)

The soft feel of the standard back is nice to hold and the metallic red accents really add to the overall lock of the device.

Just finished setting up the touchless controls and active display and put my usual launcher of choice on there (Nova Prime).

Another 'sleeper' / slow burner from Motorola in my opinion.
Looks like the battery will be 'good enough' for me for everyday use.

Non scientific test, but typical of my normal routine.

Pulled it off charge at 3:30 is yesterday in work, and just put it back on charge now with 37% left.

2 Hours 40 Mins Screen time and roughly 40 mins on Strava.

Everything turned on (GPS / NFC / Google Fit etc)

My old moto X would be around 25% with similar usage.

Going to run it for a few more days and see how it goes.
Moto X 2014 is a really nice device. Was worried about the display (thanks anandtech review) but it looks really nice, it feel very light and extremely thin due to the curved design. It also very very fast.

Battery life wise GF device has 2:30 screen on time, and has been awake for 23hours and is at 32%. Not half bad for the first day.
Yay - on FedEx Van for delivery :cool:

Got a gel skin in anticipation yesterday for new X and either it's going to be a very tight fit or it's not as big as I imagined.
The handset is smaller than you'd imagine. In fact coming for a short stint with a note 4 it felt tiny.

It's nigh on the same size as the wifes iP6, but with a larger / better screen.

There's not a lot not to like about it. Yes a SD slot might be nice as would a 64gb option. Stereo speakers might be nice etc etc, but these are all small points to me.

The call quality is superb on the Moto-X as well.
Arrived yet?

MUST GRUMBLE - very loudly :mad::mad::mad:

They (FedEx) say the package was incorrectly addressed and failed to deliver and I was to call them. Now have done and I'm not right sure anything was wrong other than living in the sticks it's the sort of third world service we get. Upshot is they're going to deliver tomorrow. Only firm that delivers as promised to us is the firm Overclockers use .... DPD. The rest can be a shower of s***

Oh well hopefully tomorrow.

Permission to quiver bottom lip now :mad:
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