MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

The reality is that a significant minority of Brexiters share the same sentiments as Thomas Mair, that is: left leaning, white politicians have 'betrayed' the country. They are 'traitors'. You see these people in the comments sections of articles, forums, and social media. Let's not deny there are many unsavoury, bigoted, and borderline racist types who support Brexit.

As an undecided voter who greatly values the pro-democracy argument of the Leave side, the idea of voting alongside and empowering people who share such disgusting views leaves me feeling really uncomfortable.

They aren't going to be in power though are they, unless you are including the Tories in your statement. They'll still be sneering from their little holes after a brexit, they'll just have one less thing to sneer about.
Quick look at Britain First on Facebook, for example, suggests there are ~1.5m people who 'like' their content. I'd say that's a fairly reasonable number.

Britain First have farmed likes by posting statuses about animal cruelty and so forth in order to get likes. The number "liking" their page is wildly out of proportion of their actual influence.
Britain First have farmed likes by posting statuses about animal cruelty and so forth in order to get likes. The number "liking" their page is wildly out of proportion of their actual influence.

Fair enough - a bad example then.

To address the original question then, the influence is certainly there but it is a minority and that minority are going to be voting to leave. Not sure at what point one refers to it as a significant minority but we are arguing semantics at this point.
Had never heard of them until coming on here yesterday and hearing they are the new Al Qaeda from the hysterical lefties repellantly politicising the murder to bolster the failing Remain campaign.
Had never heard of them until coming on here yesterday and hearing they are the new Al Qaeda from the hysterical lefties repellantly politicising the murder to bolster the failing Remain campaign.

They all merge into one to be honest: BF, BNP, EDL, UKIP. Some more prominent and some more extreme than others.
So is there a suspected terror cell and are the police making further arrests? Are further attacks expected?

A few pages ago you spent your time imagining that we'd look silly for suggesting that there was any link to Britain First, now this. You are shameless!
Legal killings arent murder... HAHAHA, im sure everyone who fought in WW2 would agree wholeheartedly that it was worth all the "legal" deaths.

Whether it was worth it or not is irrelevant - still not murder.
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