MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Oh dear massive over-reaction to say the least, whoever this guy was and whatever he may have said what on earth has that got to do with the referendum.

Exactly this, nothing to do with the EU referendum, all because he may have shouted Britain First, who are pretty much a small gang of thugs, not a religion.

Mentally ill man possibly supports a gang of right wing extremist who are very small in numbers and they cannot and never will have any influence on the referendum vote because of the sad events of today.
Well there was a white eyewitness interviewed on the BBC news (since some posters seem to have trouble believing in the honesty of the ethnic population) who described the whole event and said he heard the man shout 'Britain first' or 'put Britain first'

Take that as you will

Yeah but Put Britain First is whole lot different than Britain First.
It doesn't take a giant leap to go from Britain First rhetoric to incenting violence, and it bares discussion if there is a link, mentally ill or not.

So lets say if had watched some films\tv shows like This is England, American History X, or any other that involves racism, immigration issues, Neo Nazis and the like then would you also consider that as a worthy discussion to be had as to the reason he killed her yesterday, i doubt it.

Linking this murder to anything other than mental illness is foolish, and those that do and those that try to gain from this tragedy need to be in a cell next to him.
When Lee Rigby was killed, were his killers immediately labelled as mentally ill? No. I don't then see why it would be the case here. This guy could have been radicalised by Britain First propaganda and carried out his attack knowing full well what he was doing - Anders Breivik style. Radicalisation isn't something exclusive to Muslims; it can affect any group with a grudge about government policy, perceived injustice or marginalisation.

Are you for real, typical waffle response again, do you actually look at facts before posting nonsense?

Those killers freely admitted why and for what reason they killed Lee Rigby, and live on Camera, in front of multiple eye witnesses.

Like in one of my earlier posts, if he had watched some violent racist anti immigration movies and tv shows recently, would you be blaming that to?

And again, has whatever he shouted been confirmed yet? Have you any proof that it is a fact he shouted Britain First?

This thread is the same as yesterday, same clowns posting aswell.
[FnG]magnolia;29638524 said:
It's very sad but not altogether surprising that the mods have had to remove so many posts from posters who want to conflate the tragic death of an innocent woman with their political views.

I know you're not ashamed but you should be.


Not surprised by this horrible development. The nationalist nutters have been hearing about immigrant invasions and loss of sovereignty for months, they have been urged to "take their country back", to defend it day after day on TV and various tabloids. If the report about the MP being a target is correct, then this is the direct result of that vitriol.

Bull ****
Thomas Muir (murderer) had a subscription to the neo-Nazi magazine National Alliance which had articles on guns (expected) and bomb making.

Try when doing your best research to get some right wing propaganda on this guy to spell his name correctly or get it right in the first place, it would help.

It is Thomas Mair according to the BBC and others :rolleyes:
[TFU] Thegoon84;29639222 said:
I couldn't care tbh.... I think its time donkey radical parties like Britain First get a taste of their own medicine!

If this was the other way round, you'd see poor Jo Cox on their ballot paper as they beg for votes.... Complete scum and everything Jo Cox stood against!

Britain first has no place in society... What really narks me off is the fact they ban and delete anything they don't like on their page! Even the BNP leaves people express their views! How can they get political party status when that's the case?

Absolute Joke, I just hope we continue to hound the scum for being terrorists because of that one time someone may or may not have shouted "Britain first".

When and where have this group of nobodies killed anyone to enable you to call them terrorists? Can you prove any of what you say along with others with your opinions?

Some of the craziest posts i have seen on here for a while, do people just but their keyboards and post?

How some people here and in the wider media are even comparing this to terrorism is beyond rational and using it just to support their EU agendas makes them scumbags, idiots.
So a toxic combination of mental illness and far right sympathies.

Correct, as i said earlier.

In fact, i would bet that 75% plus of people on this forum and in the whole of the UK are probably living within 200 yards of a man just like this, but before he did what he did yesterday.

And what i mean is, a loner, white but it could be any colour, mental health issues, probable poor upbringing, seems a bit strange to people who don't know him, has some quirks about him, maybe speaks to himself, gets drunk a lot, basically a strange person, or weirdo as he would be called.

So your all living next to a potential terrorist going by the logic of posters on here and in the wider media.

What are you all going to do now?
Typical media reporting how it was a lone nutter.

I have no doubt the years and years of constantly reporting our country is going down the pan played some sort of role in this, whether 'Britain 1st' was shouted or not.

Additionally because its a white male, the papers are changing their tune, if it was a muslin they would no doubt be shouting that from the roof tops along with 'leave the EU close our boarders' - we all know they would.

This kind of reporting should be banned.


Because it usually is.
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