Motorsport Off Topic Thread

So RB and Horner just going to style this out? Pretend everything is ok and hope people forget about it?

What was the outcome of the FIA/F1 leadership meeting?
Given they "found nothing wrong" in their investigations, they dont have any other option but to stick to their guns and deny the allegations now.
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That didn't stop them launching an investigation into Suzie Wolff when there were rumours, and only rumours, she'd leaked confidential FIA info to Husband and F1 Team Principal Toto.
Well fia president posted a picture of prince Andrew and Max Mosley on his instagram
Ha, very true. Yay double standards.

Is it really though? The clear differential is that Suzie Wolf is actually an employee of the FIA and leaking confidential FIA information to a third party is gross misconduct. Any suspicion of gross misconduct should be internally investigated as it would be at any employer.

The FIA can't sack Horner because they don't employ him. At best they can kick RB out of F1 for bringing it into disrepute which is a hard argument based on the currently available information.

Edit: to be clear an investigation should be just that, an investigation. If nothing was found to be untoward, happy days and move on. If something untoward is found, appropriate action is taken.
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My god is this where all fish wives went when they stopped selling heat magazine. Who the **** cares. None of you would if it was your drivers team principle but you are desperate for anything to happen that might slight red bull.
Worse than that they are convinced that only their sad, warped and bitter opinions count when really all they are is engaging in petty pub gossip.Then when they lose the argument and the facts are shown to them they desperately take to personal attacks
Not worth wasting any time on them, they'll dig their own holes.
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