Mountain Mods U2-UFO or TJ-07?

apart from some sleaving & cleaning up and putting my matrix orbital in, pretty much done now.

Love the UFO best case i've ever had easily in both construction quality and use....had a CM Stacker,Lian-Li V2000,Lian-Li PC-70 (still have).


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also lapped my e6600 last night and put the d-tek fuzion in there to replace my storm. lapping has dropped my load temps about 7c-8c even though my IHS looked pretty good under the 'poor mans ihs test' screen. the d-tek looks to have helped a couple of degrees on the cpu but increased my flow overall so GPU temps have dropped too.

3.7ghz 1.4v 411x9

now it's upto you guys to post your shots ;)

time for me to enjoy my rig and play some games finally :)
Well done marscay - looks great. My UFO lands on tuesday - sure I saw a crop circle on the lawn this morning :D
The UFO has landed :D

My God its gorgeous(and huge!) - even better looking in the flesh! :D

When I first unwrapped it I didn't think it seemed as big as I expected - but now I keep looking at it, it seems to get bigger with every glance lol.

Now the fun bit starts. :D

Will start a project log later. ;)
w3bbo said:
The UFO has landed :D

My God its gorgeous(and huge!) - even better looking in the flesh! :D

When I first unwrapped it I didn't think it seemed as big as I expected - but now I keep looking at it, it seems to get bigger with every glance lol.

Now the fun bit starts. :D

Will start a project log later. ;)

Sweet m8. Looking forward to it.
it's funny that i was the last to order my MM case but the first to complete lol.

for the size it's extremely light eh w3bbo, and strong...great workmanship on the joints ....the best i've seen on a case. they cost an arm and a leg but you can definitely see where some it went.

i'm a bit bummed now i've finished tbh i really enjoyed building this beast.
Yeah thats the first thing I thought when I picked the case up - light. The paint probably weighs more than the case lol. Had a mini heart attack though coz a window had what appeared to be a big scratch down the middle, a quick rub and it was gone...phew. The build quality is something to behold tbh and no picture on the net can prepare you for how nice it looks in the flesh - even when its 'naked'.

I don't think I have ever 'finished' a case, I'm always adding bits, tinkering etc. Just finishing a few odds and ends in preperation and then I can finally start the build.

I think I was the first to order and last to recieve :mad: , judging by the posts on here so now I gotta make that count, which is going to take a hell of a lot of effort as they all look damn good in this thread!!!!
Bah, that's nothing! I went to the Parcel Farce depot to pick mine up and what normally takes them only a minute or 2 to find, took 6 or 7 minutes. The box appeared and looked fine. However I was very wrong. there was a lot of noise inside the box when moving it. I got the case out to find one of the windows completley shattered. There was a foot sized hole in the side of the box where somebody had played football with it. PF covered it up with a piece of paper with the dispatch details written in pen on it!! SOB's, luckily MM sent over a replacement window and rivets and I stuck another in. The other window is all scratched up due to this too but I never bothered to bring this up with MM.
Well I had 3 hours building time today and got a lot done. Motherboard, blocks, HD's and DVD's fitted aswell as all the fans and the PA 120.3. This is when the nightmare began.

I went out and bought a black ice GT 120.2 for the 2nd loop but it dont fit!!! The holes are just out enough to prevent both sets of holes lining up with the case - so much for the rear being compatible with HWlabs rads :confused: . I must have wasted a good hour trying different combinations but it looked poor no matter which way I tried. It was also VERY cramped and that was without any tubing being routed or pumps installed! So with that and the whiny D4 pump aswell as the orange dye not being to my taste, I am sticking to one (blue) loop until I get my 2nd GTX.

I took some build pics but now the batteries ran out aswell as my spare set. :cursing: Not having a good day lol.

Still the case is looking darn sexy :D
Bad luck w3bbo! You'll get there! Look at it this way - at least you'll never forget the build! They're always more memorable when something temporarily spoils your fun! ;)

Can't wait to see pics of the beast! :cool:

...when you've got new batteries! :rolleyes: :p

I might give the rad another try this afternoon. Gonna try and drill some new holes and hope I dont puncture the rad :eek:
w3bbo said:
I might give the rad another try this afternoon. Gonna try and drill some new holes and hope I dont puncture the rad :eek:
Be super careful! Measure twice, drill once! :eek:


P.S: You got the batteries for your camera yet! ;)
**56k beware!!**

I was gonna make a separate build log but I guess it would be better if all the mountain mods cases were in this thread as there is a wealth of info here already. I'll do as others have done and update as I go.

Here goes anyway :

Newly unwrapped U2-UFO with origianl top and powdercoated in black.




....and yes that is my foot, difficult to get no reflections on such a shiny case :D
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