Still wouldn't be worth the risk of giving them an engine.
Newey's also a damn hypocrite. Complaining about how F1 is too engine performance dominated yet, when we had engine stability and maturity and it was far more aero dominated, he never said a word and was quite happy for Red Bull to dominate.
I've been following F1 for decades and this is the usual cycle. A team will rise to the top then fall back down the order again, then fight back and so forth. I've lost count of how many teams have been through this cycle, often several times, but I've never seen one throw such a petulant strop as have Red Bull. They just can't deal with not winning all the time and, barely a season and a half after winning four straight titles, they're ready to quit.
Go on then. Good riddance. Don't let the door smack you in the *** on the way out.