The trouble is, it doesn't matter what weight they set, teams will still want small light drivers.
An increase just means they can add more ballast where they want to.
I don't see a way of solving this. As a car and driver is so light, even a few kilos heavier want change anything. I think its just one of those things. Just like jockeys who get an advantage when small and light. Unless you increase the weight to say about 2000kilos then 5kilos of body weight isn't such a big percentage.
Oh yea definitely, I don't think there is anything wrong with it being a preference for teams but I think there needs to be a balance.
The worry is that talented drivers are replaced with not as good drivers because they are lighter if it gives too much of an advantage.
Can't imagine it's easy because people are different sizes and shapes but personally I wouldn't like to see it go to the extremes of horse racing as then we would no longer have the best drivers in the world... just the best small drivers