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Pretty bold statements from RTL in that article, including:

RTL weiß: Horner hatte jahrelang eine Affäre mit seiner Assistentin

RTL knows (not thinks, or believes, or has been informed) Horner had a years-long affair with his assistant.
As I said earlier this is the Streisand effect happening in real time for Horner & RB. Obfuscation and trying to hush or misdirect will always result in more prodding and poking and eventually the truth will out, the question is just how long they stick to their frankly daft approach to all of this.
RTL Germany reporting she's been let go with a €700k severance from RBR, that Red Bull increased to €1mil.

Sounds like they really want to civil case to end.

I know this type of thing is the way of the world in the corporate world, however, it still makes me so angry. This type of thing should be called out, person makes a complaint, HR decide no further action. Why does accuser need to be let go or paid to leave?

Could be a case of unwanted behaviour, but nothing that breaches company polices. Everything nowadays has to be so binary - rant over :mad:
If they end up letting Marko go I hope they lock him down airtight with an NDA cos he seems like the sort of bloke who would burn the whole place down if you crossed him.

In reality I hope they don't and he spills all the stuff going on at RBR since its inception :p
As a Merc fan, until next year, I have nor respect for Toto I think he overestimates his own ability. The rest of the team are led by a bunch of middle manager donkeys. In most large corps this kinda works, but that’s the great thing about f1, it doesn’t matter what you say the performance on track is clear to everyone. That among other reasons is why Lewis is leaving.
Toto is more business man than TP, and I think they went in a bit arrogant, not to mention they’ve been hemorrhaging staff. George would have nowhere else to go and they’re happy to invest in him, so doubt he’d leave. Lewis has options so it makes sense to leave.
I honestly think Horner should step aside. See how well the team do since apparently Marko and Jos Verstappen are the real brains behind the operation.
He wants the team for himself, the power play at the top of RB I believe want rid of the F1 team, Horner wants a piece of it if he can find funding.
He wants the team for himself, the power play at the top of RB I believe want rid of the F1 team, Horner wants a piece of it if he can find funding.
There have been rumours of Horner wanting full and complete divestment of the F1 team from Red Bull GMBH in Austria and therefore complete control of the operation. Apparently the Thai majority owners (51%) would back him and the team would retain the Red Bull. name but on a sponsorship agreement rather than ownership. Given Red Bull's current deals with Bytci($50m) and Oracle ($100m) very nearly pay the entire season budget by themselves RB are very close to requiring no funding from Red Bull Austria at all. Add in RB paying for sponsorship and the F1 team could be self sufficient, perhaps even run at a profit.
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