MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

You keep associating that word with members on here, me, Dis86, who else, anyone without your opinion?

It is not my opinion that a terrorist is defined as: "a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."

If you think dictionary definitions are "my" opinion then you have simply again proved you are suffering from cognitive issues because you are suggesting that results from Google are somehow fed by my opinion, which is completely and utterly illogical.
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The trouble is you then need to define terrorism...

Me? It's already defined, these words are literally in the dictionary lol.

Terror = Extreme fear

Terrorism = the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

This man killed her to instill extreme fear into ALL people who are Pro EU. He didn't literally think killing one MP is going to immediately put Britain first and get us out of the EU just like that, his act was supposed to instil fear and terror into all other pro EU MPs. Something a terrorist does by definition.
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I was just pointing out your statement was utter crap. Just because a picture of someone appears on a website doesn't mean they support it.

In this case it's certainly looking likely that the bloke does however!

So my statement in the context of this case is...
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