Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

12 Mar 2003
Arlington, VA
Still happy to wait for the full reviews to judge it on battery life, which is my only real concern.

Fallen god makes a great point - the LG G2 is smaller, thinner, and has a much bigger battery!
14 Dec 2007
Still happy to wait for the full reviews to judge it on battery life, which is my only real concern.

Fallen god makes a great point - the LG G2 is smaller, thinner, and has a much bigger battery!

They will have tested various scenarios with battery life - one would hope :eek: 'They' being Motorola. As you say see what the reviewers think once they had chance to try the phone for a day or two. Higher res and bigger screen does concern me somewhat with a battery only slightly bigger than the old X. With my use with the the now Old Moto X I have no trouble at all getting through the day. Off charge at 5:45am and sometimes down to 20% by 11:00pm if I've been in a bad signal area. Often as not there is more left in the tank and more like 40%.

Will I buy one? Not currently. Not to say in a few months time when Moto have an offer on I may be tempted. Whatever, size is a bit of a concern. Not sure it'll be too big to handle comfortably. Big stumbling block here is I can't fault the old X .... except the low storage and then Play Music solves that issue :)
26 Dec 2011
Still happy to wait for the full reviews to judge it on battery life, which is my only real concern.

I too am happy to wait and see what reviewers say about the battery life. My main wants are timely software updates, stock Android and decent battery life.

If the battery life is the same or worse than the Nexus 5 only then might I jump ship and look elsewhere however what with Moto releasing that turbo charger battery life may not be an issue.

Moto website itself has confirmed a single speaker if you look at the specs.

28 Oct 2002
Returning some videotapes
Such a pity - the Moto X (current) is up there with one of the best phones I have owned. The new one looks big (something the current phone is not, which is a real win in my eyes) and the battery looks too small for its screen size (the battery life on current X is great, again a real positive).
Gah, even the G is bigger. :/

Xperia Z3 compact anyone...?;)
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14 Dec 2007
^^ Agree with all that Christo

Not sure about the Sony. What are Sony's like for holding onto signal? Something the old X does very well. Or just keep your Moto X and save some cash which is probably what I'll do. Kona posted a link for Old Moto X at £250 which looks a bargain to me. More so as it'll probably get Android L and does everything you throw at it and more.

Moto seem to have caved to the silly trend to make phones ever bigger. How long before we are hauling a Nexus 7 sized phone out or pockets to make a call :mad:

How about a Moto X Mini/Compact? Oh wait, I already have one in the Old Moto X :D
9 Apr 2012
Something the old X does very well. Or just keep your Moto X and save some cash which is probably what I'll do. Kona posted a link for Old Moto X at £250 which looks a bargain to me. More so as it'll probably get Android L and does everything you throw at it and more.

The Moto X lies about signal in my experience.

In my area, it will die for a good 3 minutes (i.e. no signal at all) when an iPhone next to it gets 3 bars/dots.
28 Jul 2004
The Verge just reviewed the Moto X

Battery life was a little bit of a concern last year — it was good, but not great. It’s slightly better this year: the new Moto X has a slightly larger 2,300mAh battery and Motorola says its display is more efficient than before. The Moto X lasted 8 hours and 44 minutes in our battery rundown test, which is a strong showing, and I was able to get a full day of use out of it before needing to juice up. It’s not as long-lasting as the LG G3, HTC One M8, or Galaxy S5, but it should be good enough for most people.
14 Dec 2007
That review says battery life is better than the old Moto X in which case with my use it'll last all day no probs. Problem is everyones usage will vary so what is ok for some won't work for others. Still think they should have shoehorned a bigger battery in. Maybe a reason why they haven't - apart from to sell you a mobile battery charger they are marketing :rolleyes: Android L has reported to improve battery life so may help once available on new Moto X.
15 Jan 2010
I really think The Verge reviews are lackluster lately, find myself disagreeing with them more often then not. There's no way the phone deserves an 8.8 when they admit it has worse battery life then every other flagship out there, the camera isn't up to much, and the speaker setup is below par. They also gave the 360 a much better review then seems justified looking at other reports on the problems.
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