MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Frankly after 2 people have pointed out your duplicity on this thread you're as shameless as n11k posting here.

You mean wrongly pointed out, they and you have that opinion all because I start this thread and the Orlando one.

Silly children.
It is not my opinion that a terrorist is defined as: "a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."

If you think dictionary definitions are "my" opinion then you have simply again proved you are suffering from cognitive issues because you are suggesting that results from Google are somehow fed by my opinion, which is completely and utterly illogical.

More waffle, oh and there is that word again above.

Listen, you have been outed before in other threads about how you think you are so much more intelligent than other people on here and you even post that you are, do you not understand that when anyone reads your posts on how you think of yourself and the fact you even post you are vastly superior then there is probably one word that comes to their mind?

I'll let you figure out that 4 letter word Socrates.
Because she happened to be his planned target. Do you really think this guy thinks there's no other "traitors" out there??? So, in that case why did he yell "Death to traitors" as a plural??? :D

It's been confirmed anyway. He killed Jo because he thought she was a traitor to the country, as literally stated in court. She was not a traitor to HIM personally lmao, and that's why hes a terrorist.

Possibly that she changed or supported something that directly affected him, maybe the support or disability benefits he got help with that he no longer can get, so his hatred could have easily been for her, can't you even grasp that option?
MattyG also said his...friend...knew him well and that there was more to it that would come out soon enough.

Yeah but you know, asim18, stewy and the rest wont have it though even if it turns out true what mattyg said or if the same thing posted on reddit is true.
And there you go. Can you now see the possibility that this guy is peeved as a result of his mental health care being cut and she was too busy helping people half way around the world, abandoning her constituents. Wouldn't you agree that that could be seen as a cause to dislike someone?

So we have multiple possible causes which has been my point all along.

You're being slightly disingenuous with some parts.

Definite cuts which impact treatment. We know these cuts happened. It's widely accepted that the state of mental health care in this country is a disgrace. That gives 4 of your points motives of a personal grievance against her. Now given what Mattyg and links to the reddit thread have shown we have a guy who is mentally ill, is easily led, has a brother with links and involvements in far right groups.
Can you see now how we have someone being lead/pushed down a path that they do not fully understand?

I fully agree with what you say, exactly my views, but i am also holding out that because of his mental health issues (these have not been explained yet) and how bad or not they are then he could have been talked\coerced into this by others, but we will see.

I think people should not just take the words "mental health illness" too flippantly, we know who do, those issues can range from very mild issues to extremely violent issues like we have seen in the past few days.
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So are you saying when a typical terrorist you find in the media, blows up a dozen innocent people along with himself because he understands he will wake up in heaven with several dozen virgins at his disposal, is actually right in his understanding that he will wake up in heaven with several dozen virgins at his disposal? Double standards ahoy!

Yes but those "typical terrorists" are for the most part taught that crap and more from the the day they saw light through some lips.

You are born with no views at all, you are a blank canvas.
I'd imagine the police will be interviewing them as it is a priority line of enquiry. Though unsurprisingly I don't have inside knowledge of the witnesses at the scene, just what has been reported. Are you still doubting right wing connections at this point?

Erm no, like i have said before and on numerous times but people like you and asim18 seem to forget (mental health issues?), look at the top of page 9, here i will make it simple for you,

Mentally ill guy with very right wing views imo.
What makes you suggest I have "forgotten" the potential for mental health issues?

I think you need to rethink what i meant.

And do you still hold the view that i said he wasn't a right wing nutter?

You seem to have conveniently skipped that i posted proof above to show that you keep lying, page 9? The top post.
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a) You now accept it is a politically motivated attack and your earlier response to me was in error.

b) You continue to suggest it is not a politically motivated attack.

c) NVM Im running to my saaaaafe spaaaace :)

Ah politics. I don't need a safe place.

C = I repeated a post i earlier posted.

A = I have accepted it is a possible politically motivated attack, my response to you was before it become more widely known that it could be politically motivated. That is why i have not repeated it since, but you claim that i consistently did, you have been proved wrong again.
what was this about?

That was linking to the news that they was now treating it as possibly politically motivated over a day ago.

How the hell am i denying it being political with that post, i am showing that they are treating it as such????

Are you real or are you a bot.
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