Hurry up and emigrate. You live in the south of England. Wussy.Ah man, wish the weather will clear up... been gagging...
Hurry up and emigrate. You live in the south of England. Wussy.Ah man, wish the weather will clear up... been gagging...
No thanks. No plans of moving to England.
You probably need to sort how you ride out, head over the top of the bars elbows out wide. More weight over the front will stop you sliding out everywhere. It feels unnaturual at first though!
Quite hard to find a picture to tell what I mean but -
Also watch videos (DH racing) and watch the position they use.
Think I'm going to book a hotel for wales for this Friday, worth doing BPW for two days or going somewhere else Friday?
You ride like a tampon, that would be the problem
At least your fitness is pretty up there, that's quite a trip... I can only manage the blue red blue (are you sure you did the whole red?)
Swinley and terrifying used in the same sentence... never thought I'd see the day.
Yea you can buy singles... people always end up spangling themselves or ducking off early.
Tried to ride with earphones in, but found it too unsettling not being able to hear my tyres.
I also doubt very much you'll find earphones that specifically lets sound in ... kinda entirely counter productive to what earphones try to achieve. Just buy whatever Sennheiser CX range fits your budget?
I hate the idea - off-road the sounds (and silence of) of the countryside are part of the point for me, plus hearing what the bike is up to. Commuting I err on the lairy side when I do it, so like to hear everything around me for maximum awareness.
I guess if I took up road cycling I might have to just to stave off the boredom