MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Yea your right, it's the remain campaign that's gone too far here, not the people celebrating her murder.




Sick, I agree.
You need to calm down or step away from the keyboard for a while if you can't maintain a respectful approach to posting.

I apologise.

It just winds me up when the police have not proved what the motive is or was and people are still using what happened to suit their own agenda and even when they are outed they keep doing the same.

I wish everyone would wait for the reasons and why to be official.
Well according to the news media,he had bought a lot of Neo-Nazi literature,blamed the MP for not caring about the UK,and had mental health issues.

A toxic combination of factors which lead to all of this.

Sorry, i was replying to post as i read them, i only read the above recently. If true then it shows what another poster said earlier, some people with mental health issues tend to focus on a subject.

But nothing has been confirmed.
How many islam related attrocities vs one murder committed by a confirmed lone nutter where the political motivation is based on comments made by someone who has reason to lie.

That Guardian article is so suspect.

I couldnt have put it better.
No. You're the same type of person who blames video games for a murder if the guy also played GTA. A nut job is a nut job, they'll find an excuse to commit a murder, it doesn't mean anything or anyone else is to blame - unless there are external factors which are encouraging someone to 'go and murder all those people' such as ISIS. As far as I'm aware the Leave campaign have not called for anyone to be killed.

Very well said.
Pretty funny that since a few hours after the Orlando shooting, you posted

When even now 5 days later the official line is there was no direct links to Islamic terrorism, and he was most likely a 'lone nutter'

I guess waiting doesn't count when it's your own agenda your pushing....

I have already answered what you posted above earlier in the thread, shockingly it was pretty much the same rubbish as yours by one of your buddies.

There is a huge difference in the reasons why between Florida and this murder.
No proof whatsoever?

the police currently have it as a priority line of enquiry

If it's proved fallacious I'll retract it and suggest he's just a nutter, but so far the evidence appears to point to a politically motivated attack, No?

Obviously we all accept there are such things as right wing terrorists around the world.

Of course there are left wing nutters and religious nutters, killers don't speak for the majority one would hope in all cases.

Being reported as politically motivated and the right wing and Nazi stuff is being treated as a priority.

Fill your boots, you know who you are.
We can all read dude. Just because you started this thread doesn't mean you can throw digs around at will, whilst crying when someone says something you don't agree with.

Intolerance is what caused this mess in the first place - it's about time you opened your eyes to the fact other people are allowed to have an opinion also.

This isn't the Britain First website where the mods delete anything that doesn't agree with their viewpoint.

You can have all the opinions you like, i probably will disagree with many of them.

The first time i ever visited their website was yesterday to see what all the fuss was about, it took me 4 seconds to see what they are, a bunch of nobodies as i have said before in this thread, so what is your point?
How do you people get through the day?

He is unbelievable, does he know there is a huge difference if the word "PUT" is at the start of what the murderer said.

He is now repeating the same argument that again hasn't been proved or confirmed.
What huge difference does it make?

Put Britain First is not saying I support Britain First is it?

I can clearly see that if he did shout Britain First then he is saying he supports them, which is what people are saying\linking, and has in no way been confirmed.

If it turns out he did shout Britain First then it still has nothing to do with the EU referendum at all.

To be honest, whatever he shouted, it needs leaving out of the EU referendum, nothing to do with it.
Boy you'll look so silly if it turns out he did say Britain first, why are you so sure he never?

Why not wait for the facts, All we have is claim and counter claim none of us know what he really said nothing has been confirmed.

Why will i look silly, all i have said and repeated through this thread is that it has not been confirmed and wait for the facts, just like you posted above, or are you another one that hasn't read the thread from the start? I have also said that if he did say it then he probably supports them.

My main point in this whole thread though is that it has got nothing to do with the EU referendum either way.

So your post has no point.
Is your behaviour like the above on other threads though?
My position is based on the priority line of enquiry, witness statement and the fact that a left wing MP has been Murdered.

What is your position based on as it seems pretty biased at this point.

Here you go:

Top of page 9:

Mentally ill guy with very right wing views imo.

I gave my opinion many pages ago, mentally ill and with right wing views, it seems at the moment that is what the police are focusing on doesn't it?

Taken from West Yorkshire Police Website:

“We are aware of the speculation within the media in respect of the suspect’s link to mental health services and this is a clear line of enquiry which we are pursuing.

“We are also aware of the inference within the media of the suspect being linked to right wing extremism which is again a priority line of enquiry which will help us establish the motive for the attack on Jo."

Does that answer your question? If so what am i biased about? your making stuff up now.
Still amazes me how quick people are to affilliate other terrorist activities at the mere mention of the word "Allah hu Akbar" - yet refuse to believe it when the words "Britain First" are provided by multiple eye witnesses.

Anyways - for those who still think Mr Muir had nothing to do with Britain First - here you go - Photo has Dewsbury Town Hall in the background - would you look at that, guess who that is stood in the middle?


Lemme guess - he was just passing and got caught in the moment arazi?

Who? Frank?

The killers surname is Mair also :rolleyes:

And can you provide a credible source for the "multiple eye witnesses" claim please, i have asked before but you and the others ignored it again.
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