MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

I can only hope that ultimately the courts treat it as a terrorism incident. As far as I can tell it meets all the requirements of such within UK law.

The trouble is with the current UK legal definition of terrorism, taking a smelly dump can literally be considered as a terrorist act!

The Terrorism Act 2000 is a complete joke. It's one of the reasons you see so many people getting charged as being a 'terrorist' when they're nothing of the sort. Even protesting against the government can be seen as being a terrorist act within that legislation. It's quite frankly bull excrement.

I always go with the "The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims" as being the true definition despite what our ridiculous law says. Granted, this muppets motivation does appear to fit that definition the more information that comes out about him.
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It seems to me that the terrible murder of Jo Cox must not be elevated to become a political statement. Acts of aggression by the mentally ill have in themselves nothing to do with politics and, in particular, the nature, tone and subject matters of the current referendum debate.

Was the 2010 attempted murder of Labour Stephen Timms by Roshonara Choudhry representative of those individuals against the 2003 Iraqi War? Of course it was not. Choudhry wanted to murder Timms and other MPs as 'punishment' for supporting the War.

Was the horrific 2013 murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby by Islamic Extremists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale representative of the British Muslim community? Of course it was not.

The same applies here in the case of Jo Cox. Thomas Mair is no more representative of UK voters concerned with matters like immigration, as Choudhry is of the anti-Iraq War lobby, and Adebolajo and Adebowale are of the British Muslim community.

It would be extraordinary and morally base to try to interpret the murder of Jo Cox as somehow symptomatic of larger problems in the UK. (Sadly some, for example Polly Toynbee, have done exactly this)
The reality is that a significant minority of Brexiters share the same sentiments as Thomas Mair, that is: left leaning, white politicians have 'betrayed' the country. They are 'traitors'. You see these people in the comments sections of articles, forums, and social media. Let's not deny there are many unsavoury, bigoted, and borderline racist types who support Brexit.

As an undecided voter who greatly values the pro-democracy argument of the Leave side, the idea of voting alongside and empowering people who share such disgusting views leaves me feeling really uncomfortable.
The reality is that a significant minority of Brexiters share the same sentiments as Thomas Mair, that is: left leaning, white politicians have 'betrayed' the country. They are 'traitors'. You see these people in the comments sections of articles, forums, and social media. Let's not deny there are many unsavoury, bigoted, and borderline racist types who support Brexit.

As an undecided voter who greatly values the pro-democracy argument of the Leave side, the idea of voting alongside and empowering people who share such disgusting views leaves me feeling really uncomfortable.

Then emigrate, because theyll be here regardless and arent likely to leave themselves.

This country is broken.
Does anyone else think that this time next week we will still be in the middle of some form of public disorders no matter what the result is?

Things are dirty and they are going to get worse over the next 5 days or so.
Legal kllings aren't murder.


That's not murder.

From who's point of view? Just because our laws say it ok doesn't make it so.
I'm sure if your in one of those countries that are fighting an outside army and one of your loved ones is targeted and killed. Whether innocent or not I'm sure you'll think they were murdered.
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